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Everything posted by RafPinto

  1. They were all sitting in front of their phones and laptops to grab the opportunity.
  2. NO CPL, RAF in charge of village 17, main sponsor North of Roi ET
  3. Tomorrow, some ladyboys hitting the streets and promoting: "Banana kiosks".
  4. Become a youtube star in Thailand. Seems that everyone now runs an own channel ????
  5. You understand this wrong. The Germans release so much gas with their inflated egos.
  6. And men, that "special" power. I can feel it myself.
  7. Growth and income shares. Collect dividends and re-invest/compound. Sometimes, part of a specific investment is sold off to invest in other higher dividend paying shares. For now, I am still very positive on my SHELL investment.
  8. Can also go further back: Shell on 1 year 63% up 2 years, around 100% up Just to demonstrate that 2022 is a bad year for most investments. Almost everything is going down, no matter where you park your money. Stock exchange, Bonds, crypto etc. Property is still holding up but as rising interest rates, this soon also will take a hit.
  9. I remember a massage shop where I used to go. One of the massagists owed money to a loan shark. This indian guy turned up every night, after her shift to get a cut of her earnings. Despicable people. 10% or more a month. Someone should give them a proper beating on a dark summer evening.
  10. Not really. UK shares are doing well for once. Apple, Netflix, AMZN, Crypto Bonds Dow Jones, Nasdaq, all at least 20%. YTD My biggest holding SHELL doing very well YTD 37% up
  11. I went to Pattaya from Saturday until yesterday to have a look at a new hotel "Arbour hotel and residence" and walked sunday night along beach road. Horrible. Hundreds of Indians. They were by far the biggest group of men. Women must really be very desperate for what I have seen. 1 went into a taxi with 3 Indian guys, another walked away with 2 Indians and another one discussing the price with 3 of them. I was always told that Thai girls don't like Indian or black men but here, they were together with dark Indian men (I am not racist at all). They could have on the very cheap women at home I guess but want to try different flavours. Must be a joy for immigration police to see thousands of them to come and try Thai cuisine 555 Are those the "high quality, highly skilled, rich" tourists, they are looking for?
  12. Youtube full of fouls shouting 100k in a few months and in a few years, BTC could be 1 Million. Sure, then 30k sounds a bargain. ????
  13. Motivated and fit like a tennis racket. In it went, strong, long and hard and a few minutes later, hiding like it was a very cold winter morning.
  14. The problem is just psychological. People sell their "well" performing shares because they are in profit with them. The losers, they keep, even average down as they are convinced it will go up. Selling at a loss and moving on is not easy. I speak from many years of experience. Now my investments are companies who grow and pay dividends. Sleeping much better.
  15. Look at Twitter now. Musk pushing the price up because he wants to take it over. Yesterday heavy down as now, he has to think about. It's like a religion. People buy and selling everything what he says. How is Dogecoin doing?
  16. I bought virtual land 2 months ago. Up 50% Wait a minute, I just was dreaming about that.
  17. Size matters. The longer the better or was it the harder the better or.... wait, the cheaper the better. Confused now.
  18. And how many are averaging down? In at 65k and again at 55k because sooo cheap and in again at 50k, 45k, 40k, 35k, 30k Soon, it will hit 100k and 1 Million in a few years.
  19. Happened to the indian guys in Pattaya. Ladyboys came from nowhere. One said: you take the rear and I the front....and off they went with the gold necklace 555
  20. I saw yesterday close to BITEC a publicity that from 15th MAY, there will be a Crypto Expo running for a few days. A lot of Thais, attracted to the "quickly" become rich hype have got their fingers burned. How often do I see them sitting in Starbucks or other locations, buying and selling crypto. Welcome back to earth and hopefully this annoying publicity from "Bitkub" will slow down.
  21. They arrived as the "high quality tourists", TAT is aiming for. When they take their picture at immigration, they show off their high value necklace. Massage girls coming back in the thousands from the north east to serve those new necklace billionaires. Don't worry. Soon their fellow indians will sort them out. Those would like to be millionaires are pushing the prices up. Massage girls and girls of the night all want a slice of those rich, gold necklace wearing Indians. They have the reputation of being cheap and a bit "sme....". They want to make up for it, by wearing fake gold.
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