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Rampant Rabbit

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Everything posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. in the 1950's to mid early70's most people smoked it was social norm that the period i was discussing as thats the one that affected me
  2. probably some out there but yet to meet any electrician here who doesnt skip something major or minor from earthing to grometts............so I do my own as I feel safer that way. My incoming cables form the road , but even then the local streetlighting man manages to screw things up as there used to be 20v down earth which took them 6 years to fix every time the street lights switched on at night near my land. In the day fine at night 20v madness
  3. Until Thais see driving on the wrong side of the road as NOT normal they will be convinced its "not their fault" No i've no idea what caused this accident.
  4. Funny many have the vision that those in private education are Tarquin/Peregrine and privileged........my Mother of course took 2 extra jobs one as a barmaid at St Johns Hotel Solihull hours were 7pm-12 am the other was weekend cleaner for various "privileged" households as well as her full time job as medical records officer at Monyhull hospital Birmingham..............on top- of that she had a handicapped son my Brother to bring up who now lives in a Mencap home in Birmingham. He stayed at home until he was 30. To send me to a private school in Acocks Green Birmingham. They couldnt afford their first house utnil they were 36 and lived with my Grandmother in a terrace in Hall Green for 12 years after getting married. And to the other whiner going on about people who didn't have holidays to send their kids to school along with a whole host of other things, good for them. This all at a time whe the "common man" smoke and drank his way through life, which neither of them did.
  5. she of course has made her own way in life and not had any cash from her Father either directly or through her Mother at all...............surely?
  6. That $2600 the fat porkers wont be able to spend on food, they should thank him for increasing their lifespan
  7. Mr Obsessed strikes again.............Two American walk into a bar............OUCH goes the first one, Ouch goes the second one.......who left that bluddy bar there!!
  8. should retitle the thread "Pot Boiler" Other suggestions 1 Ex pats shot at dawn for failing to register with TRD 2 ex pats to be deported if tax forms not filled in 3 ex pats to be strip searched to find hidden arssets 4 My life in hell because i didnt fill in tax forms 5 Trump condemns Thai Tax laws 6 Trans allowed to declare half their income untaxable as theyre in 2 minds about it
  9. Makes the woke brigade look pathetic, either way get over yersleves muslims........christians and any other mindless fantasy
  10. why waste time, an eye for an eye.... I don't care if they're all blind
  11. Jesus its so painful to read your posts, there must be so much pent up hatred..........fascists
  12. head is completely the wrong shape its a pit viper
  13. Pranburi white lipped P.Viper
  14. The only real solution has been given, sink the boats ,leave them to drown women ,children ( who in their right minds brings a child) and Men which make up 90% anway. Anything else will not deter them in any way.
  15. well spotted............ sadly though correct, been surrounded by such "new" houses built in the 60-70's only to watch them fall into disrepair then demolished in the late 90's to be rebuilt yet again and already looking a dump.
  16. ha hah everyone's thinking it but these days too afraid to mention it, looks like pork chops got some encouragement from her co dancer at one point, the camera man has clearly being doing too much "filming" as he's going blind all out of focua.. well that's what my Mother told me would happen?
  17. I wouldnt live next to "affordable" housing if you paid me..........its council houses disguised under a trendy name, theyll end up being dumps and demolished in 30 years, rinse and repeat, thats whats been done since the 50's council house by me built in the 70's demolished as slums even though well built. Dont see any privately owned houses demolished in such a short time frame.Its money down the drain, if they dont own it and get cheap rent they couldnt care less about it. Its not the houses its the type of people who live in them.
  18. Jesus H Christ man Ive already sorted that out with my "16" point plan, get with the program drongo
  19. load of crap " unusual weather" build on flood planes cut down all the trees nothing unusual about any of it just more media crap
  20. pathetic, this clearly requires a 16 point plan
  21. Ill raise your FSM and inlude "spirituality"
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