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Everything posted by RafPinto

  1. Too ugly. Focus on the socks and Birkenstock.
  2. Are they really Saudis? Look at their clothes and the hair of the one with the luggage. The other ones no luggage? How can a "hand-luggage " go missing. Showing the V? Made up story.
  3. https://coffeemaker.top/how-to-refill-nespresso-pods
  4. She was surprised to see your "3cm giant after the smaller 2,5 cm giant just left".????
  5. I don't need this service. I am already struggling now. It's already a pain now, that I always have to glue together 3 condoms to fit my 3rd leg.
  6. https://www.instructables.com/Refill-Used-Nespresso-Capsules-The-Right-Way/
  7. Hope not too many thai wifes are reading here. Each morning, she will look at you and ask "honey, are you still alive?" The engine is already running in she ready to drive to the bank, just in case you don't answer quick enough.
  8. Why would you do this? If you still can get the Affidavit, why to put 800k in a local bank?
  9. Why I never meet a woman who's parents own such land? I come always across the ones who maybe will inherit 2 rais of riceland somewhere in the middle of nowhere.
  10. Not true. My friend is a bank manager at Krungrsi in Pattaya and they are open today.
  11. Brilliant news. I'm thinking of buying some farmland. I have a good idea how to grow rice organically. I did a 2 weeks google course and hold an online certificate. I would need at least 20rai. I don't mind to set aside 20x40 Million Baht. Where do I sign?
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