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Everything posted by RafPinto

  1. Please do not talk to much about inflation. If the first girlfriend gets additional money from her supporter, due to inflation, the word will go round very quickly. Suddenly, every thai woman will become an inflation specialist.
  2. I tell them all that I love "somtum". That's an ice breaker.
  3. Never happened to me in Thailand. Never tried to get inside me????
  4. That wasn't moaning and groaning. That was laughing. They saw your "sosetch" and could not stop laughing.????
  5. She's already married to John, Mike, Paul, James, Johannes, Paul, Florian, John and a few Thai brothers.
  6. Wonder what kind of movies she did. How can that she was not banned? Porn and Thailand that's impossible. It's like saying Mango trees grow in the Antarktis. Not possible.
  7. ECB can't do a lot. This will suffocate Italy, Spain, Portugal and even France is not doing well.
  8. It starts like this: Hello hansum. Were you flom? How long you stay Thailand? You single? You speak thai? When they know you a bit better, they dig deeper: Where do you work? Where do you live? You buy or rent? How much your salary? You have a car? Which one and how much? Later: You want new family? You want more children? The longer you are here, the more thai you speak, the more girlfriends you had, the less interesting you are for them. They know that you know most tricks out of the book and have to fine tune their lies and stories. Better to get a completely white farang who just steps out of the plane, never has been in thailand, never had a thai gf, doesn't speak a word thai and is quickly impressed how lovely she is and how great her relationship to her family, especially brothers, is. She will make sure that you quickly will know the lot. Too many come over and want to impress. Suddenly everyone is a Dr or fighter jet pilot. Each on at least 15k $ a month and owning villas and sports cars. They go shopping with the girls, little do they know that the guy is maxing out his CC. Some even rent a high end car to drive up to the village to impress. She now has you on the hook and how to you explain that you are just "plumber Joe from Norwich, on a 24k£ a year. ???? Now pay back over 1 year what you spent on 2 weeks holiday, trying to impress the lady.
  9. Thanks for describing me. I would add: Very handsome, funny, lovely....
  10. ???? Thai Airways informed your wife that the plane she was travelling with, just landed????
  11. I asked everywhere for Marie Johana but nobody knows her. Maybe my accent.
  12. Mine too. I just travelled to fill out the card. Waited at the airport for my return flight.
  13. 30year loans in US now over 6%. A few weeks ago it was 3,XX% for 30 years. Saw a forecast for someone paying 1200$ now, going up to 1950$ For those, who bought super inflated and now having to fork out much higher repayments. Just wait and see a sharp correction.
  14. Could?? I love as a treat 'Kitkat". I always buy it at 7/11 at 25 Baht. Same at Lotus and Big C Yesterday it was at 30Baht. That's 20% increase and this I can see on many products. Not even talking about petrol.
  15. NO He just was informed if you take 6, you are entitled to get 3 free. 6+3 This made him speed up his vaccines.
  16. Now with those masks, you only see part of the unfriendly face.
  17. Now we know where you live. This love heart which says "rental". Is this, were your part-time gig lives?
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