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bangkok blue

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Posts posted by bangkok blue

  1. My internet connection is very reliable, so I am hopeful it will be available most of the time. Mind you, I am pretty 'laid back' about trying to watch something and it cuts outs for a long time - I tend to just do something else!!!

    I think you are a Leicester fan, so lets hope Man City show their usual poor away form - you are representing the Championship tonight - so come on you Foxes (I will be watching the game on 365Sport!!!).

    me too.... Although fear Negrado, silva, navas, Toure and co. will tear us a new hole! But it's the cup, so you never know.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  2. Thanks BangkokBlue for your advice.

    I have followed your other advice and signed up with 365Sport.

    I am not easily impressed, but the signup with them was probably one of the easiest and most professional I have ever been involved in!!!

    I registered, got an invoice to print out, went and paid and when I got home about 15 minutes later, it was ready to use.

    I then downloaded their player.

    I was amazed when not only did the software install with no problems at all, but I plugged in the username and password and clicked on channel 1 and it all worked first time.

    I watched the Man U and Liverpool games, without a flicker.

    Very impressed!!!

    As for the CTH / GMM big dish scenario, yes it is C-Band, I could fit a KU-band LNB as well, it used to have one.

    I spent my working life developing software, so I am much more 'comfortable' getting my media 'input' from the internet, that is i why I am so pleased with 365Sport. So thanks very much for that advice.

    To be honest, the games 365Sport offer would be sufficient for my needs. If they don't have a Premier league game, or whatever that I particularly want to see I could always go and watch it in a bar.

    If it weren't for the fact I spent a lot of money for the large dish, I would not keep trying to find ways I could make use of itbiggrin.png

    Mind you, it was good fun learning how to set it up about 5 years ago so I could watch Multichoice, I found that really interesting.

    I am just repairing it now, painting it, fitting a new C-Band LNB (maybe Ku-band as well) and some new coax. The dish is

    10 foot in diameter and on the top of a 14 foot pole - so it is not an easy task!!!

    No hurry now though, as thanks to you and other posters here, I have opted for 365sport to watch over Xmas (and maybe longterm).

    So thanks again.

    Welcome! Occasionally it goes down if weather bad in bkk (signal come from there) and of course we are at the mercy of the Internet. But to be fair it's been very very reliable. They show French ligue 1 and La liga. UEFA champions league too. The on demand feature is very useful for late night games to watch the next day. It should also have the World Cup in brazil. Again useful to watch on demand. Nearly all EPL games shown. As you know early sat champ game shown. I'd recommend keeping GMM as sport extra will show the 10pm champ game.

    I have CTH for EPL as often have friends around. So if Internet goes down it can be a pain, but I watched Leicester vs burnley live sat without any interruption.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  3. I had various options offered to me - including a free gold package. I opted to pay 1200 baht for the standard receiver without any freebies,

    I wanted to connect it up to the old True dish and see how well it worked and then get the package that had the Championship football for a month to see how it went.

    I figured that if it was any good, I would get an HD receiver, to use with my 10 foot C-band dish, with the relevant package to watch the Championship games.

    I would then give this standard receiver to my wife to watch her soaps on the FTA channels, on the big non-HD TV she watches her soaps on downstairs. The last thing I want is my wife getting used to a gold GMM package, as I would have to renew it next year as wellrolleyes.gif

    Well that was the plan anyway !!!!

    Now I have seen on the SKY website just how few games will be shown on TV that have Forest in them - that is just one in the next 4 weeks - I have decided to just give the receiver to my wife.

    It is OK if you are a Leicester fan - as you get to see 4 games over the next 4 weeks !!!!

    As I get Astro Supersport 1,2,3,4 on my local cable TV, I will see the Forest game anyway - as they show the Championship games that are on early.

    The Astro Supersport channels have the Premiership games as well, but they are 'replaced' just before kick-off by other channels.

    So plan B - I will have a look at the CTH offering this week.

    Get all the 'weeds' off my big dish and get that working, get a receiver and sign up for a month. I will then be able to watch the Premiership games in glorious HD over the Xmas period - so should be good fun anyway.

    Good luck against Liverpool tomorrow.

    GMM show one 10pm game from the champ every sat. Usually on the free channel sport extra.

    Would I be right in saying that your big dish is C-band? If so CTH don't offer the stadium EPL channels in HD on that. Only on KUband.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  4. Personally I do not care if there is a law that says you must carry a passport or not. What is relevent is that the police have the duty to check your immigration status and if in doubt transfer you to the immigration police.

    There are definitely laws which say you have the onus of proving that with your passport and visas and in their absense are considered to be an ilegal immigrant.

    Rather nicely the police do not completely act on this. They do not immediately transfer you to immigration for immediate transfer to the IDC until you can appear in court to prove your status. They do give time for someone to bring the passport to you while holding you in the police station. If this is within an hour or so you probably will not see a holding cell, if there is no one to help you get it you may.

    I know several friends who've been asked for passport, when they say it's at home police wave them on. Never heard of anyone spending a night or any time down the station due to bring unable to provide their passport upon demand. Although I wouldn't be surprised if it has happened in order to extract some tea money when it gets closer to the BIB's monthly karaoke night! Seems no one is 100% sure if its the law to carry your passport. No definite law in writing, other than a newspaper article from some top brass and a warning by embassies. That cop who asked for 1000bht would have made a tidy profit, if it isn't the law, as he would have kept the lot and not passed any onto the "fines" dept!

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  5. They show plenty of Championship games! All the games that SKY show, plus a 10pm k.o each weekend.

