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Everything posted by RafPinto

  1. I spoke yesterday with a friend. He is half Thai/American. He owns a hotel in Khao Lak and one in CM. He spent the last 12 months in the US for business. He told me: What's going on in Thailand. He has never been together with so many weirdos in his life, when travelling back from the US. Must have been zombies, deprived from their needs for 2 years????
  2. That must have been a long day. 24 hours day and you were nr 893 They must have had 40 staff, working round the clock.
  3. Honestly. The only one smoking around my condo are farangs. I could walk for an hour and don't see a single person smoking. I must live in a different Thailand.
  4. It's very rare I see a thai smoking. Mayber the ladies smoking cigars but otherwise.
  5. We should all get a code on our girlfriends when they go up to the village, visiting mom and dad and brothers and i suggest a "build in" spycam and heat detector and hormone surveyor.
  6. Does former "secret agent MI5" count? Now, mainly working undercover in soi 6 bars.
  7. Does having a "girlfriend" qualifies as work? It is hard work.
  8. They make a very good stew, I was told. Sometimes, a special som tum ham. Be aware gentlemen. Wrap your privates in aluminium.
  9. Imagine the first affair with a girl behind the bicycle shed. Good that this has never stopped. What would we do with our freetime?
  10. Will soon be in the "Gazette". All kind of smoking and vaping soon forbidden. Guys, get prepared. Soon the fun of ... out of order.
  11. They come by submarines, fighter jets and tanks to steal the unemployed ladies, former night life servants who went back to the villages.
  12. What a bloody joke. Inflation at a multi year high. What do you do with 100 baht more?
  13. Offer on the new girlfriend? Wise decision.
  14. Are you not speaking about "teeth"?
  15. And the bufallos with broken legs and on a waiting list for heart transplant.
  16. Some extra ice cubes to make it hard, kaaaaa
  17. Quiet live in rural Isaan????
  18. When out of warranty, send back.
  19. Imagine at Big C, Lotus etc no noise. They would all be sleeping all day long.
  20. Share a picture of your girlfriend, maybe a few ASEAN members can help out. We are a big family.
  21. What's the problem? Too many old people on this forum. You don't understand the trend. It's called the crypto generation dress code. Every morning, I go in pj's to 7/11 for my coffee.
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