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Everything posted by RafPinto

  1. What's the rate of inflation here again? Don't tell me, something like 4 % Soon, the BOE have to act but can they? Many have borrowed up to their necks.
  2. Have a read. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-10941755/Austrian-man-catches-Super-gonorrhoea-Cambodian-prostitute.html
  3. At Suvarnabuhmi new lanes available: Indians: right lane Indians with necklaces: fast lane, turn left.
  4. Are you sure that these are real buffalos? I think it's a couple of farang, wearing a buffalo mask. Waiting for you to leave the house and visit the lady.
  5. Walking street soon to be renamed to "Mumbai avenue".
  6. And Phuket police just joined in. Practising for the drunk tourists, going for a swim.
  7. What about the women? Stray women. Plenty out there. I volunteer to put them to bed.
  8. I know as well a lady, lawyer and second degree in Accounting. Well....... At least she is a high-ranking government employee in Mukdahan.
  9. I bought myself a 250 Rai farm. I love Mangos and Papayas. That's the reason.
  10. I did. She said, see you at 9, wearing my black undies.
  11. They probably know what a "chair" is.
  12. Give every politician 5 stray dogs and you will see, they find a solution straight away.
  13. EXactly what I do. I am a shareholder too and made already plenty of dividends. Why to give my money to another company where I have no relation with.
  14. I know that Shell is more expensive but I continue to go there. Why? I am a shareholder. I earned already lots of dividends. Why would I bring my money to another company where I am not related too?
  15. Send me a private message. Picture of the lady please. I might help you out. That's what ASEAN now members are for.
  16. Tourists bringing monkey pox to Thailand. Emergency decree now staying forever.
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