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Everything posted by RafPinto

  1. The dirty underpants will be charged 250Baht. Lots of funny colours.
  2. I still have to see one single person taking the BTS and not wearing a mask. The only ones I see running around are foreigners. How would you feel if in your home country, 99% of citizens were a mask and a few Asians are the only ones, without? No wonder many Thais don't like us.
  3. The new GF was starting to feel unwell on Sunday. Yesterday, she went to hospital and tested positive. She had the queue nr 848 when she arrived at 10am at hospital. She has a private health insurance and was seen before. Plenty of people being sick now. I recovered from Covid after 14 days.
  4. Portugal for ex. Buy a property for at least 500k $EUR and get the right to stay and travel wherever you want in Europe. Yes, that's 500k EUR for your own house, no other investments needed, no running of a company or employing locals. That's around 18 Million Baht and it's for the house and land that you own. Plenty of Chinese and Brazilians bought properties.
  5. Some farang should take note. A few I met either never take a shower or think that deodorant is an exotic fruit.
  6. England and Scotland, the new Carribean destination for 2023
  7. Please explain: 6k in rent must be a very modest place. How can you spend 3500 in a minimal place like that. Did you factor in how much your solar investment cost if you want to go completely self-sufficient. I guess you are above 60. For sure, your health insurance doesn't come cheap.
  8. At 5 o'clock in the morning.
  9. Too ugly. Focus on the socks and Birkenstock.
  10. Are they really Saudis? Look at their clothes and the hair of the one with the luggage. The other ones no luggage? How can a "hand-luggage " go missing. Showing the V? Made up story.
  11. Hmmm, European, I guess. 1 specific country.
  12. https://coffeemaker.top/how-to-refill-nespresso-pods
  13. She was surprised to see your "3cm giant after the smaller 2,5 cm giant just left".????
  14. I don't need this service. I am already struggling now. It's already a pain now, that I always have to glue together 3 condoms to fit my 3rd leg.
  15. https://www.instructables.com/Refill-Used-Nespresso-Capsules-The-Right-Way/
  16. Hope not too many thai wifes are reading here. Each morning, she will look at you and ask "honey, are you still alive?" The engine is already running in she ready to drive to the bank, just in case you don't answer quick enough.
  17. Why would you do this? If you still can get the Affidavit, why to put 800k in a local bank?
  18. Why I never meet a woman who's parents own such land? I come always across the ones who maybe will inherit 2 rais of riceland somewhere in the middle of nowhere.
  19. Soon, the "cyber cops" will close down "onlyfan" webpages.
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