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Rampant Rabbit

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Posts posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. 3 hours ago, Bandersnatch said:

    You clearly don’t have solar and yet you are posting in the Alternative/Renewable Energy Forum where many of us here have had solar for years.


    Is  that a requirement  before  posting then, Ok  leave you to it like many other  taboo  subjects  such as  global warming, transgenders, racism,  EV's solar   is now in that category it seems. U may delete  all  my posts.

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  2. 5 hours ago, Bandersnatch said:


    I have a rainwater harvesting system that provides drinking water and household water and 2 filter systems to provide the different qualities of water. All Grey and Black water is processed and returned to the garden






    Thanks to Ruben from http://www.h2o.in.th/






    Having had  rats inside a  building here gnawing at pipework I  hope u have some sort of protection for that lot

  3. On 2/6/2024 at 12:42 PM, kwilco said:

    Thailand has a similar number of collisions per day to the United Kingdom.

    126k  UK  https://www.comparethemarket.com/car-insurance/content/road-traffic-accidents/

    Thailand 939k https://www.nationthailand.com/thailand/general/40023780


    yea looks  pretty  similar to me give or  take  800k must be the  Thai  calculator....pls  respond  with at least 5000 words or more or get the guy who tells us hes been here 20 years or more to chip in, I promise I wont be  reading it😉

  4. 19 hours ago, JensenZ said:

    Sounds like an exaggeration to me. On the 280km return trip to Bangkok yesterday, and in Bangkok, I did not witness a single accident over 2 days. That's a lot more traffic than on your horror trips to Hua Hin... however, most of the reported accidents would be motorcycles, and riding among countless thousands of them every day, I don't witness accidents as often as you would expect... over nearly 20 years.

    ive  always  had a good🤪  eye.

    My trip is  about 250k each way I  live  past HH. I  guess  I must have imagined the whole thing, you  know come to think of it  youre  right, Ive never  seen better more  caring,  safer, unselfish drivers anywhere in the world. Ever drive at night....

  5. 1 hour ago, GammaGlobulin said:

    Have you noticed that there are fewer common mynas in Thailand, these days, compared to a decade ago?



    Yes or no....


    I say there are fewer, and far fewer.


    The myna is the greatest of birds.

    Where have they gone?


    I wish they would come back.


    Normally, these birds seem to be most plentiful around here during the months of February and March.


    Last year, they seemed to be quite sparse.


    Hope it's not so.


    Come back to me, little birdie!


    Such a wonderful bird, in so many respects.


    Come back, I say!






    I get flocks of them fly  over the land at head  height  around 6-7am everyday......so no   still many about, but best I ever saw was a  group of 6  Hornbills  fly over, only ever  seen them once  very low easily identifiable, had   Peacock a  few  months back appear otuside my garage. 

  6. 20 minutes ago, kwilco said:

    You need to understand the stats. And how to analyse and interpret them.

    One needs to understand how they are gathered and how they can be used to draw some conclusions but not the amateur rubbish you read here .

    Depending on which stats you look at it becomes clear that it isn't the number of collisions it is the number of injuries and fatalitiesnper collision where Thailand falls foul.

    A lot of the anecdotal comments are just confirmation bias from people who simply don't drive enough here or at home to make any realistic comparison.

    Remember the plural of anecdote is not data

    I know from driving in the UK that I rarerly  came  across any severe accidents  like I see here pickupsd  sliced in half, brains  all down the road motorocyclke riders cut in half as a lorry goes over them etc, UK daily  roadkill 3 I think, Thailand pick a number 65-100 daily

  7. 48 minutes ago, impulse said:


    Go out and work in a field for $8 or $10 a day and see how eager you are to do it again the next day.  Or leave the house every morning with 50 baht in your pocket (because that's your discretionary money for the day, to buy food and water and whatever else you want) and see what kind of a mood you're in. 


