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Posts posted by chalawaan

  1. 5 minutes ago, internationalism said:

    but smell was coming rather from some hotel room, he hasn't seen anybody smoking.

    So as smell of tobacco.

    As public ganja smoking is not allowed the only place tourist can get puff is hotel room (if indeed it's a smoking room).  

    It's double standard law - tobacco is tolerated in many more public places

    The rule about public smoking of ganja, has a caveat.


    If the public place is set aside as a "reefer" bar, there is no restriction smoking weed in that bar, tobacco is still banned, because second hand tobacco smoke is far more carcinogenic than cannabis smoke. 



    The only other current restriction is that if a member of the public makes a complaint to police, then they will take action under the public nusciance laws.

    There has to be an actual complaint before the law is able to take effect! 


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  2. The perps are almost certainly going to be eating rice gruel by the end of next week. 

    And when we hear the motive, some ridiculous love triangle, or a petty debt left unpaid, we'll just be left to wonder what the hell goes through some people's heads. 

    There's evidence that children born before unleaded petrol was universal, and forced by poverty to sleep on a floor mat, near busy traffic areas, have a propensity to brain damage; characteristics being extreme violence in response to minor slights and wrongs. I wonder if this is part causation across Thailand?

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  3. I went with Cigna then reneged during the Cool-off period. 

    Use a Thai insurer like Pacific Cross they're underwritten by the "big boys" anyway. 

    Also, nobody who lives in Thailand needs Medevac! To where? An inferior hospital in Aussie? 

    Think through every extra, and scenarios where it can be of value, or not, injury rehab is necessary, but not in every case, consider the reasons why actuaries price and limit benefits. 

    Finally, be fatalistic to a degree.

    Get a DNR clause written up somewhere and witnessed by a JP. Have "DNR" tattoed on your chest in Thai and English.

    Figure out if you are willing to euthanase yourself if your prognosis is a few months of agony and death ahead. And figure out how to do that effectively. At least your loved ones can prepare to farewell a lucid person and won't have a pointless hospice care bill to pay.

    It's a tough call, and would mean some sorrowful and frank conversations, but the knowledge is out there and I am ready for that if necessary.  

    Master of extremes, I temporarily (I hope) relocated back to my socialist homeland, so insurance is not my problem right now. I really don't know how to deal with it in my 70s if I return though. 

    I guess if a hospital cost is big enough to break you in your 70s you quality of life will likely suck beyond convalescense, and then my voluntary self-euthanasia kicks in. 

    Assisted euthanasia is legal where I currently live anyways. 


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  4. 5 hours ago, smedly said:

    MP has been around for decades ............... suddenly it's an issue

    Agreed. But, if it's virulent, then unlike HIV, it can easily run rampant in a outwardly conservative but openly permissive society like Thailand's. Also fear and ignorance about HIV has made it far more an issue than it needs to be for straight men, it is not at all easy for a straight male to get HIV from an infectious female. He would need to have a genital or oral lesion, therefore be a careless and somewhat unhygienic individual to begin with. That or a needle sharer or switch hitter. 

    Monkey pox spreads with far more ease than HIV and this is why it's an emerging issue as the pathway is primarily sexual. 

    • Confused 2
  5. If he was a habitual illegal drug user, no such "media caution" over his intoxication! Drunks are known to be frequently violent. Nice people can turn on a dime when drunk into a total POS.

    But yet again, the highly addictive deadly drug alcohol gets a pass. Such hypocrisy. No doubt weed would be blamed if any were found, without a blink of an eye. 

    RIP to the victim. 

    Chinese mainlander sons are often spoiled brats and never grow out of it.  

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  6. On 7/27/2022 at 7:57 AM, Captain Monday said:

    Too much nonsense to respond to above won't bother. Captain Monday  never said "Don't buy a Condo". I bought a condo, on my own terms Not more than I can afford can lose and I can still afford to walk away. 


