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Rampant Rabbit

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Posts posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. 51 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    So it is a personal servant and groundskeeper you are bellowing about that are hard to find.  That has always been and always will be a problem sir.  Finding staff for a company is also a stiff one in finding ones that will fit in.  I hired a Thai housekeeper 3 years ago and after 3 months let her go as she would not do what was expected, I did not whine about it like you are, instead I hired an older lady from Myanmar whose family had worked with my GF's family.  I pay her 20k a month, and that includes her room and board, so she is well paid.  The woman starts cleaning at 6 am, and has always gone above and beyond what is needed.  She is given from Saturday night at 6pm to Monday morning at 6am as her time off each week to spend with her family. The only issue I ever had with hiring a non-Thai was having to hire an agent to do the proper paperwork to list me as the employer and list her as my employee, something you do not need to do when hiring a Thai.  We all have our crosses to bare, but finding good help has been the norm across all industries.

    "bellowing eh"  I  believe BELLOWING looks  like this........however, there is WORK available and you seem to be changing the subject now from no work available, my  point, if  i  need  to explain it is many dont want any work they want EASY (bellowing) work........when theres  no work  whats the better choice..no work  no  money, I resent the word "servant" my kid aint a  servant he can leave anytime he wants.

    Here's the "servant" being subdued in Hua  Hin couple weeks ago where  we  go for a weekly trip out....... now  lick my boots  clean boy..a  phrase he always loves to hear from the master.


    • Haha 1
  2. 10 hours ago, billd766 said:

    Especially all those lazy people who used to work in the decimated tourist industry, whose jobs were lost and destroyed by the current government.


    You know the ones. The girls that worked in the bars, the businesses who supplied the alcohol, soda and soft drinks, the people who used to deliver it, the people who used to work supplying food, the security staff, the car parkers, the guest houses and the small hotels, the shops that used to sell to tourists, the taxi, motosai and tuk tuk drivers etc. The bar, guest house and small hotel owners.


    My bitter sarcasm and rant is over for a while.

    Have I offended you.jpg

    As stated  "adapt or  die"  .if you can only do one job u may as  well. All  thos e metnioned by  you  could easily  work on the land where there is a huge  demand for workers. Is  it  better to have no job and whine about it  with no  money or a  job  possibly  with less  money but some dignity. Theyre  lazy simple as that.

    Have you  any experience of finding someone to work  on the land..even as a  caretaker where a lot  of  downtime is  normal?

    MY one lad gets 15k a  house ,electric, water, food,  fish, motorbike 2  hours for  lunch. 7-11 then 2-5 he does the work with ease with 3  fingers  missing.

    His salary rise to 16k end of this  year, rural  location............meanwhile Thais  all round whinge and  moan they have no work , our neighbours with land also say the same.cant find  any staff amongst all those  unemployed, the going  rate is 500 a  day.

    What they want is to be a  security guard so they can sleep  all  night for 12 k. Thats the reality. 

    Even had a  cleaner once years  ago, took her 4  hours to clean my  house 50m2, I do it myself in 1  hour, thats another story entirely  though....time and motion.

    What I do see now is everyone and his friend opening a roadside  stall  selling food, mostly junk food for the remaining farm workers /construction crews, most of them  overweight, another  job where they barely get any income and can sit down all day, theyd  rather do that than get a  d ecent regular higher  income.

    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Self inflicted how? Was it because they had to continue to try and live without jobs or working for the past 2 years with the country closed...try again.

    Plenty of  work about, theyre  too  lazy to do it...hence Burmese and Cambodians..who they threw  out and also brought in ridiculous regitsration process to employ them with crazy fines for employers.... They borrow  money for stuff they dont need, show me a Thai without a phone or  motorbike.....try again

    • Confused 1
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  4. 4 minutes ago, pjmorton said:

    It's not fair to assume the worst of people, but those who contributed should consider some form of long-term oversight. Trust, but verify.

    ive had  dealings with one "charitable"  foundation here, it  was the winding up of the will of a foreigner in which he'd  left some real etstae to the charity............never  seen such a pack of  money hungry grabbers  in all my  life, like a pack of  hyenas.......childrens foundation, constantly demanding this that and the other., pushing all the time.

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  5. 22 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    There are quite a few posters on this site who get upset and offended when they are referred to as "Felang" , I trust that you aren't one of them ?

    I prefer the term my Wife uses.......farang kee nok.............tells me it s a term of endearment

    • Haha 2
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