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Rampant Rabbit

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Posts posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. 2 hours ago, milesinnz said:

    As a New Zealander, I can confirm that NZ is full of arrogant entitled p***** ... looking forward to leaving permanently... to SE Asia....


    In my many thousands of KMs of motorcycling in Thailand, I was ALWAYS stopped at EVERY road check point, even as Thai's without helmets passed by without being stopped.


    Once I was stopped about 3 times in maybe 20 kms (I have no idea what there were so many check points). I complained to the senior Police Officer there. He was very friendly. Funny, the next two check points I went though I was not stopped the only time this has ever happened = not being stopped at a Police check point.


    There can have been no possible sane reason why these two nutters ended up in the situation they did other than their own arrogance, entitlement and stupidity.


    I think too many western people tend to demand the same standards in a SE Asian country as they expect in their own country, forgetting that they are guests in this country and need to abide by the laws and customs of that country. As they say, when in Rome xxx xx x



    Come  on you cant have it  both ways, when in Rome you say ......so drive on the wrong side drive,    no helmet, through red  lights etc but then  "abide by the laws and customs" which one is it?

    • Thumbs Up 1
  2. Pity they cant give you an appointment for 3  weeks too busy protesting I  guess, friend in  the UK recently hurt his leg  falling off his push bike, it got swollen after a few  days, tried to book an appointment......3  weeks  later  finally saw a doctor who  sent him to A&E, 25 hours on a hard  chair then transferred to a reclining chair  with drip in  until got a bed then 6 days in hospital where they almost amputated  his  leg.

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, JBChiangRai said:

    I bought a new Toyota Vigo here years ago, I changed it for a Ford Ranger in 2013.  I was stunned at the difference in how they drove.


    The Toyota was noisy, badly sprung and fairly spartan inside for a top model, the Ford drove like a saloon car, far quieter, smoother and much more comfortable suspension too but it was in and out the dealership with niggly little problems.  Air con activators sticking, battery not charging properly, they could never fix that, even the guy from Ford's Thailand HQ couldn't fix it, they tried to tell me it was a special feature of the battery management unit (after they made me buy an unnecessary new battery).


    EV's are so much simpler, only 1% of the moving parts.

    I drove many manufacturers before deciding, I found the Ford  like a  wallowy sofa, didnt  like it  at  all. That said  the Ranger always did well in tests.

  4. 2 minutes ago, JBChiangRai said:


    Maybe you should buy another before 2035...

    im 87 now🤣

    Actually they do an electric version of this in China but towing and weight are  not good  on electric vehicles, its the same basic pick up chevrolet/;isuzu with a battery  https://www.qinglingisuzu.com/pure-electric-truck/qingling-isuzu-commercial-electric-pickup.html432876699_7691904714236176_4117597407646270437_n.jpg?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_eui2=AeEgertzSD26pd3kcRu5Dvn9KPe0EtTPXf4o97QS1M9d_ulPd321AmIEwECGS8QX5-MknFtxNz-STRDTHHMgjgsx&_nc_ohc=qh0MFse3i7MAX_qzwun&_nc_ht=scontent.fbkk5-3.fna&oh=00_AfC3o2gOd4M4FvLmzLlTPe6zK4DOX2gzg6j-kmNpZV1ESA&oe=65FB3F97

  5. On 3/16/2024 at 10:02 AM, JBChiangRai said:


    I think your figures are off but not by much.


    The important thing to recognise is that sales and market share is accelerating.  Thailand is on it's way to mass EV adoption.  In another 11 years your only option for a new car will be EV.

    No problem I bought one spare, I think its done 10000 km in 5 years, it hides in my garage , gets  run once  a  month, the other one used  daily should see me good for another 20 years........if they still sell diesel, who  knows? no one really. Cant see rural Thais  giving up their diesel pickups especially with the overloaded crap they carry.


    • Confused 1
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  6. 32 minutes ago, sandyf said:

    No, it never is for the majority of this forum.

    For many Thailand lives in Isolation to the "rest of the world" and only they are open to derogatory comment.

    They are an emerging economy learning from world leaders so the "rest of the world" has a significant bearing on the the matter, irrespective of what you want to think.

    its  not  about what I think its  about following the forum rules, unless of course those rules  have now been changed, which they may have as it appears something else we cant discuss  has had a big  overhaul.

  7. 11 hours ago, Tropicalevo said:

    You are assuming that they have money and a steady income stream.

    Wrong Assumption.

    Maybe if  they saved it  instead of  spending it, is  my assumption. Dont see any Thais without a  phone, or motorbike, or iced drink, alternative bicycle/walk/water. 

    The steady income stream, well out  in the boon ies this is what many do............work a few  days then buy beer, dont work a few  days, rinse repeat. 90+% make their own poverty

    • Agree 1
  8. 7 hours ago, WhatMeWorry said:

    I would encourage you to join your condo committee but be aware that the Thai members will not take you seriously. The Thais are so cheap, they do not want to maintain their buildings. All they are concerned about is keeping the maintenance fee down and collecting their rent money.

    Correct, keeping the building looking  good is  irrelevant to them, the fact it  might make their properties  easier to sell and at a higher price  is  irrelevant, only "today"  matters  to them.

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