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Rampant Rabbit

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Posts posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. 15 minutes ago, kidneyw said:

    I had it done when I was fifty and the results were terrific. However my eyesight started to deteriorate and I went back when I was sixty two. I was told I was too old and it was surprising that the previous LASIK surgery had lasted that long, considering my age. This was at Bangkok Pattaya hospital.

    I did not have to stay in hospital overnight and just needed someone to collect me and drive me home.

    any mention of  having lenses  inserted instead?

    Whats  actually  possible these  days, Im 58, eyes  been bad for about 5  years lucky I got away with it for so  long I  guess . Can they fix  both near and far vision now? whats the latest?

  2. On 8/18/2022 at 7:57 AM, CH1961 said:

    So just name the payee to the police and case solved.

    You would  think so wouldnt you but many of the payess are just stooges for the real recipient, they get paid a nominal sum to do this...Police disinterested claim they have too  many cases even when as the payee is  known they still dont go around and arrest them. Thats the reality

  3. 2 hours ago, dj230 said:

    I haven't done it in Bangkok but in Canada where I am from, Lasik has 2 types, blade and bladeless, you can look into the differences/pros/cons of both. I choose the bladeless version and I think I made the right choice, hard to say since I can't compare what my vision would be like with the blade version but I have 0 issues, 20/20 vision, no bluring/night hazing, no dry eyes, nothing. 


    The process a few days, first you go and get your eyes/vision checked, then they do it again on the day of your surgery, takes about 30 minutes with 10-15 minutes of the actual procedure, first you get numbing eye drops, after those kick in you go into the room and you lay down, they put some device to hold your eye open, it feels "uncomfortable" but not painful, like something pushing against your eyeball, they tell you to look at a light thats blinking, first use one laser (or blade) to cut your eye open, then another laser will correct your eyesight, then they put the flap they cut open from your eye back and do the next one. I will say, one thing that was odd is having really bad vision, it was a bit of a curve ball when they told me to look at the blinking light which positions your eye for the laser to cut your eye. I could barely see it having horrible vision and was worried something would go wrong.


    After they do both eyes they give you some numbing eye drops and I think some other eyedrops possibly anti bacterial, these are essential because my eyes starting burning like crazy after and using the eye drops helped tremendously, this lasted for about half a day. Also your eyes are going to be blurry for about a day, you won't be able to see much, as if you were not wearing glasses, so thats going to suck and you need to wear sunglasses with UV protection which they usually give you, I'd just stay inside with the blinds closed if I were you for a day and try to not go out for a few days. I can't remember how many days it took for me to get my eye sight, might have been a day, but I went back after for a follow up and they checked my eyes to make sure everything was good.


    You should ask if your hospital will give you lifetime warranty on your eyes, mine did which gives me a peace of mind incase my eyesight gets worse after lasik, they said they'll do it again for free. I think I was supposed to go back after a year and get checkups yearly but having been in Thailand for over a year I haven't gone back. 


    Hope it goes well, was probably the best money I've ever spent.

    At what age did  you  have it done?

    • Haha 1
  4. On 8/22/2022 at 1:38 PM, problemfarang said:

    So get back to the conversation i heard. I will not give the full details but at some point german guy said 'yes, you are obviously from ... because your nose is very big.'

    and  if he had  said  youre  obviosuly  from............because   you  have  yellow  hair/ Scandinavian........... red  hair,Scotland etc........ sheesh  what a  delicate  soul you  must be.............best get to that safe  space right now.

    • Like 1
  5. On 8/22/2022 at 2:35 PM, ThailandRyan said:

    The guy needs management to tell him to do his job and stop having personal conversations unless it is during break times.

    and  then the rest  of the Thai  staff  who WILL be  gawking at their  phones  all day,  bloody  things should  be banned  worldwide from any workplace in 99%  of  cases.

    • Haha 1
  6. On 8/22/2022 at 1:42 PM, ozimoron said:

    It could be considered racist but the context indicates stereotyping which is plain ignorance and one crime level below racism, in my opinion. I wouldn't want to be in his shoes in a western country if the other guy complained to HR.

    No its  isnt , people ALWAYS   put  people  into groups, its  the old  "is  that  tiger  in the bushes or the breeze blowing scenario".

  7. He  needed  suspending.......mainly  by a  rope, its  just  Thais  have  no  balls to do it beacsue at the end  of the  day it seems  many are  similar and  approve of this  type  of rule of  corruption  dishonresty a  national trait.

  8. ZERO, in short the Police  will probaly  tell you  like they told my Wife recently that they have too many cases  and will do  nothing, then the banlk wil  tell you its the Polices  job and  not their  problem......welcome to  Thailand, 

    My Wife  had the id  card  of the woman who laundered  the  money, she  got 1000  baht of   8000 stolen, they pay people to use the ir  facebook  accounts and other id, this was a  facebook scam in her  case.

    As an  aside  I refuse to  have any information on my  mobile  phone which I rarely  use  anyway, its there for an emergency  call only nothing else,as  far as Im concerned  mobile  phones   are an awful idea for any security and  seem wide  open to problems, who the hell wants to  carry  around something easily  lost with all their  private  info  on.

  9. Went to my local  post  office  tuther  day to post some seed  to a bloke  in Thailand, girl  at P.O speaks  English, takes the 7-11 bag full of seeds, makes up a  box for it  , writes  down the address for me, tapes it  up for me and disgracefully  charges me 30  baht to send it......boy I was  fuming........I went back  20  minutes  later to vent my anger with a  box  full of doughnuts for em ............she almost fainted, bluddy well showed her and her  colleagues.......maybe the joy  of  being in a rural province?

    Told her she was a  supermodel an left.

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