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Everything posted by RafPinto

  1. Should recommend this to each farang, before boarding an aircraft and meeting their next "under the skin" thai girl.
  2. I usually spend 4 hours here when lucky is working out.
  3. Floods - what's the answer? Open the gates.
  4. Depends which skin you mean. Their are different types of skin: Dark skin White skin Yellow skin No skin Foreskin etc
  5. You could respond with: "Solly, i no talking inglish".
  6. Or the whitening powder falls off or the sale of those powders will decrease drastically.
  7. I will try this one. It's dark in the clubs and the girls will not notice.
  8. Nice one. Does it work as well with a money clip "let's say", 200x20Baht? It looks better.
  9. Farang be aware. Parasites get into your mind and leave you with empty pockets.
  10. C43 and Z4, both lovely cars. I recently went to test drive the new Merc E300E. Lovely car. I see only a few cabriolets on the road but have never ever seen one open. If you want to impress the ladies, buy a Benz. They all know what Benz is, they never say Mercedes but Benz. Most of them have no idea what BMW is.
  11. Pol Maj Gen Suriya Rattanaphan, who was making merit for his 44th birthday At 44 already a Pol Maj Gen? How much?
  12. Ferrari Joe would have solved the question of the "origin" of weapons in a few minutes.
  13. If farangs who have done this, the vinyl posters would have been massive.
  14. Most of the women I met here say all the same: Once they hit around 37, they always say: "I am old lady". Around 40, they know their time is running out. Thai men do not want women of that age, also not as mia nois. If they are divorced of have children, no chance that a Thai man wants them. Foreigners also look at the up to 35 year old ones. The 40 and up ones know that they have to be fast. They compete with hundred of thousands of younger, good looking ones. They will hit soon their menopause. The ones who have not yet a child, their time is running out. A few told me: They prefer foreigners and possibly over 60's. Why? Those men probably are financially more stable, probably have a property paid off, have a pension, probably do not want to "boom boom" too much and probably will stay loyal. They do not care how you look or how old you are. "you have a big heart", that's what they say. If they have the chance between a younger, good looking guy but no money and an old one, which can offer them and their "big" family support, guess which one they chose? Their are many over40's on the market. Many have just given up hope to ever get a man and some are chasing men like crazy because they know the clock is ticking very loud. A recently spoke with a well educated woman. She is a lawyer, working for the government. She never had a boyfriend in her life. She focused on studying and after completing her law degree, she did a degree in accounting and management. Later started to work for the government. She saw a few of her family members getting divorced and always having trouble. This made her believe that it is better, staying single. Now 42, she is starting to look for a partner. At 42 and the "pandora box" never opened? I would give it a go, if she asks me very friendly.
  15. I can already smell the curry from my balcony this morning. 7/11 has stocked up on deodorant. You never know.
  16. Should probably buy some new glasses. Didn't the last finance minister quit after a few months?
  17. Ups. They didn't survey all the military, police and other freelancers.
  18. Probably Thailand could donate a few million of their chinese stuff to other countries. (probably nobody wants it, even for free).
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