    They recently ramped up the cost of it. Details are here.... http://www.gmmgrammy.com/en/satellite.htm

    I currently get Sport Extra for free, as it has always been free, even since they introduced the new packages, although checking the website out now I'm wondering if this will continue for much longer. Usually the 10pm games are on Sport extra. But Midweek and the early KO games are on the platinum package football extra, which is 500bht p/m and you pay at 7/11. Call them when you pay as they need you to press a few buttons on the remote to get the band number of the box. The good news is that you aren't tied into a contract so if F****t aren't on, then you don't have to renew.

    usually they publish live fixtures by Wednesday here...http://www.gmmsport.com/highlightsprogram2.php (sometimes you have to click "next week" to get most recently updated version)

    As well as champ footy, they offer Bundesliga and League cup games.

    I have 365sport tv too. They show the early Champ games and so far when the mighty LCFC have been on at 10pm it's been on the free channel, sport extra. You do get Fox sports, start sports and sports news with the platinum package too.

    "If I had the wings of an eagle....." wink.png

  6. I never said ALL cops were dishonest, just the ones that try and extract money from people for anything possible for their own personal gain.

    I never said I don't respect the law, I now have a Thai license. I dislike new laws, or tightening of existing laws abused by opportunist cops. Up until very recently it hadn't been an issue driving on a UK license. As discussed a 5 year Thai license is acceptable in UK for one year. IMHO the same should be reciprocated here. However it won't, because then the cops can't make any money.

    I have no desire to be ripped off, just like this guy nearly was. It's technically the law to carry your passport on you at all times here. How many of us actually do that? Would you then say this guy was in the wrong for not paying the cop 1000bht?!

    Graphic Designer, British male, 27:

    "My experiences with the traffic police in Chiang Mai have been terrible. I could rant all day about that topic, but I’ll try not to.

    My general feeling about the traffic cops are that they are looking for some pocket change. I would say the fine depends on two things: what the offence is, and how corrupt the officer is.

    Usually, being fined for not wearing a helmet is 200 baht, but sometimes it’ll be 400 baht. One time, I had an officer ask me for 800 baht, and when I told him I wanted a ticket in Thai, he quickly retracted his demand.

    I got pulled over the other day outside Central Festival Mall while wearing a helmet. The officer wanted my license, which I told him was at the bike rental shop while my own motorbike was being repaired. He then asked for my passport, which I said I don’t carry on me because I’m a permanent resident here – I keep it safe at home.

    The police officer then tried to elicit a 1000 baht bribe. I got off my bike and told him firmly that I wouldn’t pay it, and that if it were a legal fine he would write me a ticket.

    He then began ushering me off, saying, “Go, go! No money today, but you bad man!”

    I also find it disappointing that all the cops I’ve met have such terrible English skills, even though I speak Thai. How do they deal with issues with non-Thai speakers? It’s just unprofessional."

  7. Thanks BangkokBlue.

    I will probably just give it a miss then. My team, Nottingham Forest aren't playing anyway, so until they are I am not really that bothered - It could be a long time before I really need to watch this competition again!!!!

    To be honest it has all got a bit out of hand. I need True dish and subscription for Champions League, a CTH dish and subscription for Premier League, I already have a 9 foot mesh dish (ku and C-Band for Multichoice - oh happy days) that CTH wont use.

    Even if I have all these dishes and subscriptions, I then need GMM if I want to watch Forest in the Championship!!!

    It is a 'joke' for surePosted Image

    If its any consolation, GMM will work off your True dish...or it used to anyway!
    i can confirm it still does.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  8. I was thinking of getting up at 2.45 AM to watch the Napoli - Arsenal game.

    I don't have a True subscription any more.

    Would anyone know if it is is the 'chosen' game on Channel 3???

    Thanks for your help

    not sure, my advice if you've binned true is to take a subscription with 365sport. You have the benefit then of watching it on delay at a reasonable hour. Channel 3 won't show any big games from QF stage they only will show 13games that true give them. Last season when united played Madrid they showed Malaga vs Porto and nothing after that.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  9. Failed again... Where next, I don't know!

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    When you were going to AA, how often did you go to meetings and did you get a sponsor and start working the steps or did you just go to meetings?

    just went to the meetings. Never got a sponsor or worked the steps. I got annoyed with religious references. I know I have a problem. But don't know how to tackle it.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    • Like 1
  10. Fully expect us to win the group to be honest. Both England and Italy won't want to lose the first game, so will be a very cautious affair. Rooney and sturridge just as good as Suarez and Cavani on their day. Uruguay probably worst SA team here along with Ecuador. Japan 2nd round, only to be ko'd by holland in QF. You heard it here first!

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  11. With EPL for 899 a month, CTH is beyond criticism.

    Everything on True can be downloaded, so where are any problems?

    OK, no signal yesterday. In comparism; Scotland got no trains today.

    If proven old-tec don't work after 150 years plus; please give a chance to the new guys.

    they're still finding their feet, granted. However if bidding for such major sporting rights, they need to do it properly. We're all paying customers and expect an adequate service to meet our demands. The adding of stadium 7 is a vast improvement and shows they're moving in the right direction.

    Everything else, other than news isn't worthwhile, as all downloadable. Especially a lot of stuff that isn't on offer. Surprised CTH / TRUE haven't ventured into Video on demand yet, like astro offer in Malaysia.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  12. It's good to have stadium 7. Without it wouldn't have been able to watch last nights games. I was looking forward to watching Man U,but that is not on until 11pm and I already know the score so won't bother. Did enjoy the highlights of all the games from last night which was on at 6pm. Really missed those. Hope there's no problem on sat.

    search on Facebook for "CTH - We share" page. They post full list of reruns on all their channels everyday.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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