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Rampant Rabbit

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Posts posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. Wifes  condo has  full height curved windows  all round many rooms have this, the windows were filthy and whats the point having a  good  view thru dirty windows. She  suggested they were cleaned but most  owners  dont want to pay for it. Result they never get cleaned, in the end  we  paid for spiderman to clean ours.

    Point being many Thais dont  care  about  what you  might.

    Another thing was  no  rubbish bins, Thai reasoning , dont  look  good but  crap blowing everywhere, no problem.

    llroom (5).jpg

    • Haha 1
  2. 1 hour ago, sandyf said:

    Indeed, Thais are taking lessons from a major economy.


    Key information about United Kingdom Household Debt: % of GDP

    yeah but its  not  about the "rest of  the world"

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, bob smith said:

    that's my tipple for today.


    I am pressing the self destruct button.

    I am powerless against the booze.


    AA wont do anything for me,

    nor will telling myself I have a problem.


    The sun is shining, the ice is cold, what's not to like?

    Tonight I am heading out with a few thai friends.

    They said they will give me pointers on how to be more thai.

    I will observe them, see what they do and try and copy.

    they are all hard drinkers.





    keep  going youll get there in the end.............

  4. 1 hour ago, advancebooking said:

    Years ago I met an American airline hostess at the beer festival in Munich. She visited me in London and I decided to take her to Paris. We visited a famous theatre there and she pulled me into a disabled toilet and banged me. Its not as good as doing it on the stairs at a shopping centre at the sex capital of the world but still very romantic. 

    I met a  woman (inmate) once in a psychiatric  clinic, she  told me she had a pierced  nipple, proceeded to show me then dragged me to the toilets for  a  shag, I think she was  bored

    • Haha 2
  5. 27 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    "Phones" seems to be the new trend.

    I saw a couple of people with a phone in each hand. I guess those must be very important people... 

    I d prefer to shove it  up their  arses, incredibly rude when I see  people at checkouts dont even look at the person there dealing with both staff an customers, head buried in phone.................guess  "old  school" and politeness is now  a  dirty word

    • Like 1
  6. 16 hours ago, Gilligan In Drag said:

    I would not trust Thai doctors with my eyes, in fact my cataract is as a result of using medication prescribed

    by a Thai government university hospital doctor/opthamologist. I was alerted to the problem and warned off the medication by a third party by a pharmacist in Bangkok who was aghast regarding the medication

    I was asking to have refilled. He told me it was a ridiculously strong and dangerous medication to be using for my

    problem, he asked me with visble concern in his tone,"Who asked you to take this medicine? is this your idea or something? I said no I was given it for blepharitis by an eye doctor and due to go back to see her in a few weeks. His widened, "how long have you been using it, two weeks, three weeks?" I said "Four months." he nearly jumped out of his skin, "Oh my god man! STOP! DO YOU WANT TO LOSE YOUR EYESIGHT!"

    He kept asking me, "Are you sure you are still under the doctor's care and advice  I said yes she keeps having me come back again and again, he

    said sounds like shes running an experiment on you and you need to stop using this medication and never go back to her office, Stop now!"


    My eyesight indeed was quickly degeneratingand I told him about it and he said surely its the medication. "That is the most disgusting thing i hjave heard all day, nobody uses that medication except for very serious conditions that won't clear up otherwise.


    i went to check with another specialist a Bangkok Hospital opthamologist who told me I now had a cataract and that the medication was a good cadidate for what caused the cartaract. She did want to get involved I don;t think and said she had never heard of the medication I was given and recommended I get surgery.


    The husband of a friend of my wife, has had his lenses in his eyes  replaced and advised me "Don't do it.

    You'll be going in and out of the clinic to fix this fix that for the rest of your life, they trashed my eyes.

    They did a terrible job with the surgery and there's has been on and off complications for years"


    I think I'd rather go blind, utterly fed up with the medical profession.

    Thanks for the report, I have to  look at  all sides and  it  appears  many have had  success, sorry to hear yours didnt work out.

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