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Posts posted by chalawaan

  1. On 6/19/2022 at 12:17 AM, Greenside said:

    It has been in need of some serious renovation for years.  Some was done, notably in the basement near the food court but the building is old and on many levels a major fire trap.  CPN has the two most successful malls in town and I doubt KSK was contributing anything to their bottom line.  Sad for those with shops and staff but the site is so valuable it won't stay undeveloped for long.

    Not likely another Mall given Maya is less than a sweaty stroll away, maybe a condo complex? There's a glut all over the city! I can't see a hotel there, not for another ten years anyway. 

    The smartest move would be conversion to a mega multi level parking lot with complimentary non-stop, hop-off shuttles to the clogged Nimman Sois and Moat quartile nearby, partly sponsored by local businesses.

    I know; far too much farang forward-thinking, and not enough pork for that one to ever see fruition.


  2. Promenada, KSK, "Big Yellow One", and the equally stillborn "Harbour" open air venture up near CMU on the Suthep Road... And what about that "ghost suburb" out by a Thai resort and another Big C type mall, I think it back onto one of the main roads running north? It's blocks and blocks of condos and boutiques the Chinese were meant to buy, but they never came, even in the good times! 

    CM has been full of projects that may never see tenants, it has been thus for over a decade or more.

    The only sane explanation for such folly has to be washing golden triangle money.

    I'm sure half of Hong Kong would love to immigrate there, if they could! 

    Thailand would likely welcome them, but China will never let them leave.

    As it is CM has a glut and there are far worse times dead ahead, sadly.

  3. Moral panic much?

    A tiny portion of kids will try it, have a bad first sesh, experience paranoia, vomiting, or both, and swear off the devil's lettuce for years -if not for life. 

    Absolutely no harm done...

    Renegades are gonna do drugs at school regardless of the law in force at any given time. In all of human history no one has died from doing weed -at any age, you can't say that for alcohol, which has killed its share of young teens.

    And so...

    Why apply calm logical common sense, Thailand, when you can fret and panic about a nothing burger with CBD dressing? ????????????

    • Like 1
  4. Unlikely, but elsewhere I was mocked with "Have Fun Staying Poor". when I, in my old age, cautioned that this time wasn't any different to bubbles before, any mention of Tulips was met with intense Millennial derision, "OK Boomer!" Yet here we are -again. 

    I suppose I'll be blamed -again, for being a jammy old sod, while they can't get a fair go at life... 

    Oh well.

    I have "dry powder" in reserve, I'm waiting for sub 10K.

    When the fear and gloom is at its nadir, I'll get two or three. 

    If it survives; it will likely hit a million within ten years.  

    Ether will do ok too, the rest? Who knows...

    • Like 1
  5. 11 hours ago, harada said:

    I think they’ll blow 20000 deaths out of the water this year when the whacked out of their heads on ganga whilst driving numbers are added to the tally, I can feel a new hub coming on. :crazy:

    A Netherlands study showed THC users to be more cautious (stoned paranoia many will recognise ????) on the roads than sober drivers. 

    I avoid stoned driving because it "harshes the mellow" -and it is illegal! Alcohol creates unwarranted confidence, weed does the opposite.

    Another reason why it is a better choice of altered state to be in recreationally.

    As a further fun fact: On THC food tastes better, music is richer, and orgasms deeper too! 

    Can't comment on the morons who will use multiple drugs and drive, but legal or not, these types do all that dumb stuff anyway. 

    Don't they?

    • Like 1
  6. On 6/20/2022 at 12:04 AM, CharlieH said:

    They say that if you take the average between Mother and Father, all things being equal that is roughly your estinated expiry date. In my case that would put me at 86 !

    My parents were reformed smokers, Dad reached 68 Ma, 72. They both died from tobacco damage anyway. Her side smoked and died in their mid sixties, Dad's Mother a non smoker, lived to 96 and died a month before he did!

    I'm 61 don't smoke, but have drunk far too much over the years, though not as bad as many, I can still see my Todger when I look down!

    I have no idea whether those averages will apply, given tobacco's role in their deaths. I'm still internally healthy, no med regime, though the knees and eyes will need surgery soon. 


  7. Yes, I don't want to rely on anyone for my personal care or hygiene. 

    If I'm sane and functional at 101 great, otherwise, I hope by then lawful euthanasia is an option not just for terminal illness but for serious quality of life decline. 

    If the law's not updated, I will make my own plans anyway, likely pharmaceutical in nature. I hope my missus pre-deceased me, the hardest would be to leave her behind. 

    Another fear is running out of money, but hopefully the rent income and pension will suffice. 

  8. 23 hours ago, candide said:

    It makes sense to restrict the amount of THC in food. Ingesting an unknown amount of THC can be very painful and even dangerous. If there is too much THC, once it's inside your body the discomfort lasts for hours. On top of it, some people may be stupid enough to drink alcoholl while eating food containing cannabis.


    Smoking is safer as you can dose and scale what you smoke.As long as you  dont get boozed at the same time.

