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Posts posted by chalawaan

  1. Consult each embassy of each EU country youll visit, as she'll def. need pre arrival visas, the fact she will have leave to enter the UK once she applies to Schengen bloc is immaterial to each individual EU bureaucrat, the boorish behaviour of the Brexit delegates in Brussels wont be easily forgotten or forgiven  you MIGHT get a visa on arrival, depending. Though overall, unfortunately, you have zero special rights as a Brit now, immigration line up everywhere you'll go. 

    Still at least you wont have to wait hours for her to clear on the landside of each barrier like when we were in the EU family!

  2. Wait!

    What about the 100 brunch casualties of the war against drugs up in the sticks yesterday? ????????????

    We would be very surprised to hear any truthful follow up about that ridiculous attempt at spreading moral panic.


    The Thai media are acting like clowns in their desperation to sensationalize the legalisation of a mild and overwhelmingly safe substance.


    And while I'm on a roll...


    If the WHO lied about Cannabis risks all these years, make no mistake, they're continuing to vastly exaggerate the dangers of almost every other substance out there. 


    But, sanity will prevail!



    • Thanks 1
  3. 17 minutes ago, Thujone said:

    'His penis started swelling out of control and the top was wonky.'


     In another news report, sales of Viagra have dropped drastically.  

    Viagra et al has been a controlled drug in Thailand for some time now, it's only legally available on Doctors prescription.

    If a pharmacy/street vendor is selling it, or any variation, it's likely bogus or expired stock.

    Import is strictly controlled. 

    You may be lucky and get bootleg genuine Kamagra or Apcalis, as always, buyer beware.

    • Confused 3
    • Haha 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    Let's see....


    I don't think he'd want to go to one of the s**thole countries in Africa.  Ukraine is an option but probably not a good one.  China is the same along with their puppets Cambodia and Laos.  He probably wouldn't like the reception he'd get in a Muslim country who's people he banned from entering the US. 


    What's left?  Russia, Belarus, Vietnam and the Stans.  Assuming they would have him.

    Scotland, I'm ashamed to say, were drooling at his golf empire dreams, and Ireland welcomed his sons, Monaco, Lichtenstein, there's scores of states that welcome superyachts and private jets filled with absolute human garbage with enough zeroes to their name.

    Places decent regular folks wouldn't get more than a two week visa for the Formula One tournament, then be off with you! 

    Even Putin has plenty of options, don't be fooled.

  5. Get a decent battery operated chainsaw.

    Google for you tube demos and brand vs brand comparisons.

    I've recently joined the power-tool retail space overseas, and I must say some of these new cordless tools are phenomenal. 

    Light, quiet, non-polluting, powerful. 

    My professional recommendation is DeWalt Makita or Milwaukee. But do your own research. Amazon ship, and you often get generous import refunds from them too. 

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