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Rampant Rabbit

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Everything posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. Yeah bringing in words like "community standards" has really swung it for me. Outta here
  2. No I feel thats more you reciprocating than Thailand......but knock yaself out if it make you feel better.
  3. meanwhile note their promotional video includes this happy chap about to get his face scraped off the road, sorry i treat everything in Thailand as a sad sad joke “Holiday” by “The Isan Project” a new song and video is being launched today by the former Tourism and Sports Minister “Senator Weerasak Kowsurat” at a private luncheon at the Hyatt Regency Hotel on Sukhumvit, Bangkok.
  4. does it include free retard insurance for helmet not done up? asking for a retard friend
  5. guess this is going to be another 200pages oif what ifs.........I dont see much comment on this rule for the DTA's https://www.rd.go.th/english/23520.html 5. What happens if the rate of tax stipulated in the Revenue Code is different from that of an agreement? - Apply the rate which is more beneficial to the taxpayer.
  6. reported myself to save time mucking about and to save other tosspots whiners from doing it....
  7. likely, but again THREE pay systems not linked, isnt that stupid? Id say so
  8. youre probasbly correct, but isnt the problem.......now 3 stupid systems, totally uneccessary, Ill pass that info onto her thanks.
  9. Im all for it pay and go and pay in CASH perfect sod the digikal economy, currently in the UK doing my anuual "see if Mum is still alive trip", the amount of petty rules here is incredible the amount of regulation is stifling, 20mph speed limits over a lot of Wales, do 25mph in the zones and its 3 points £100 fine 12 points is banned and thats temporary to give people time to acclinatise to it soon itll be 23mph I can run faster, bikes whizz past the cars, there's bugger all in service, everywhere is stupid machines to pay, everything is stupifyingly expensive, dont whinge about Thailand too much , sure there are some dumb aspects of Thailand and they drive like selfish 3 year old retards but here trust me everyone is so sheite scared of dong 33in a 30 that now on a long distance trips many people just do 45mph in 60 zones, it took me over 4 hours to get to my Mothers house on roads Ive driven down for 40 years and which was done usually in 2.5 hours. Theres more white paint and road signs than road. Sadly Thailand is catching up, Id take the roadkill over the stifling UK whose policy is zero road deaths where the signs in Wales say move over for tractors as theyre the ones going the fastest. Welsh govt spent £30 million changing the 30 signs to 20 no vote on it a petition was set uip and got 440k signatures in 5 days to reverse it, I spoke to locals who say they hate it. The point I guess, dont knock Thai regualtions on some things too much, although their need for ridiculous tree destruction paperwork is obscene.
  10. Blimey I really thought I was going mad and was the only person thinking like this, Im sick to death of the narcissistic world around me, where every girls dream it to be an airhead "essex" type bloaty lipped ugly as sin ,plucked eyebrowed cretin who thinks "theyre it" combined with a gob<deleted>e mouth and phone welded to theiur pathetic heads. Personally I stay away from everyone i dont pick and choose, friends are almost impossible to find anywhere. Your post above is just about the same as my experiences ion Thailand (17years) even my Wife was assaulted as young girl in her village some family member trying to shag her, at a young age, the Thai underbelly is pretty grim. |But again I dont restrict it to Thai sam happy to slag off the what I see as yobby Brits where thug culture tattoo emblazoned steroided out kids must spend all day working out because " its all that matters" in their narcissistic little look at me world. Decent people are the absolute exception these days. I know 2-3 worldwide.
  11. I read in the Bangkok post both systems were linked and that was way back in 2016......they also added it took them FOUR years to do it..........wonder if it now has been "un done" either way she got a ticket for a 300 baht fine for going thru an M pass using an easy pass....... no way they will pull off any taxing of foreigners, the reason in my opiniuon is total incompetence, no critical thinking and basically brain dead..........cue tumbleweed and vacant look Bugger i promised to stop postng here, right am off....... too pc even the "rules" have been stupidly renamed "Community Guidelines"..sheeesh give it a break will ya.
  12. ive got a great idea, give everyone 100000000000000000 baht to spend free
  13. Another load of uneccsary crap from the owners of the tollways, Wife has "easy pass "used it for years, went thru an "Mpass" lane assuming it was the same.....nope, fine 300 baht, why the hell they need two stupid systems beats me, bit like the new improved updated yet again <deleted> tm 30 online rubbish, that failed after it was introduced for about 10 months, when it finally worked it was ok.........but oh no way too easy lets do another one and lets not transfer over the data. they go out of their ways to foook things up in Thailand...no way they will ever get a income tax things to work, they coudln t organise a pee up in a brewery..done see u in 12 months
  14. open your own morality thread then mr holier than though
  15. Sticking to just avoidance only and nowt else would help, not 200 pages of morality etc. try READING
  16. Being as everyones hitting their pants , how about a tax avoidance topic? all those smart Alecs telling us if we dont know how to avoid any new tax rules give us your avoidance tips here. Sticking to just avoidance only and nowt else would help, not 200 pages of morality etc. Tax is a game nothing more and even more of a game in Thailand.
  17. Nah thats just an upgrade to dual tracks so slow trains dont have to stop to let another pass in certain areas, its all narrow guage also if you go and look at it.
  18. I spent 40 years in construction using just these, the amount of crap they sucked up before failing was incredible also the hoses dont break like many vacuums ive seen in thailand https://thaismegp.com/product/61dbe67d2b3aa382ba09f3a2
  19. Yes Ive heard its very good for transporting Gravy and Thailand needs more gravy.
  20. What would be great right now is if China was serious would be to tell Taiwan, were sorry we will stop all activity concerning your nation and will also stop demanding the S China sea.....this would have incredible repurcussions round the world and bring massive stability and give them some decent credibility, way more than the constant crap they spew out.
  21. 149,999 baht a year
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