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Rampant Rabbit

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Posts posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. 8 minutes ago, thesetat2013 said:

    Those big trucks are supposed to be in the left lane... I hope the driver is charged for his illegal actions causing bodily harm. Ohh wait, I forgot this is Thailand and being charged for driving  offences means paying off a bribe. 

    They  hog the  right hand lane  at  night and WILL not  move  over, when you flash them despite the other 2  lanes being empty they put  on the right indicator, you  have to undertake......then slow down in front  of them and put  on the right indicator...........they really dont  like that!

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  2. I was kind  of  in this position 12  years  ago, i had a  really  nice  house i wanted to build (I didnt do it), I gave  up, after  seeing how the Thais  work in genera, instead l  built  physically myself my  own houses, laying each  block myself and doing everything by myself and a much simpler design not the photo. It  will be an endless  headache.......ps  its  almost imossible to find  decent staff  as  well, 99% are useless and lazy. Over 12  years Ive had 2 good  staff, doesnt  matter what you pay them they leave at the drop of a  hat and dont think Burmese  will do much of that type of work now for you either, they want factory jobs with overtime. They too are moving  away from this type of work. You'll be forever  having problems with faults  leaking pipes and dont forget the useless" 1  year" guarantee if they dont do a  runner halfway through. Put it  this way..............do you have a full head of hair currently?


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  3. On 1/30/2024 at 8:05 AM, jimrod said:

    I've already bought the latex, but this 'ready to use' one might have the latex banished to the cupboard. Thanks.

    and  now my revelation........40 years as a  decorator in the UK, you  will need a  plumbob anything heavy with some string will do or laser  level, a  seam  roller, paste  brush ( I never  used a  roller) walls need a  thinned  down coat of paste OR you can get a small garden sprayer and  some pva adhesive not waterproof  type (lanko 751?} with water and spray them in minutes, turn off the aircon it will dry slower, paste  table  dont do it on the floor, let the paper  soak for the time  said  on the paper or give it 3-4  minutes folded  over on itself, brush paste to the edges in a fan shape not straight, dont get paste on the paper face it  will leave shiny marks, get some stanley knives to cut it not  scissors after 4-5  cuts the blade  will be blunt, turn it round or  chuck it, you can overlap  joints and cut through  both sheets to give a  perfect joint but to do this you need a brand  new unused  blade anything else  will be blunt......i probably papered more rooms than any member here with every type of  paper  known to man including Lincrusta which had to be soaked for 30  minutes before  hanging. Ive used  paper costing hundreds of  pounds a  roll to woodchip at 99p a  roll.

    To remove any paper garden sprayer, washing up liquid and TIME , let it soak if needs  be for over an hour with multiple sprayngs, vinyls  need the top layer peeled off first those hole spike  things were useless imo and I had a  steamer too but rarely used it. Sometimes on woodchip which is a  sod to remove especially when years of vinyl emulsion on it, id leave the steamer in the room for an hour until it was  like a  sauna  to soften it. You couldnt see one end of the room for the steam. Take  your time.......I dont  miss it and would  not  have paper myself hahahahaha

  4. 2 hours ago, retarius said:

    TBH I haven't flown them since 2008. It was a business class flight from Tokyo and the service was appalling. Never again, Fool me once....

    Theyre  all the same, Oman Air, Gulf Air, Emirates, |Turkish had crap service from all of them......all Business  flights, none of them could  care  less  about the customer anymore. Best flight I had Sri Lankan air, old  planes great crew and service.

  5. On 1/22/2024 at 6:46 PM, Denim said:


    Back in the UK vinyl records are collectables. People are not soley interested in the music on the vinyl but more because of their growing historical and nostalgic value. For example , a first pressing of Pink Floyds Dark Side of the Moon can and does sell for 1000 pounds !


    Back in the UK in September I decided to clear out a lot of my stuff from my mothers house where it was stored.  Adverts in the local paper for all sorts of thingws and I sold about 70% of the things I put up. The item that sold the fastest and easiest was my 40 album collection from the 70's and 80's for which asked and received 160 pounds from the first interested party. The phone continued to ring for a week after I had sold them and didn't stop until I took the advert down

    Thats interesting as my Dad who died 8 years  ago was an avid collector, he had a  friend who worked for Decca ( head of sales  southern region in the UK) from 1950-1980, he  only  liked  classical music, he has thousands of perfect condition vinyl records starting  in the 1950's, many state not for sale to the general public, he  got most of them for free. My Mother, whose  still alive, has them all at her house and at some point when she snuffs  it Ill have to get rid  of them. When i visit each year I play a  few on his  still perfect Garrad 301 turntable and Quad speakers.

    I saw Garrard 301 for sale in Thailand over 100k some 200k+ https://www.noom-hifi.com/post/view/28631

  6. This was BEFORE it was the norm,  it reminds me of the time 2  years  ago in the lounge of Oman air in the "quiet zone" where there are some beds you can lie down on, with signs  saying to be quiet when a  German walks  in and has a loud  phone conversation,  he was  stood  next to the "quiet"  sign, I stood  up and loudly  said "FFS" to which he pointed to the sign to say be  quiet......told him he was  an effing  <deleted> right in his  face. Todays oblivious people.


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