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Everything posted by RafPinto

  1. Living alone and enjoying freedom now. If there would someone moving in, I would make it very clear. Behaving badly, don't worry, I help you to make your luggage or better, it's already waiting at the front door for you.
  2. That's what I told my ex. If by 23:00 you are not in, door code has been changed.
  3. Good one. When I asked my ex after having observed a lot of couples. Most farangs late 60 to 70s and with young hotties. I asked if this is love. She answered: he maybe big heart. no need love, just big heart and take good care of lady and mama???? They have no clue about love because most of them never had a father in their lives. The do not care if you are looking like quasi modo or are 30 years older. Their goal is to find a "provider". To provide for her and for her nr 1, "Mama". She wants to make mom proud and make her move up the social ranks in the village.
  4. 600 Baht to top up their phone to be able to chat to their other 20 boyfriends abroad.
  5. Honey what does "R" mean? I drive and drive and it seams I am not going any further.
  6. My last massagist must have used palm oil because a little tree was growing.
  7. He: Morning my love He: Hi He: what are you doing? He: hello, are you there? 3 hours later She: Hi He: Finally. What where you doing? 2 hours later: She: talking to mom Evening: He: good night my love 2 hours later: She: OK ????????????
  8. ???? If you are lucky, she will send you a sticker after you wrote her a book.
  9. Plus all those facebook accounts. My ex had... I don't remember how many. Each time a different name and different story. Some where in thai language. Her mom, who can't read has also at least 3 accounts. Her sisters all a lot of accounts with thousands of friends 555 Even her married sisters. You never see a picture of husband and as status, they are all single. Asked her why so many accounts: I can't remember my email log in and had to open new account but they post every day on all accounts. PLus twitter, tiktok, whatsApp etc. Even her mom has a twitter account. Some accounts are for private chats with other farangs. They have plenty of tricks up their arms but I am one step ahead now. For this, I am the farang who is tinking too mut and talking too mut and not trusting them. ????????????
  10. Hmmm, that made her think. It's very difficult to accumulate but very easy to spend. I also tried to educate her. Each item you want to buy, ask yourself how long you have to work for it: in hours, days, weeks and even years. Again, big eyes. She never thought about that. Problem is, most thais think that we have a magic tree. Hold your hand out and some money falls off the tree. The ones who spend all their money to build a house etc and now rely on pension income get often a wake up call from the girls. Why is there no money left??? Well, it's all spend 555
  11. Can you imagine Pipat and khund pra jut and a nut wearing those turbans when the oil barons come over?????
  12. The TAT pope all smiling. Let's see which magic numbers he will pull out of his head now.
  13. Soon our friend will post here. He complains about expensive wine and soon, he will see that wine is cheap but cooking oil is expensive.????
  14. If BritmanToo leaves, I go as well. Live would never be the same again. I would even consider to move to Zimbabwe.
  15. He's running for governor of BKK Promoted by ASEAN now. I give you my vote mate.
  16. I can do it. You can trust me. I am a respected ASEAN now member. Send me 6000 baht travelling fee and I will leave soon. Promise.
  17. I told my ex: You work, you make small money. To make 1 Million Baht, it takes very very long time. To save 1 Million Baht, it will take forever and for most, mission impossible. How long does it take to spend a million. A few seconds. Card out, pin in and done. Hmmm, that made her think. It's very difficult to accumulate but very easy to spend. I also tried to educate her. Each item you want to buy, ask yourself how long you have to work for it: in hours, days, weeks and even years. Again, big eyes. She never thought about that. Problem is, most thais think that we have a magic tree. Hold your hand out and some money falls off the tree. The ones who spend all their money to build a house etc and now rely on pension income get often a wake up call from the girls. Why is there no money left??? Well, it's all spend 555
  18. Sure they remember you. You are probably the only whiteface in the village. Imagine you are African, they also would recognise you.
  19. Wasn't it yesterday a Canadian guy who's now back home who suddenly remembers that he was sexually abused. Everyday a new story now.
  20. Same same. When I talked to my ex, her concentration and focus lasted max 15 min. You talking too mut, tinking too mut. Then, she went to talk on the phone, twitter, tiktok, line, whatsApp, messenger non-stop. They can talk forever but unfortunately not with us. There must be some magic between thai people.
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