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Everything posted by RafPinto

  1. Where is BritmanToo when we need him? He probably knows her and has been in her room too.
  2. Just read that airfares are going up drastically and with super high inflation everywhere, forget about high numbers of tourists.
  3. Breaking All girls with that little "pink" thing are now illegal.
  4. Sorry. Nothing to do with Hiso. I am not Hiso. Just planning. I plan my life. Just living day by day and hoping nothing goes wrong, that's not for me. Worked hard, saved hard, invested and retired early. If I can't afford it, I go where I can afford. Life is hard.
  5. I understand but why would Thailand care about what's wrong about your life. A Thai, wanting to settle in Europe f.ex. has also something to show and not just missing the sunset in the Algarve.
  6. I am aware of this but before making a move like that, I will make sure that I can afford my move. Private health insurance, private school for daughter and a decent home. Coming here, living in a 4000Baht room and eating 40baht food everyday, sorry, I stay where I come from.
  7. BritmanToo, do you know her? You know most of the students. Imagine going home with her, after a night out. Honey, let's take a shower and watch a movie before going to bed????
  8. If this goes through, many will have to leave. That's 10 Million Baht That's the actual cover I signed up for.
  9. I would never live here without a proper insurance. Nice to say that people put some money away. Are you really using it in case of an emergency? Will it be enough? Heart surgery, stroke, cancer..... It goes quickly into the millions. If I cant afford a proper insurance, I go home. This was priority nr. 1 Hopefully me or daughter and her mom will never need it but it is re-assuring. Can't just say: I don't insure my car, if something happens, I just pay. Or, I don't insure my house (don't have one here), if it burns down, I just pay.
  10. Saves evenmore. Imagine drinking 2 small beer at 250Baht each plus 10%, that's another 550Baht saved. Lady could get you for that 550 extra, the full program.
  11. 7/11 just reviewed their stock. Ordered an extra 25 trillion straws and 25000 bottles of beer.
  12. Relax. Just check her diary. If brother is not due in for a couple of weeks, this buys you time.
  13. He has 4 friends from India. They buy a large coke, some straws and use free internet for hoursssss 5555
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