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bangkok blue

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Posts posted by bangkok blue

  1. Been to two AA meetings now. Been very uplifting people who have had similar experiences as me with drink. I feel more positive having taken this step. I'm still unsure about the spiritualism aspect, but willing to give it a go. It's gotta be better than the last 6 day binge session I just had that's for sure.

    I dislike some phrases, such as if you sit in a barber's chair long enough you'll get a haircut. I hope after a while I will have the strength to still socialise with my current friends. They are not just drinking buddies. I do many other activities with them like play football, dinner parties, trekking, badminton etc... Which don't involve drink. I've met members of many of their families. Just because they choose to continue drinking doesn't mean I will cut them out from my life. Don't get me wrong should I choose to join a friend's birthday party / leaving party or wedding etc.... The offer of temptation will be there. With these meetings I hope to achieve knowledge into how to be grateful for what I have, one if which will be not waking up with a hangover, which have become incredibly depressing recently.. Another is extra strength to work on my personal development and career. This will keep me out the pub.

    I will not allow this issue to turn me into a hermit. But use the experience I have had to still socialise knowing that providing I stay that right side of the line in tempting situations I'll get far more reward after the event knowing the next day / the days after aren't a write off of despair and self pity, but more of a learning curve in the direction of a more successful life.

    I will continue to write my experiences along this path. I thank you all for every message that everyone has posted. Especially those who have written to me privately.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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  2. OTA update successful. Call centre advised to put it on a CTH brand channel. So I put it in stadium 1 and it worked. As sky news was the channel I tried it on before that was probably why.

    Pat get the guys to come and look at your system. I have occasional interference on sky news, but not as bad as you have said.

  3. The upgrade was made available on the 29th of October I got CTH installed on the 1st of November and both the installers and CTH themselves did not tell me to upgrade I stumbled across it. The upgrade is under the information bar its the last option I think its under OTA upgrade. Liking the Nat Geo Music channel at the moment its a nice change from listening to constant pop and K pop garbage.

    any chance you could post a pic of the exact option please Crill? I was clicking on the option that said OTA. Not the one underneath it.
  4. Crill....You say you stumbled across the update option. You obviously don't mean the search option, do you?

    I can't find this update option. Been through everything on the menu but no way to update the system as far as I can see.

    Can you help me here?


    it's under OTA on one of the menu options. I tried to do it but it wouldn't update the box. Maybe the update isn't available as yet.
  5. Well my quest for sobriety has failed miserably! Got the urge to go out Friday and have been binging ever since. Every time I do this I feel very guilty about how much I've let myself down. I know when I go several weeks without a drink I feel mentally and physically better, so god knows why I keep doing this. I just hope after this recent session I can regain my composure and see it through properly.

    Maybe it's because of my childhood when my mother was super strict and wouldn't let me go out or have friends around. My father has been sectioned 3 times under the mental health act. It is a worry for me that I have developed or inherited some form of mental illness.

    I don't know where to go from here, as I keep making the same mistakes. I don't want to cut out my friends and stop socialising with them just because they are drinkers. I do feel I'm missing out when I don't join them on a night out. Bit I also know what happens next if I do.

  6. Latest from CTH:

    We have not broadcasted Stadium 7 yet because when we add a channel in our platform, some of our set-top-box has not been updated the channel added because of software in its. All customer has to update the newest version of software by upgrading OTA of the set-top-box. Therefore, we would like to wait until all our customer upgrade the software, which we hope would be by mid of Nov. Then, once all customer update the software, we will broadcast Stadium 7, which would be Mid of Nov as well. And all customer will have Stadium 7 in our platform and won't have any annoying of channel loss.

    Lastly, we would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused. We're trying to serve you the best service to make you happy and joyful.

    Makes sense to me. I had to update some software in my GMM box, as they changed the vertical frequency polarisation for some Thai channels. Looks like we'll get it soon.

  7. Correct, contract includes access to ALL material. Not just live EPL football. This was confirmed by my friend at the nation. That why currently we only get net busters and premier league world. Also PLTV content.

    They've got issues with star movies china, as they are not allowed to dub over in Thai. Because of this they have cxl the agreement. Plenty of customers not happy. I'm slightly more confident we may still get PLTV, as one of the Thai commentators seems to think it'll happen within the next mth or so. He has no reason to feed me BS.

    Technical problems could be to do with transponder space. I know this used to be a problem for super sport in Africa. I had a friend there who said they couldn't cover some events at weekends as link up transponder space was full.

