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Everything posted by RafPinto

  1. That would completely kill the real estate market. Look at the thousand of unsold condos. Hundreds of new project recently started. Bob the builder h..eal..th minister must sell his projects.
  2. Jim, soi 6. Retired dental surgeon from Norwich. That's what he says. He has always a few tools in his bag.
  3. I love my jeans. Accepted everywhere. HiSo restaurants, banks, immigration. Never had an issure.
  4. I had a Chinese in front of me: He tried to pay through his chinese app. Ali or whatever. Never worked. Cash or card, he didn't have.
  5. And his colleague khun A.. nu...t...in said: you have never smoked weed before, no ploplem, do it now. Make me velly rich.
  6. Soon they invent the "barpox". All farangs banned from bars and thai ladies.
  7. They are all called something starting with E. Eva, Ellowyn, Emma, Eudice, Elaine...
  8. At Lotus's How do I switch my phone on? kaaaa
  9. True My last short time asked how I would pay. Me: what you prefer? She: Scan the barcode on my a..s....s and chose, direct payment. Done in 15 seconds.
  10. Just waiting for a reply from our dear member who got his "back door" kissed in a massage shop in CM.
  11. Did you remove your tentures? Probably she was scared. I had one here, she couldn't stop kissing. Biting my tongue and other parts. That was a bit much. Was kind of a nympho????
  12. BREAKING Pattaya bars will ban all foreigners, wearing slippers and Liverpool t-shirts. Look out for the announcement in the "Gazette".
  13. Are you quoting my sex life?
  14. I'm wondering where all those bitcoin trillionaires are now, the thai girls fell in love. No more monthly money to be transferred.
  15. Bitkub. A lot of thais are on the train to become millionaires very quickly. How many are gambling on borrowed money.
  16. There are plenty of farmers in Isaan who wouldn't mind, mining weed and now crypto. Bright future ahead.
  17. Margin call. Also suffering is Cathie Wood. Heavy into Ethereum and TSLA. Ouch.
  18. Good they don't accept Bitcoin. Dropping like a stone.
  19. True. Saw you at Lotus'sssss last week. Only noticed, when seeing your ASEAN now t-shirt.
  20. Or the gf saw a "special" handbag and wants it "NOW".
  21. Never had any problems getting my alcohol out of 7/11 Now in a new version: Disguised as sun creme.
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