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Rampant Rabbit

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Posts posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. Well, Im sick of the driving regs in the UK you cant even fart in your own car there without it being an offence, stupid Welsh 20mph limit that most of them dont want, speed cameras everywhere and now installed in cars give me the Thai carnage any day, people are the same most places in the world, here its more a  dose of  how  people "really" are, not  saying thats  good mind but  just how  folk would be without  some laws its  still bad but preferable to being monitored 24/7. at least here  you can still throw the tickets in the rubbish and despite them saying you couldnt tax  your  car ive done it 3  times with tickets, an no speeding isnt  dangerous thats more govt BS to fleece you, its inappropriate speeding that is. The last ticket I got was doing 122kph because id  moved on an empty road at 3am from the 120kph lane to the 100 lane, didnt pay it chucked it. .Now if they had tailgating cameras only it would be way better or a  keep  fugging left camera only.

    The UK is a  massive  rip off for  many things but even though its  slagged off  by many the NHS is  still very good when in Thailand you have basically nothing, christ you can have a new  heart lungs  kidneys chemo it  must cost  billions for the UK I think they do way too  much to save you.Sadly Big Brother  is  now creeping into every facet of  modern life you are being watched in EVERYTHING you do, tracked  followed everywhere who needs  your  fridge, toaster , kettle  connected to the internet and people buy into the rubbish of  apps and "convenience". Theyre  removing all your  freedom and you are  lapping it  up.

    and relax.............


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  2. 2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Yes, more to fix if they go wrong, but not having idiots changing the gears less likely to fail ( as long as the oil doesn't leak out ), IMO.

    You wreck the driving instructor car gears in the uk before buying your own😆 I never  had a problem with car gears, bike  gears they should make all drivers start on a  bike to understand road conditions more.

  3. 49 minutes ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

    Especially when it is not really 'racist' but a matter of the odds, which leads to making assumptions based on those odds.  English is still at this time considered an international language - one that is often taught to people as a second language because it is used as a common denominator in international communication (eg. Airline communications).  The odds that any person seen as a foreigner speaks Thai at a minimum conversational level.... is still rather long odds...

    Im deeply offended by your  languagist comments  here you  language bigot mysognist racist homphobe transphobe mis pronouning you grrrrr grrr  grrrr im gonna  damn well squeam an squeam on tiktok about  you to anyone else  dumb enough to gawk at me............please give me a like

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