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Rampant Rabbit

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Everything posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. Does that include "indoor farting" am sure its about as good as it gets, stuff physics, maths etc we need more perfoming monkey arts
  2. yeah and theyre just "expressing themsleves" when what they need is a good whack, ah thall get members all riled up , It will become beating the living shtie out of them for sure by the time theyve finished..........pah go right ahead, tell me their thankful I never had kids blah blah etc etc. Too many of the little buggers doing what they want with zero parental control, screaming, shouting, running round stores, touching stuff they shouldnt be. Uncontrolled little brats who take it to adulthood then shoot their drinking buddy to death or kill their wives cuz they threatened to leave.
  3. So true but they sure dont make it easy, Thailand loss not mine.
  4. well thats pretty sick isnt it............so no longer a health issue ergo dont need a booster. what a load of old twadlle they can spout. Ill issue my own reward by not going throu countries that promote this claptrap.
  5. Worse than dogs decimating the bird/ amphibian life, but oh no you cant tell any cat lover that, its just not true is it. Its a plague and again in typical Thai style like the dogs now well out of control.
  6. is there a committee to make up the stupid <deleted>in words daily in Thailand
  7. out of my Wifes family of 10 kids, 3 are decent the rest lazy scroungers, her one sister who works real hard once told her lazy husband she would leave him, his repsonse , if she leaves he would kill her.............its not uncommon I d say both mid 50's
  8. Elephants first 56 million years ago, elephant species originated in Africa and remained there for the next 33 million years. 20 million years ago, elephant ancestors spread across land bridges from Africa to Europe to Asia. One of the earliest known humans is Homo habilis, or “handy man,” who lived about 2.4 million to 1.4 million years ago in Eastern and Southern Africa.
  9. Will they be sitting on the docks for years after someone forgot to mention where they were "assembled"
  10. Checklist for becoming MP 1 Ex convict 2 International Drug smuggler 3 Lobotomy
  11. He may as well find a new Budgie as it will do as much good
  12. I would add a thick durable plastic membrane, concrete alwasy cracks
  13. Total LIE the only improvement would be to get rid of most of them
  14. That was not your initial statement was it, no need to twist it round, you stated there were too many people basically and the planet couldnt support it, which is incorrect. Not whteher they could all fit on the Isle of Wight
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