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Rampant Rabbit

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Everything posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. so no helmets, driving the wrong way up one way streets, driving too close, throwing rubbish anywhere etc etc
  2. if u notice they can link global warming to ANY tax increase and mitigate the res[ponses to "saving the planet" and who can argue with that.
  3. u need to live here longer i remember when it was 13.1c one morning many years ago Pranburi
  4. Yes I knew that a while back as ze Vife told me.
  5. im interested how you decide which laws to follow and which to not follow? Like the one on major roads where there is a service road and all the Thais drive on it as a 2 way road despite signs saying NO ENTRY making it one way only.
  6. Taxed my pick up today in Pranburi has at least 2 speeding tickets, not mentioned, taxed ok. Someone said a while back when taxing there car there that they had to pay fines before tax was given. Anyway theres an update, didnt pay any fines. ps save me the menace on the roads crap replies......nah knock yerself out go for it after all one of them was 121kph in a 120kph gasppppppppppppppppppp poor Timmy Somchainever stood a chance The other was a 116kmh in a 100kmh when changing lanes from the 120 lane to the 100 lane ( what a dumb rule that is) when it was empty. Im sure there's others but I file em in trash or maybe I should do as the Pataya guy did and eat them?
  7. well piss my pants and call me grandma............in the "world" really? I cant see that anywhere, just November right? ie not in the rest of last year? and not just in China? I got 1 toyota 2 vw 3 byd https://www.focus2move.com/world-cars-brand-ranking/
  8. Look, Jing hasnt got much to do every day and he needs an outlet
  9. Thats almost EVERY OWNER IN THAILAND, but correct
  10. He was a lovely dog wouldnt hurt a fly, hoepfully hes been rehomed in a childrens orphanage as that would make sense in Thailand. Face it theres an awful lot of fukwits in Thailand especially when it comes to dogs. Definition fukwit. Anyone whose dog isnt on a lead
  11. Im doing that now but its like dealing with retards, told the wife tell em exactly what you want Toyota Corolla Premium Luxury NEW ONLY/colour etc and that we are cash buyers dont want any stupid tinted windows or window deflectors , mats, vouchers or any other worthless crap and the maximum budget of 1050000 baht ( thatll make em wince) list 1.2million Most offfer the wrong model the wrong colour, some secondhand...................duh its "cant you read time" with them. Anyway you c an cleave at least 100k off a current corolla premium luxury but Im after another 50k, will see what transpires Toyota sells a lot more Yaris Cross than Corolla Cross although both are crap IMO but its fer the wife and its her money, no she doesnt want electric, buyers market dont know how many of these sellers stay in business
  12. just one word then, no thats wrong ...3, Jack The Ripper
  13. Same at Birmingham and Manchester ( what a dump that is)
  14. service and less paperwork...............oh sorry forgot it does exist when baht is added
  15. probably think its great and aspire to be the same is the sad reality
  16. and when 1 person doesnt burn some leaves that aimless goal will have been achieved, She sure looks like a high achiever and all that wealth so young , must be right, even their gardener is a multi billionaire
  17. at least they left with all their arms Soppy bend over Police practices "dont offend anyone" except the mostly law abiding people who get screwed for everything.
  18. and piercings, a loud voice, a pony tail if male and anyone usually young kids using the word "like" in everything they utter....like
  19. u need to upgrade your wife, she forgot to get some smart BMW's....sorry Buffaloes
  20. there was another similar incident a few months back, people are vile.
  21. Theres no need to attack anyone but lets call a spade a spade and not a fork nothing to do with acceptance, what next square is round?...............and "she" is a spade
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