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Everything posted by RafPinto

  1. Our retired "Aseanow super detectives" will have solved this case very soon. CV's already been posted to the RTP to start a career as "Major General Farang".
  2. And when this incident finished, the swiss man went upstairs to wake his wife up and the first thing she said : "What are you doing here? Are you still alive?"
  3. Did those 2 farang just had a shower together and the one with his towel is bringing his boyfriend in short, back home?
  4. And imagine those heavy submarines cruising along the river. This will add even more weight.
  5. Prosecutors just bought a new 125 Million villa and decorated it with a few Ferraris, gifted by "Ferrari Joe".
  6. Haven't they used a british guy to finish the property? In-laws moving in too. ???? Pucki will be happy.
  7. I think the Thai real estate business over estimated the "Chinese future buyers". Look in what mess Chinese real estate is: Evergrande in deep trouble and now joined by "Fantasia Properties". China will control the money, leaving the country. China is already closing down on Bitcoin and co. I guess it will be very difficult to get money out of China. Thailand still building like there is no tomorrow, hoping the Chinese will buy everything. Good luck with that. Next thing is: Thailand also heavy involved in Crypto. Once the big boss from China orders Thailand to put a stop to it, Thai leaders will follow their masters.
  8. Would be nice to see a survey on farang "home ownership in girlfriends name"
  9. They can open whatever they want. Nobody comes so short notice unless there are some very desperate ones.
  10. Just got mine delivered. Hope I can impress the ladies of the night.
  11. Try this in Pattaya. You will have a few brown sausages swimming around you.
  12. Can I come for a short holiday? I promise, it will be short time only.
  13. Fake story. "Hundreds of pairs of shoes" Let's say, 50Baht per pair (chinese rubbish). 16 Million Baht/50= 320,000 pair of shoes
  14. Solly Was a misunderstanding. Those Chinese shoes were genuine. We found the "certificate". Solly Master.
  15. BREAKING TAT could announce soon that they expect 79,000,000 horny British billionaires to come and save the country. Sukhumvit Viagra sellers setting up new sales shops every 100m. 6000 buses sent to Isaan to pick up the girls of the night because soon, they will be busy as never before.
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