    I think the oldsters do it out of habit from before globalization when they could buy food and necessities for a 3rd world price.  Now, the product of their labor is shipped out to the highest bidder around the world.  And they can't afford it.  Kids in Thailand today know they are well and truly screwed.


    No problem at  all Ive been doing that for  years, built 4  houses  by myself ( i dont mean supervise I mean lay thre blocks) take  care of 5 rai of  fruit, so the choice is $10 or  none at  all, pretty  simple  choice, work hard  save hard, start  young and save. Alternatively  whine an moan how lifes  not  fair. On top of  that certainly  no one  around Prachuap  will work for  less than 400 a  day.

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  8. 35 minutes ago, JensenZ said:

    Statistically, the road carnage in Thailand seems high, but you know the saying "There are lies, damned lies, and statistics".


    For statistics to be meaningful, there needs to be a detailed analysis considering all factors...


    I read that north of 90% of Thai people use motorcycles, which leads to questions:


    What percentage of reported accidents, injuries, and fatalities involve motorcycles? What percentage of accidents involve public transport? What percentage involve motor vehicles?


    Considering how many motorcycles are on the road, there wouldn't be many countries that could compete other than some other Asian countries like Vietnam and Indonesia. Comparisons with Western nations are irrelevant.


    Having ridden motorcycles around Pattaya for nearly 20 years as my sole form of transport, it has always surprised me how few accidents I have witnessed firsthand. I would expect a lot more considering how many motorcycles are using the roads, and the number has increased a lot since I first came here. I rode 11 km today in peak traffic in Bangkok on a bike taxi without a helmet and felt quite safe. I think overall, the riders are more skilled than we give them credit for. 



    I on the other  hand have seen a  badly mangled vehicle on almost every single  drive dow to Hua  Hin from Bangkok and Im  up and  down monthly, car upside  down lorries  upside  down, cars in ditches etc etc.......very rare to see that in the UK, compound it with almost total lack of seatbelt wearing and theres the answer. Having said that.....I wouldnt change a thing as I hate the UK's  ridiculous over nannified road safty/fundraising speed  camera infested  laws.

  9. On 2/6/2024 at 7:32 AM, stix40 said:

    Always in a hurry

    Cannot wait 

    Always some one  up your arse 

    Overtaking on the left

    Overtaking on the hill

    Overtaking on the bend 

    Looking at Facebook

    Looking at a movie 

    Cannot see out of the windscreen because it's 90 % tinted

    Cannot see out of the windscreen because of budah structures or luang  por figures

    Cannot stop because because there is 6 ton in a 1 ton pickup 

    Cannot stop because the breaks don't work

    Cannot steer properly because the front wheels are not touching the ground due to weight distribution


    Please feel free to add to the list 😜



    when confronted on their awful behaviour (and they know it) pull out a  machete.

  10. 2 hours ago, flyingtlger said:

    Population decrease is happening all over the world where the cost of living is getting too high.

    On the other hand, the population is increasing where there is not enough to feed the population.... 

    its  not the cost of  living its the standard  of  living which that filthy dirty  polluting carbon beclhin oil has  given society, Thank you OIL which has raised standards of  living no end and thus the need for umpteen sprogs. Oil really is black gold. Undervalued and  slagged  off.

    • Confused 1
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  11. 23 minutes ago, Mywayboy said:

    Thai Maths are never the most reliable.

    They don't need to increase the population they need to improve poverty & social security services. 

    There are two classes Mega rich & majority Mega poor.

    Government needs to address this problem,  not trying to increase Poverty 

    I see those "megapoor" in the  vilage  daily  supping those 40 baht drinks............mega boneidle in many cases.

  12. 20 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

    Open the country up to professional working immigrants, problem solved.

    If you want to keep the country largely Thai and closed to long term workers/residents then pay your nationals a livable wage and they will breed.

    They make it ridiculously  difficult  enough with paperwork for the Burmese already and then you must name the work they can do and only for you.....why not just a single work permit for ANY job ANY employer......nah too  simple.

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