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Posts posted by chalawaan

  1. 14 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    The cause of the delay was problems with French immigration , they didn't have enough staff to process all the travellers (even though they were told to expect more travellers due to the U.K school holidays) 

      So, this was caused by the French 

    Yeah, I got drunk and disorderly even though it was a very bad idea, I wanted to just show them all that I was my own man, beholden to none. As a result, the police arrested me, so it's all the police's fault I was bladdered and busted. 


    • Like 2
  2. 3 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Why spend 40 million baht on a half of a Rai of land.  The land can be bought by a Thai for a very cheap price.  This is just another attempt at Dual pricing but to the Nth degree. For that money I can buy 2 to 3 houses in the US and rent them out making me money each month.  One could also invest 1/4 of that in another country and obtain citizenship, what is it with these morons.

    My wife's ex Thai husband bought land and 3 bath/bed western mc mansion style house in upper middle class security compound for 4 million 15 years ago and she couldn't even get that much now, so it's off the market again. 

    The quoted price on here is just lala land. 

    But farangs with more money than sense will be soaked by the thousands. Wait n see.

    Also, this will do nothing for the poor but drive the price of everything to the moon, and a Brazilian style crime wave will inevitably follow. 

    Goodbye Thailand of old, it was fun while it lasted. 

    • Like 2
  3. 19 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

    And Thailand isn't?


    Let's skim over the corpses of disappeared political opponents found floating in the Mekong with their stomachs full of concrete, the indiscriminate use of CS gas, rubber bullets and chemically doctored water canon spray on protestors, the savage sentencing for allegedly expressing "incorrect" opinions, the cynical trafficking of people, linked with virtual slave labour in some industries, the treatment of ethnic minorities (hill tribes)...


    Take a deep drag and it all goes away!

    Noble sentiments, but, TIA it's not gonna change in our grand-childrens lifetime's either.

    So, I think Roosters point is to be very grateful for small mercies, and with most of my life likely over, I'm thrilled to be able to get high in peace. At last!

  4. As a anti-prohibition former LEO.

    I can hardly believe this is happening. 

    It's wonderful news, and once those dollar-driven Singaporeans smell the reefer riches, they'll have a sudden change of heart. Just like they did with Casinos! Lulz!

    When they do legalise, expect ridiculous rules banning many from enjoying, anyway.

    I remember when they actually cut Western mens' hair at Changi Airport into a compulsory short back and sides! What a sad bunch of anally retentive authoritarians.

    No wonder, wife swapping parties were so rife when I was there! 5555!

  5. 20 hours ago, MrJ2U said:

    Big deal.


    I wish they'd concentrate on the police who are enabling the YaBa trade and other hard drugs 


    That would actually help. 

    Help who or what? Bilions are made because millions want to use these substances, the sooner the sheeple world accept that, then police can focus on real crime that targets innocent victims, and not make a crime out of what grown people want to do in private, such as adult consensual sex, and drugs, both are nobody else's business, simple as that.

    • Like 1
  6. On 6/22/2022 at 9:04 PM, Tropicalevo said:

    Smoking anything risks damaging your lungs. Period.

    I have chronic bronchitis (COPD) and it is not fun.

    But hey - as the cannabis lovers keep saying - smoking cannabis is harmless, so suck away.

    No smoke is harmless, you are correct, however no death has ever been related to cannabis use, none, not by being baked and jumping off a building, nor by COpD from smoking it, unlike killer hyper-addictive tobacco. I think Kratom smoking is Weird AF! 

    Itried raw leaf chewing which is vile and a chore, dried powdered did absolutely nothing for me at any dose, again, its vile disgusting stuff even in a shake, maybe smoking could work? A kratom and weed roach perhaps? 

  7. 3 hours ago, SiSePuede419 said:

    I was shocked in China when a police officer came up to me and welcomed me to his country.


    In America when a police officer does that, they're not going to welcome you. ????



    He mustve been new or thoght you were Harrison Ford, we all look like Ford to them! If we have hair!

    Most Chines cops I've had trash TWO pages of my Passport (why cant they stamp right on their own bloody visa? They run a pen through it on arrival, so...leave my clean pages alone!) And if they smiled their ass crack would fuse over.

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