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Posts posted by Grecian

  1. 1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

    Having kids is a perfectly fine thing to do with your life, if you feel really compelled. 


    Not having kids was likely the wisest decision I ever made in this lifetime. Why? 


    1. The world does not need more kids.

    2. They are an enormous responsibility. 

    3. Everyone assumes their kid is going to be healthy. I have seen couples deal with kids that were born with, or developed dreadful health complications, that literally tore their lives apart. 

    4. The art of parenting has been largely lost. So, many kids these days are raised without a sense of direction, and discipline. 

    5. I think kids are generally over rated. They are just small people. Some are very cute. Some are well behaved. Some are monsters. 


    I could go on for hours. It is very subjective. Just my two cents worth. 

    Good post.

    Let's reverse engineer this.

    anyone wanting to have a kid. Imagine all the posters on here shrinking back to their baby form. In fact further back to embryonic form. Now imagine that embryo waiting to occupy a womb and if your girl announces she's pregnant, that's what has materialised in her.

    who the Belgium would rush to sign up for that? Lol

    • Thanks 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    I've had 6,

    Two in the UK & finished the job

    Two in the UK I abandoned (not by choice)

    One in Thailand & finished the job

    One in Thailand work in progress


    All worthwhile, wish I'd had a few more.

    May I ask. I know from your other posts that at least one of these isn't your biological

     offspring. Did that make any difference in your assessment?

    • Like 1
  3. A British comedy, Red Dwarf has two main characters. One the ultimate striver, the other a corresponding slacker. Rogan speaks well to the strivers, those who relax only in order to work again.

    Most of us though are slackers, we work in order to rest again. 90% plus of people could never write the book, climb that rock or make that magazine cover. why not take it easy? Take responsibility for your own life sure. Be a good person or at least do no harm, of course. But enjoy the sofa and accept coffee time is often the highlight of the day.

    • Like 2
  4. 2 hours ago, Tony125 said:

    Here  do you like this pic better to prove my point?  Anna Nicole Smith  married  J. Howard Marshall a billionaire 60 +  years older than her. Many women don't care what the guy looks like as long as he has money.  In Thailand it will not cost you as much  asi it would in the US or EU.   And yes some of the Thai women will stay with the old gentleman and take care of him as they apreciate what they have been given, some don't care and will leave after they have gotten all they can.

    image (1).jpg


    Yes,I agree with your point.

    I'm just adding that some older men have something lovable about them and some really dont. If an age gap relationship starts off transactional over time the woman might actually develop feelings at least approximating love it there is something in the old guy that is lovable. On the other hand, there are plenty of pretty mean spirited old men that this is very unlikely to happen to.

    After a couple of years marriage both types of men would have a very different view of women.

    • Like 1
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  5. 43 minutes ago, Tony125 said:



    This pic shows the problem of discussing age gap relationships in Thailand. Most can see the reason the woman is with this guy is rather similar to why any woman chooses any mate.

    Some guys in Thailand have this dynamic going on.

    Spend 5 minutes in Thailand and even less on this forum and it's obvious many older men here are not Dennis Quaid.

  6. 1 hour ago, LaosLover said:

    BA Courier flight.


    Anyone else take a courier flight back in the 90's? Never a super-deal from New York, but I did BKK roundtrip for $399. Did London for $49 RT once. Lima, Peru, $199. The problem was that you had to come back when they said so. So that London $49 was just for 3 nights.


    Women are stuck unhappily in the same web of delusion as men. Both men and women seek to profit individually from gender norm dysfunction when what they should be doing is running away from it.

    Pls explain last paragraph.

  7. Uk population will continue to grow. Uk citizens will never give up their dream to own. Buy a property in a growing city that has limited roads into the city. (Makes commuting in annoying and therefore helps sustain inner city prices) such as Exeter. Rent out will get a 3% to 4% net yield now. There maybe a correction ahead but if Exeter house prices aren't performing better than average compared to other asset classes in ten years id be surprised.

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