    What are you smoking? It's not Cannabis, that's for sure! ????????????

  9. 27 minutes ago, garyk said:

    I know, but in Amsterdam it is legal. 15-25 percent THC. Really good smoke. 

    I also agree a good thing they are letting guys out of prison.  two thumbs up.

    Here at just .2 percent. It is a scam ready built into the system. 


    The Thai government is already saying they think it will be a boom to the tourist industry.  

    Thai's and others will grow the good stuff, and sell it. Only to walk around the corner and be shook down.

    i will wait and see how it plays out. 

    Nobody gonna shake you down bro! Have you ever been shook down leaving a short  time hotel? 

    They make plenty enough from the hotel, bar, madam.

    Same with a "street licence" to sell poppers, meth pipes, the old school porn DVDs, Kamagra (illegal too!) And now dank weed.


    Come onn.. ????

  10. 23 hours ago, bristolgeoff said:

    The brown envelopes are less now for some with this new law.They will come up with another plan I imagine

    Au contraire, the law is very well thought out, no detail has been spared -to ensure brown envelopes change hands even more than ever!

    They make their laws wide and wooly for a reason.

    Money always flows up! 

    They're going to very quickly realise the LESS they crackdown on ALL drugs, the more Ferraris they can have, and they won't even need to risk murdering the suspect's anymore!


  11. 4 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

    Thank you! Finally someone says it. Because the media - including the OP - still reports it wrongly. The OP for example only refers to "oil extracts".


    I wonder why this is all so difficult to understand.


    EVERY part of or substance derived from hemp/cannabis plant that has a THC content of more than 0.2% (either by dried or liquid weight) remains ILLEGAL. 

    Weasel word-salad by the Government, so who cares?

    1. Many millions used prior and never got busted.

    I've used several substances over decades as both a tourist and expat, never had an issue apart from the odd dodgy dealer trying their luck. Most behave, the community has it's own unwritten laws.

    2. If it's so "ILLEGAL" why are they releasing Cannabis "offenders", cancelling court dates -and even to my amazement- retuning siezed weed by the tonne?

    Watch what they do, don't listen to what they say.

    Case in point, porn, sex toys, poppers, meth and weed paraphernalia, gambling and prostitution.

    All "ILLEGAL" but irrefutably everywhere.

    See you in a "coffee shop" thru the "ILLEGAL" purple haze in six months! ????????????

  12. 1 hour ago, garyk said:

    Going to be a boom for new truck sales for the RTP. 

    Gold shops will boom, Mia Noi's will be shopping.  

    The stupid farang are coming, get ready...

    There's always dumb tourists to rip-off. Amsterdam have perfectly legal drug tourist scams down to a fine art.

    Then there are experienced users, and the forums they populate.

    We have been using and in some cases, growing our own for years without ever crossing paths with the RTP. 

    WE were not the "stupid farang" who tried to sell or traffic drugs, stepping on official toes.

    Some tourists are just unlucky, during weird crackdowns, which have also occurred in the sex industry, particularly, and bizzarely on Valentines Day! Some are unable to bribe their way out of a minor bust.

    But the war on drugs in Asia is often just an official turf war. 

    Du30s killing spree was to protect his sons shabu (meth) importation business. ????

    If you think that's far-fetched, may I remind you a convicted heroin trafficker is currently a very powerful political figure in Thailand.

    And Anutin is dreaming of MJ millions, he's no bleeding heart liberal.

    Let the stupid come! Let the RTP profit to the moon!

    We stoners will do what we always did, have a stoned sexy-time you beer guzzlers can only dream of! ????



  13. Here's the thing.

    We're endlessly warned it's still classed as a recreational no-no.

    Yet inmates are being released, court dates anulled or cancelled, and they're even returning 13 tonnes of weed to the mules!

    As usual, opaque legislation in Thailand where one needs to read between the lines, is thrust upon us.

    In a few years recreational weed will be as accepted in certain zones, as gyrating go-go girls are; in the Kingdom where prostitution is illegal!

    The laws are there merely to save face on an embarrassing climb down, where science, sense, and above all, cash, has triumphed!

    This court is now adjourned.


    • Like 1
  14. 2 hours ago, connda said:

    Just curious - if you buy seeds or plants locally - how do you tell "male" from "female" plants. 

    Why am I asking.  I'm betting that virtually all plants "donated" by the Thai government and their associates will me 'male', and possibly many provide by third-party Thai vendors. 

    Just saying.  I really don't know.
    But I tend to understand how the world works in general when you factor in greed and control.

    Since we're in LoS they'll be "hermies". Or as my missus calls hermaphrodite trees; "ladyboys". ????

  15. 2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Yes, at 250bht a seed I want a 100% germination rate, as I only buy one female seed then clone. Planting in soil is much harder and wastes a lot of seeds. 


    Didn't you get once get in a stoush with someone over being anti-drug and dismissing the Portuguese experiment as flooding your hometown with dealers? 555. I have a long memory with topics that interest me. Anyway, glad to see you're on the right side of history now and it's a very informative OP.

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