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Rampant Rabbit

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Posts posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. Well when initally launched it  didnt  work for  over a  year, when it  did  work it  was  fine for  about 2  years, then some  dick decided to change it  all  again yet they still have 2  systems available now . Its the old one that doesnt  work, my password and user  name suddenly  got the same message that you did. You have to go re  register and the new  site is as  <deleted>e  as the old which at least told you when to re  do the 90 day.

    Link to both sites  here

    1 doesnt work........ https://tm47.immigration.go.th/tm47/#/login

    2 does  work with reregistering....... https://tm30.immigration.go.th/tm30api/loginExternal.jsp?value=EXT&id=7b5dfbf6112fb757b5d5ebf708f38b0b

  2. Just now, Startmeup said:

    I was looking at tyres last night online. I didn’t see much about the Pirellis but many mentions of Michelin City Grip 2 tyres for scooters. Are Pirellis better, which Pirellis? 

    Mine was for a Honda cbr650 so I dont know if appropriate for a scooter. They were Pirellis  Diablo 2's although I do see they make the same one for scooters.

  3. On 3/2/2024 at 11:16 AM, bob smith said:

    I always play them at their own game.


    That’s how I survive here.


    It’s also how you eventually become a naturalized Thai.



    exactly just use their own stupid  ways   against them, we  often get a  case of  burning the fields    here, yet when burning time comes  by us we are  told  dont  burn, we  abide,  neighbours  ignore  it ,yet if we did  burn, which we neve r have, there would be uproar  with the holier than though locals.

  4. Just now, Danderman123 said:

    I am thrilled you agree that sea levels are rising.


    Basic common sense indicates that rising sea levels will flood low lying islands. The question is when.

    Nonsense  again, read up on   the specific  islands I mentioned  although Tuvalu is  another global warming alarmist lie, they pumped out so much groundwater creating their own problems, then theres  coral growth  to contend with.

    Basic  common sense..............guffaw

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  5. On 3/1/2024 at 7:56 AM, Danderman123 said:

    Sea levels *are* rising, despite your opinion.

    Feel free  to show me where I said they arent rising, I said they arent  going underwater and  later someone posted  a  link to that, the one I couldnt be arsed to post and herein lies the problem when anyone contends anything, words into mouth.

    • Confused 1
  6. 6 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Is it ??....    Its not like he can change his mind?... if he says the sponsorship from xx activity goes to xx charity, surely he is obligated to send it there ??? 

    I'm not suggesting or implying he won't, but I am pointing out that once he's made his 'statement' of where the sponsorship money will go, he is then pretty much obligated to that unless any alternative decision comes with a good explanation. 


    I do get your point though, a lot of posters are 'shoe horning' something negative out of a good deed being done. 


    Well done to the chap, nationality is irrelevant... 





    No one is   saying its  not a good  deed and  well intentioned, many know money goes  missing easily  in Thailand

  7. 6 hours ago, grain said:

    Right on. Years ago when I was living down South some expats did this for the local orphanage, then after they handed the large sum of money raised to the boss, the expats found out they had bought a new fridge and a TV for the staff lunch room, plus other stuff, and very little, if anything went to the orphans. So after that they decided never to hand over cash, but buy things like packets of baby formulae and diaper's and food for the kids to use. But then it was later found out some of the orphanage staff were selling these products off to the local market.  

    My exact same experience, laptops and bicycles.............disappeared, the greed  is unstoppable and there are no depths that wont be stooped to.

  8. On 2/27/2024 at 11:14 AM, John Drake said:


    What are the differences? I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm just interested to know how you think the average tourist to Malaysia acts differently than the average tourist to Thailand. I know some laws, such as those regarding homosexuality, make a difference. But what else do you see?

    They hate atheists  too


    Blasphemy is a crime in Malaysia, although technically, atheism is not. Apostasy is also not a federal crime, however, the nation's state-run courts do not typically allow Muslims to officially leave the religion, and they can receive counseling, fines, or jail time.[2] Ethnic Malays are also legally required to identify as Muslim, and the law codes of Sharia are "developed and implemented at the state level", according to the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom.[3] In 2016, Prime Minister Najib Razak, denounced atheism, secularism, liberalism, and humanism as threats to "Islam and the state". He also stated that "we will not tolerate any demands or right to apostasy by Muslims".[2] In response to an August 2017 meeting in Kuala Lumpur of members of the Malaysian chapter of the Canadian organization Atheist Republic, government official Shahidan Kassim declared that atheists would be "hunted down", attributing their beliefs to a lack of religious education. The Malaysian government started a crackdown not long afterwards to find if Muslims had any role in the incident. This response was criticized by both the founder of Atheist Republic, Armin Navabi, as well as some Malaysian Muslims.[4][

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  9. 5 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

    Maybe the experts in Maldives got the date wrong, but sea levels are rising in the Maldives.


    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_change_in_the_Maldives#:~:text=By 2050%2C 80% of the,entire country could be submerged".

    I can show  you  another  report  claiming they arent going underwater at  all, but i cant be arsed as  anyone who states  anything against electric  cars or  global warming is  labelled a  whatever. U can  look up why the Maldives arent going underwater yourself

    The  Maldives  demise is overtourism, MASSIVE over tourism, even back in 89 the sea was full of <deleted>e  around  the islands  I visited, crap just pumped into ocean, worry  not  about global warming and about mass  tourism.

  10. On 2/27/2024 at 8:25 PM, Barnet1900 said:

    Last one. Your missus might hate me for this, but I sleep on the floor on a kind of 6 inch thick, soft floor mat. If I sleep next to someone one turn, knock, kick or snore can disrupt my sleep and set me off again.

    i sleep in a separate room in a separate building in a separate province, havent got to the separate country.........yet

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