  8. I had my CTH system installed in July, and, like everyone else, I paid for 2 months. Now, 3 months later I have had no bill, so I called at the shop to ask if I could pay what is owed. I was told that CTH haven't sent any bills out yet, so I should just wait until it arrives, and that they can't accept payment without a bill.

    Now, I know that posts here on this forum have been made by some that have already received bills and paid them, so I said "some friends" of mine had received bills. I then explained that my postal service was terrible, often with letters being lost, and I had a PO Box at the Post Office to which I get my communications sent, and Internet, Phone, Bank, etc. had no difficulty in sending my bills there, so could CTH please send my bills to the PO Box.

    She said CTH must send the bill to where the dish is installed, and they couldn't change the address. There was no moving her, she was determined.

    When I said I was concerned that I would be disconnected for non-payment, she just said I was being stupid, nobody would be disconnected, just wait for the bill and pay it at the bank.

    I'm afraid I don't share her confidence, but I will wait a few more weeks and, if I still have no bill, I will call at another "agent".

    It's such a pity that CTH don't have at least one shop in CM with a computer connection to CTH, so that such queries can be resolved.

    Their call centre is nearly always engaged, and if I do get lucky to get an answer, I'm just put on hold until I get fed-up and hang-up.

    The whole organisation is a joke even for Thailand.

    you should have given a copy of the house reg docs. So I assume this wouldn't have got he po box, took almost 3 months for my first bill.
  9. Look, I've said all along that these people are rank amateurs who have absolutely no business in having the rights for the Premier League, maybe time to start listening to old Pat, yea? I had these clowns sussed out long ago and stated as such on here but was just accused of being a Victor Meldrew by the naive believers.

    Still, the only consolation is that I'm not paying for the service as these muppets can't even manage to get a bill out to me.


    I think a lot of you are going a bit overboard on the slating of CTH,over this EPL preview show nonsense. I couldn't care a <deleted> if it transpires or not, for the reason that, if characters like Dean Sturridge,Ian Dowie,Alan Curbishly and the other talking fish, have anything to tell me that I don't already know,I'll dig roads. When I watched it before,it wound me up so much that my missus thought I was having a coronary.

    We've all got what we wanted, which is live Premier League coverage,all in HD, and at half the cost plus Sky News,Sky Sport News, Fox News (an ultra right wing channel fronted by the Stepford Wives) and Australia Network. How bad is that? Ofcourse,they were going to have teething troubles with certain aspects of their coverage. Even the mighty BBC,who have been at it since God was a boy,continue to make balls up after balls up.

    Personally,I've had a terrific service from CTH. Within a week of having it installed,I had two phone calls from their call centre asking me if I was happy with the service I had received. They also telephoned to tell me when I would receive my first bill and when it should be paid.

    it's shocking EPL coverage! If you're happy with the bear minimum, then fair enough. Granted all games live in HD is slightly better than what TRUE offered. Yet we get no pre match or post match interviews with players or managers. That's the most annoying thing about no PLTV! I think John dykes and co. do a decent job reviewing controversial decisions. You gotta love James Richardson, previously of football Italia fame too! Some of the pundits are better than others Although Peter Reid and din hutchinson talk a good game. Anything is better than the Manakin and his two Thai plebs, not to mention the Liverpool "sausage head" fan!
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  10. On current form I'll be astounded if they win the next rights, or major rights to anything else for that matter! UCL rights from season 2015-2016 are being out out to tender at the moment. RS are also looking to sub-license the HD rights for the World Cup too.

    I've emailed [email protected] with my complaint, as advised by whoever runs their official Facebook page. I'm trying to get a direct contact to someone at the top.

  11. Another message from them saying they can't give more info on tech problem. They're blaming it on the fact they're new, in my response to TRUE providing it. They assured me they will get back to me once they have more info.

  12. I asked a similar question, as to how they manage for live games and not studio presenters! It's possible that they need extra transponder space on vietsat. I'm still trying to get a number / email for one of the organ grinders!

  13. Well I watched the re-run last night and I didn't hear any mention of anything about PLTV, stadium 2, or any preview / review show. Never mind, as pattaya pat mentioned, prob for the best as may still get stadium 7 channel. It's on the channel list for cthstadium.com so it does look like they intend to bring it, just don't know when.

  14. CTH just announced before the CP v Arsenal game that they will be showing the PLTV preview program every Friday at 8pm and the PLTV review program every Monday at 9pm. Both on Stadium 2. Progress

    no PLTV review programme on any of the stadium channels!
  15. Similar issue when the FA made a pig's ear of FA cup rights a few years back. Posting the head of media's email on here got it sorted eventually.

    They set up a specific website to watch games on for Thailand only, before true stepped in from semi finals.

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