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Everything posted by Justanotherone

  1. is it was a western 2 person matrass, no way she could have carried that out herself... smells fishy
  2. so much for coming back to play with his grandchildren, looooooooooooool
  3. singapore? I think they did a pretty good job
  4. monk with a car? monk with a dog ? bitten before... thais will never learn
  5. the special son, did he had down syndrome, that they keep putting that in air quotes?
  6. blm ? oh so sorry one of the 3 mansions of one of the founders burned down in the fires... self enrichement... the dude that died, was a criminal and swallowed drugs to avoid arrest, enough to kill an elephant
  7. are they not enough unemployed lazy bums in uk to do the job? force them the job or cut unemployment?
  8. trump should select a black trans women muslim american for the job in the uk.. representation and all
  9. hardly any people pay tax here maybe an influx of soy men that will file a tax return here? many muslim countries waiting to send the best of their prisons and low lives to TH to come and help with the numbers... maybe a new WP as inseminator
  10. a newborn baby, normally is more than 2 kg...
  11. school bus? hardly... cattle truck more like it
  12. so, did the head do a bad job allowing a gun to enter ? cpr is only good for people who are not breathing without big bullet wounds gushing blood
  13. put kids in charge of adult men with blue balls, in every country (look at the church), what could go wrong... this one likes mature women
  14. sex slavery ? promise of model contracts then forcing to become a 304
  15. look at the population of arab countries, yesterday saw docu about egypt exploding, reached 100 million++ and adding a few million each year... ready to go invade the soy men countries and take over...
  16. imagine being there on a holiday and you get trampled to death by some dude that was allowed in with an elephant...
  17. the first rule for not dying from bad drugs is, don't do them ? candadian with not so local name, is alcohol and drugs not HARAM ?
  18. keyboard warriors at best defamation laws, life being cheap here... so how much did you lend ? john wick wannabe...
  19. so many 40+ women on tinder, pretending never had any child... less people is a good thing, there is no pension pyramid scam like in the west, well 600 baht is nothing other poor slave countries can come fill the jobs thais don't want or can do, no pension or social security to be paid either the career women wake up one day, on the wrong side of 40, all alone and crying why they have no kid(s) or partner... thank god the farang does not mind leftover women
  20. why does CP not buy both and raise price as they done with makro and tesco or was it big c
  21. why ? a tax will also do nothing expect increase price the only thing that slightly might work is : healthcare is now out of pocket instead of free
  22. if too many, just shoot some if you cannot shoot because of fake beliefs, sell the right to some rich dude to come down one elephant stew for the whole village
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