    Overall, it was one of my  better decisions. I was given all kind of true fear monger and outrageous reasons why not to buy. Mostly from people why don't have two satangs to rub together. From "you wont like your neighbors" to "The redshirts will prevail and confiscate it". Nobody, but  nobody ever told me about a virus locking me out for 10 months completely disrupting my well curated international lifestyle. 


    I don't regret my purchase far from it but if I could go back 15 years would be doing a lot differently.  No, so  from here on not "investing" any more in Thailand.,


    Every expat needs a plan B. My plan B has become my plan A. Implementation is in effect at this time


    So what's in YOUR bug-out bag?


    I'm already in NZ. It's nice, clean, peaceful, BUT far from perfect, it's boring beyond belief! I miss LoS like crazy, but think it is best to sit it out for 5-10 years. By which time a LOT will have changed worldwide, good or bad. Who knows, but a lot. Maybe I or the Thai missus will be dead!? For now, she can follow me here and at least get a decent western wage, or start a food truck eventually, as her specialisation is street food.

    We have two properties in Thailand, one's hers outright. We equal-share a yuge condo in lower Sukhumvit we got for peppercorn thru a generous elderly relative, but it needs major work done before it's rentable. 

    Everyone who ever moved to Thailand myself included, knew living from year to year with stroppy racist militants running the show is a gamble. I hope everyone muddles through, because if China and the west go to war, there's no way farangs in Thailand won't be impacted. Thailand/ASEAN will try to hedge it's bets, play neutral, but it's too strategic, the West, or China for that matter, will be having none of it!

    Good luck to all of us.


  7. 9 minutes ago, RayC said:

    I'll say this for you, you're consistent. I've yet to see you divert from your 'B@#£&r you Jack, I'm alright' line.

    He conveniently forgets (likely had no idea) how good the Brits had it in Spain and Portugal and France if they had the means to retire there. Their kids (had they bothered to learn a second EU language -unlikely since many here are barely literate in their native English!) Would have the entire EU to freely work live and play in.

    All gone now. 

    But hey, the phantom "scroungers" are gone!

    I knew a few Poles, etc in my time in UK and they worked their <deleted> off! Every one of them. Poles and Indians also flew in the Battle of Britain and stormed Normandy, these ignoramuses don't even know that! 

    They're hard pressed to digest the Mail and Sun never mind detailed history. So they're condemned to repeat it. 

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  8. 21 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    Oh I see, you still have the old mentality that its the Irish, Welsh and Scots verses the English ?

       Those days have long gone and its just a few old dinosaurs who still have those divisions 

    Dinosaurs? Please. Your lame stab at a rebuttal is embarrassing you. The Scots were halfway out the door long before Brexit mate.

    We don't hate the English, we just don't want to be run by Westminster any more than you want to be run by Brussels old chap! 





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  9. 38 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    It may personally be a "disaster" for you , as you now cannot get free health treatment or stay in the U.K as long as you like , but it hasn't been a disaster for the U.K .

      A few initial teething problems, but nothing much has changed .

    Although there does seem to be a huge decline in young Eastern Europeans applying for properties whilst claiming  housing benefit (from the U.K Government) 

    I'm a British Citizen. I was born there as were at least ten generations on my mother's side, Dad was born there too, his side is part Irish, Baltic (Prussian) and Scandinavian, I know this through DNA, but those roots are lost in time. 

    Brexit cost billions more than the EU membership ever cost, new trade agreements with distant lands worth  0. of lost trade with the EU.

    Small businesses going to the wall because of red tape costs the Tories are on record saying would never happen. Farmers crops rotting because all those foreign welfare thief's can't come over and do the jobs Brits won't, a vast channel truckport had to be built, with blazing floodlights keeping half the county awake at night, never mind the cost of that energy alone. All just teething problems!

    You'll lap up any tripe the Barclays, Dacres, and Murdochs of the world tell you. 

    While the UK just sinks deeper into the ooze of some nationalist claptrap from the Churchill era. 

    All you have left is the warm glow of going it alone. I hope it keeps you warm in the years ahead because it's going to get very cold outside. And this holiday tailback is just a foretaste. It's never getting better.



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