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Everything posted by RafPinto

  1. Don't worry. Divorce should be much easier.
  2. Weekends, everywhere publicity to sell condos. You can't even walk on the so called "pavement".
  3. Over 1 Million for this small cat just to say you have a full EV? I saw at school a mini Honda EV (forgot the name). Over 2 Million. Are they crazy?
  4. My ex had the following idea. She was 36 and her sister 35. Sister divorced, 1 child. She had many farangs, a bit older then her. She was looking for a serious relationship. All those younger guys, english, german, indian... they all liked her but not to marry her, no. Just bumbum As she saw that she wouldn't get anywhere, she started dating a 65 year old (ugly) german which she finally married and moved to Germany. Her sister (my ex) was on the hunt as well. She didn't want a thai man. She thought foreigners are much better, take good care, big money etc. She finally settled with the 66 year old german (brother of her sister's husband). She went to visit this guy (even uglier than the other one). She was not looking for love. She wanted someone to take care (financially) of her and her family. She lasted 3 months on visitor visa in Germany before she came back. Bum bum with this older guy (needed some sort of pump to bring Johnny up in the air). When I met her, she was 37. I stayed with her for a while. She always told me to stay away from sites like Asean etc. People only talk dirty and bad about Thai women 555 She knew that I knew much to much. She didn't like that I knew about sinsod and all those things. She always mentioned that thai women prefer men 60 and up. Farang because all farang have money. The older the better. Probably house paid and a big pension. Maybe not living for a long time anymore 555 After a while, I had enough of her constant moaning how bad things are and that I do not buy this and that. All her friends who have farang, especially in germany get at least 50,000baht pocket money lol. I told her many times. Please make a video call. I want to see this villa, pool, big car, nanny etc. Never ever someone accepted her video calls. Probably cleaning hotel rooms or working in massage shop. All about face. They go with big dreams abroad and when they live a very modest life, they want to keep appearance up, at least on social media. When she was constantly talking about her old german and how good he was, I started packing her stuff and off you go. She told me many times that she lost important time with me. Now she is old and has nothing. I didn't buy her land, house, truck etc.. I just answered: unlucky you. You found a guy too smart and not willing to play your game. Off you go and try to find an innocent idiot who believes the game of poor lady, I will take care of you handsome man. Last thing I was hearing about her: still chasing old farang and hoping a prince will come along.
  5. Sorry JimmyJ for using your thread. @ ubonjoe Ex came back form Europe last week. We did the 90 days online 2 weeks ago. All good. Now, as the arrival card changed, this would reset the 90 days. Informing immigration or just ignoring and doing the next 90 days using old details they hold? Thanks
  6. The photographer had to buy a special camera to zoom in on all those arrivals.
  7. They could hols the "yearly Asean and World Hub" of corrupt cops. We teach you how it works.
  8. Let"s see what TAT is coming up with tomorrow. The billionaires who booked their stay will now cancel their luxurious holidays because of the weather. What else would they come for? