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Everything posted by RafPinto

  1. Perfect. Yes, our daughter attends private school and her mom is the guardian on a non-immigrant O. 500 k and never dropped below. She moved those 500k end of last year from current account to savings account. Holds 2 bankbooks and I verified, never dropped below 500k Cheers Ubon
  2. Hi folks, A quick question. My ex is next month due her 3rd extension of stay. She is on a "non-immigrant O", guardian visa. She has 500k in her bank which she never lets drop below the threshold. A few days ago, she told me that end of last year, she opened a new savings account with the same bank and transferred 500k into this account. She has 2 bankbooks. The old one which always showed a higher balance then the 500k and now the new one with the balance of 500k + What are the implications with immigration when renewing her non immigrant O? Regards,
  3. I bought myself a new Darley Havidson as well. Let's see if the girls want a ride.
  4. Soon he will be called: Pol Maj-Gen Chayanont Maserati....
  5. Exactly. Many girls didn't get any love from home. Mom busy working and kids raised by grandparents and father most of the time unknown. That's the case of my ex. Her dad left when she was 1year old. Her mom busy working and she was raised by her grandmother. When 12 years old, moved to the next bigger city to go to school. 18, moved to BKK to study and work. Never got any love, feelings. How are they supposed to give love back. My ex never gave a kiss, cuddle, hug. Never lovely words. She found it strange. Why? Because she never got it herself. For this, they are calculating. They need a provider, not a lover. When we saw couples where he was probably end 60s and she mid 30s, I asked my ex many times if she thinks this is love. Her answer: Not important. Maybe he has good heart and takes care of her and her family. She told me as well that many girls want old(er) or old men. Why? He can play the role as a provider, care taker, father. Father??? Yes, as they never had a real father, they see in their partners a father as well and go for much older men. They are probably financially stable, can take care of her and family, don't chase other women and do not want to have sex everyday (555). They are also very cold when they feel a relationship comes to the end or is over. They do not sit at home, crying, being sad, disappointed, trying to get you back. They erase your from their memories in a blink of an eye and are open for the next lover. I have seen a few who had already their next partner, a few days after a longterm realtionship just was over. Probably she had already the new one arranged, well in advance. Thai women do not love the same way we do. We are seen as the provider. Leader, head of the family. This means: financially providing for her and often the whole family. In case your finances are stretched or running out, their "love" is also running out. I've seen some girls here, cold as ice. Just a smile when you open the wallet and some cash goes to her and famile. Remember: Mom always will be number one, followed by family. Equal to nr. 1 is money. We are just a way to achieve that goal. Easier with us then thai men. If thai men would be generous and taking care, you really think those young beauties would run around with farangs, same age as their fathers or grandfathers? Amen
  6. Make the sausage stand up but doesn't make your sperm productive.
  7. Had a kid with her. Probably someone else did the job ????
  8. They got some from the Chinese or maybe lots of unused weapons as Songkran was cancelled a few times now.
  9. Oh dear. Better to buy and with this inflation, in a month, you make a profit, selling the car.
  10. I drank Thai beer before but always gave me a headache. Now I stick with Hoegaarden or Asahi and no more complains.
  11. Can you show some alcoholics instead? Latest pictures from soi 6?
  12. And look the <deleted>ty weather. Driving 5 hours from BKK, massive queues and being on an island when it's raining non stop.
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