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Everything posted by RafPinto

  1. Let's see what TAT is coming up with in the next couple of days. They were dreaming about all those trillionaires coming to Thailand and settle down.
  2. It looks like me spending a few hours with the lady. ????
  3. Good buffalo. He doesn't look sick (yet).
  4. Next thing to blow up soon are NFT's Buying virtual land ????
  5. They must be brothers to Thai ladies. Your money is my money ????
  6. Is Elon Musk not heavy invested in Dogecoin? Soon, can use it as toilet paper.
  7. Exactly, Michael Taylor. Heavily leveraged. Borrowed hundreds of millions to buy more crypto and as collateral, crypto he owned already. If it continues going downwards like this for a few more days, margin call for him.
  8. Yes. My Shell investment up YTD 32% Increased my investment at 16,2£ and sits now at over 23£
  9. Talking about 1 million (yes, your heard it right). ???????????? They probably forgot the currency. 1 Million Thai Baht maybe.
  10. Bitcoin at 26,800 ouch. Many will have been burned forever and never ever touch any crypto again. How is Cathie Wood doing? And the other guy "forgot his name". An absolute BTC bull who predicted BTC at 100k $ in a few months. His entry level is 42k$ He borrowed hundreds of millions of $ from banks and as collateral, his BTC account. Heavily leveraged and if BTC continues to fall, soon margin call for him and game over.
  11. Wait a minute. Didn't you get your "license" in Turkey and moved there a few months ago. Now back in Thailand? Tell us about your "very short" stay in Turkey. You didn't want to come back to Thailand because of your "hobby" because no license if I remember well.
  12. YES Here a template: Just print it, sign and send back to me: Me, Mitkof Island of world famous ASEAN NOW forum hereby pass on all my assets the my friend and ASEAN NOW colleague RafPinto. All my cash holdings and real estate holdings as cars, gold, land will go with immediate effect to my friend. Kind regards, Signed/Mitkof Island
  13. Is the health minister trying to talk up the real estate market? Everywhere I see new projects, started a few months ago. World in recession, very high inflation, Stock markets, Bond markets, crypto markets crashing. Forget about real estate, it will get nasty here. They build like crazy, probably betting on the Chineses but they are not coming or not allowed to come.
  14. I follow a guy on youtube about BTC 555 He bought at 43k, big in 555 Bigger in at 40k Even bigger in at 385k And again at 35k AT 33k 100USD in At 30,5k all in 30k is the bottom, I know it, I have the charts ???? He leveraged his purchases. Now not more online. Margin call ????
  15. Musk must also feel the head. TSLA dropping sharply and his holdings in DOGE and BTC. Also his Twitter investment where he promised a much higher price then it sits now.
  16. How many were thinking to get rich quickly and went all in, many on leverage. Total wipe out.
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