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Everything posted by RafPinto

  1. NO Now offered at your local massage shop. Instead of asking you, " Sir, massassss, special"? after 45 minutes, they now say: Sir, 90 days online session, want?
  2. Nice picture you have. Are you from Liverpool?
  3. John, ex CIA Matt, ex lawyer Paul, ex NBA pro Jayden, ex fighter jet pilot. All members of the soi 6 expat complain association.
  4. My friends, who lived for years in Bangkok, moved to Vietnam, 2 years ago. They just arrived back in BKK on Sunday. They said they were shocked, arriving at Suvarnahbumi. They were out in 15 min, no queues at all. They are at a hotel, Asoke area and very quiet. Vietnam is booming and very busy. They came back to organise the sale of their house in HuaHin. Also, their 2kids are studying in UK. Flights are extremely expensive as the cost of living. Doubt that many will come for a holiday because of very high cost of living and expenise airfares. Actually, weather is lovely in Europe and many beautiful beaches as well. Why to fly to Thailand?
  5. Send her my picture and soon she will change her mind and even kick you out.
  6. You ever went to "Specsavers"?
  7. https://www.smart-energy.com/industry-sectors/electric-vehicles/ev-battery-swapping-is-it-set-for-revival/
  8. The educated ones are running after me, when seeing what's hanging out of my rear pocket.
  9. Obvious. He has already a thai gf, how on earth could he still have the necklace. Necklace gone, a new phone or handbag bought instead.
  10. Hello, is this 1155? Yes, how can we help? Can I speak to Nina please? Who is nina, sir? Nina, from the hotline. I saved up some cash and want to go all in. Make it a bit dirty today, krub.
  11. That's the same owner. Probably that is the reason why they target GRAB. Get rid of the competition.
  12. Pattaya police just received their latest order to chase those dangerous farang. Looking for volunteers to try them out.
  13. Why? Let her do something as well. Better, then sitting all day on the phone, chatting to friends, family and brothers and often gambling and buying useless things online.
  14. You bite them in half? Last time, I took all 4 in one go. Must say, for the next 2 weeks, I was able to dry my clothes on it.
  15. 2cm left? Then, he did not cut off anything at all. It's still all there.
  16. Next week, I will spend a few days in Pattaya. Saved up for a few months and want to party in style. All covered by my insurance.
  17. He has style. A gold necklace, 2000 karat, worth millions and his designer gold mask made by Fucci. Insured at: New Delhi necklace insurance company.
  18. Last week, i met a lady of the night. Next morning, when I woke up, she had left already. I was quite shocked. I saw my 3rd set of teeth in the bathroom and she didn't remove it. Good lady.
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