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Rampant Rabbit

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Everything posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. why dont the embassy keep their beak out of it, probably only doing it so they can have even less work
  2. i wasnt condemning it i was interested how many follwed their "parents" in such a way you often see kids do what their Fathers/Mothers did
  3. itll be funny when normal men become trans women to avoid it all
  4. id like to see a study of how many of those raised became gay themselves when older
  5. yet we're all travelling at over a million miles an hour......
  6. Thatll be a neat trick........he'll be telling us he can walk on water next!
  7. What all these narcisisstic sods dont realise is that after the surgery it makes them look 10 times uglier along with the UK stupid trend for trout pouts and painted on eyebrows, nose ,lip ,ear, cheek ,ass, belly button, eyebrow piercings all topped off witha few tatts really screams "Im different".....when reality is they aint, they just look a frikkin mess.
  8. Look like a right bunch of ole slappers to me , virtually all of them, is the latest style "pros on parade" Flying into Manchester airports bad enough, its a dump of an airport.
  9. Better not tell the japanese whaling fleet........ what a f,mess.
  10. Quietly ignoring Nellie in the room that johnny foreigner will have to pay 35% more for his "investment" Yeah that's gonna work alright. Of course a simple "any money invested in condos" will be exempt would fix that in a second, but thats too easy.
  11. Huh, Unions should be supporting "their" workers not wasting time on this crap, nothing to do with work at all Maggie had the right idea to stamp on their BS....Labour of course will sop up to them.
  12. I regularly use that road, its atrocious way worse at night , badly lit, badly signposted and whats often the case is lorries hogging the outside lane for the entire stretch when theres often plenty of room for two vehicles. Its a disgrace...............only a short while ago since a section fell on a car killing them wasnt it?
  13. No, if in conduit you can just pull thru the new cables.
  14. you seem to be under the impression these are "my" jobs, theyre nothing to do with me, my Wife works in real estate she regularly gets asked to fix things for owners in numerous rooms , all these are of rooms in the last few months where workmen have turned up to " fix" stuff, sometimes its the buildings technical man whose done the work other times other contractors, some even from Homepro. If she mentions the work being wrong they ALWAYS say that another way it either cant be done that way ( which is usually a lie and they think what does she know etc) or they dont know how to do it themselves or are too lazy or a combination of all three, and sometiomes theyll just plain leave, they dont do criticism well at all NO MATTER how you put it and as shes Thai she knows only too well anything has to be said in extremely gentle ways. Its not just her, nuemrous ladnlords have the same issue, its at the point now when they ask her she'll either decline or say she'll try but cannot guarantee itll be good as the landlord themselves have tried and also failed to find a single decent worker. Its been like this for YEARS think 15+ as shes been doing that kind of work since the days when new condos announced were sold out and people used to queue down the road to put down a deposit on them. Who remembers that period? I have almost nothing to do with any of it but show her how it should be done usually with photos and you tube videos which she'll show the workers who of course " say can do" as we live far apart ie 250km but meet up every few weeks as I dont want to live in BKK. You can see the same mistakes over and over through hundreds of rooms. An easy example is look at where Thais put a door stop.............right close to the bottom door hinge so when the door hits it it starts to rip off the bottom hinge using the power of leverage when it should be farthest from the hinge at the end of the door arc. Go check your own door stops
  15. Something I always thought at the time of the punk music era which I still see along with rap as utter tripe.
  16. Hope it improves for you soon Simon, always enjoy your posts.
  17. Youre funny...........gone from the one upmanship of Business class flights to one upmanship of Rolex
  18. Just waiting for Hezbollucks to announce total and utter victory there, hilarious
  19. Hmmmmmmmmmm how to answer, none so blind that they cant see. Or lets say "standards" vary between people. Most work here is crap. Oh and to the other poster commenting on language abiliuty, doesnt matter what language you speak it makes no difference to the outcome of the job..........Wife spends all day trying to find workers to do jobs let me find some pics of what she sends me of Thai repair work....its comical.... here few weeks ago workman fittined new hob............. the quality shines thru! but wait let me guess its my Wifes fault for this almost weekly occurence, and that of her friends in the same line of business and all the other lnadlords she's known over the last 20 years. No wait again , let me guess, you get what you pay for right..........so 1000 baht for fitting a hob in a hole thats already there. Got it, I mean it is a whole hours work after all ( sarcasm off)ok last try "would you work for 1000 baht a day" yes happily as its not relevant, in the UK Id be happy to get double the usual daily rate.......... neve r mind Im sure they can do grouting right ......oops maybe not.........as an insight wife rents rooms out as do all her friends this is the " quality" they normally get. Three different rooms, the last "leaking" one had been "fixed" days before............yes siliocne fixes everything in Thailand, the room this happened in they gave up an asked me to fix it, I told them silocone wont fix it you need to retile your balcony which had been done by the developer years ago " badly" nas in most cases Thai tiling whilst looking pwetty is not done well, tap all the tiles in your hosue and see how many are hollow..........They asked me to strip and retile their balcony in the end , which I did for free as they were nieghbours in the same building. The tiles literally fell off their balcony My Re tiled photos, 30+ years on construction in the UK. all these photo just in the last few months but this goes on month after month. The leak in the ceiling the office told them was !silicone" round the neighbour aboves windows so they neatly resealed it............I told the neighbour it was the balcony tiling that was <deleted>, and as soon as I ripped the floor out there was a great big tennis ball sized hole under the tiles into the room underneath letting in water with heavy rain on their balcony..........never mind the office " fixed" it with silicone..........except it did nothing. But my personal favourite and outright winner for the year is the fitting of an extractor fan, the owner of this room wanted it through the ceiling or boxed in but got this,,, several attempts mistakes later the brackets really make it shine......what she requested was in the last photo of a kitchen I did boxed in with REd section highlighted........Oh yeah I have nothing to do with this quality work but I send my Wife photos of what she wants to show them before any work is done. grout etc Last shots the balcony I was asked to fix, tuiles fell off, floor jet washed, sealed with pva and retiled with proper tile adhesive not slop cement.....hole in corenr that was letting in water UNDER the loose tiles, that according to " maintenance" was leak round window (NOT)
  20. Over the years (20+) ive tried to find people to do almost anything here Id say 90% are useless, probably the same with the uni graduates. Do everything myself mfor the last 15 odd years, saves time , money and headaches.
  21. (UK citizen) I know they arent protected like UK banks are up to 85k but I dont plan on holding huge sums with them. What are ATM withdrawal costs on the Thai side? Anything else I should look out for? Would I need a UK phone for 2FA, my credit card co. in the UK RBS does "email "2FA which I prefer I wont if possible use a phone app prefer to use it through a laptop.
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