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Rampant Rabbit

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Everything posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. Incorrect, it certainly can properly managed, but it isnt properly managed and nature will control the population eventually
  2. The one thing you can be sure of 100% with Thai drivers is they will do the stupidest thing possible at any given time and this is why they end up dead. They also do not learn and do the same thing repeatedly even after a close shave, seen it many times, just recently cars too close almost rams the one in front and after the near miss also helped by two other morons crossing a dual carriageway and trying to go the wrong way up it then proceeeds to tailgate the car he almost just rammed.............dont believe me heres the video,,,,, Note the two pick ups causing the first problem, follwed by the cretin being to close. After this he undertook carried on down the raod and tailgated the next vehicle, and finally the last pick up still waiting at the U turn then did the same as his two pals crossing the road to go up it the wrong way. I treat every Thai driver as a moron, its the only safe way, also to note the front retard who as often the case refuses to keep left when the road is 100% clear. idjut driver.mp4
  3. This is not the woman in question and this was 30 years ago, but i do note your put down of below average looking, well done, but your not boasting right.
  4. the answer is they dont know anything much about long term effects and the problem isnt the plastic its the filthy people throwing their <deleted> where they want and Thais are expert s at this
  5. Its bad enough taking care of my hamster let alone a kid...theres also more than enough people in the world already
  6. Nah the REAL question is the offence taken over just words!! Thats the biggest offence going.......oooooh it so offends me.well tuff tittys
  7. No, with unlimited funds Id get a nice big F.O boat and just go round the world, why limit yourself to one place.
  8. I shagged an employee 5 times in 8 hours when I was young...........ahh happy days, nice girl married with two kids now, pretty girls...are we allowed to put up photos? all history now though
  9. Theres only been ONE trip to Uranus according to Nasa.......and that was a fly by
  10. Yes its 18, and i remember them all. From the first to what I guess is the last. 2 Thai 16 UK Married only once to my current Wife. I also remember the ones that I "almost" did it with, some of them turned out right dogs when looking on facebook recently for 25 years ago. Just happy I never married any of them except the last one.
  11. not 78 not diabetic, its not a lower risk its most likely useless in my situation
  12. Same with mine she calls her fellow nationals , lazy ,stupid , selfish ,greedy.......of course its me that get suspeneded for saying it though and she doesnt even waste time visiting the family at all.
  13. Am just getting over 4 days of getting Omicron and its EXACTLY the same as what ive gotten all my life, headache, thick head, barking cough like a dog, firts day is the worst but by no means awful, just normal. After now getting it I have ZERO plans for anymore vaccinations (tow pfizer) as this natural infection IS the best protection you can get, ie catching Omicron. As Cambell says what applied last year with vaccinations being necessary, now no longer applies in many cases.
  14. come come now, we all know if it was an offence inc jail time outisde of Thailand it doesnt count.
  15. Id got neutral linked to earth at the box here and found out when touching the metal door handle of my house after they changed the transformer with a lovely warm tingling feeling which started of "randomly", thought I was going mad ..... after some poking around and by guesswork thought wonder why it only happens at night, finally worked out auto street lights in the road on sensor started it. BY covering the senor in daytime i could trigger the fault. p.d should be less than 2v but PEA dont care.....wonder if a PD of 230v would make them. Before they put the new transformer i got 0.1 pd, problem is the moo bahn street lighting.
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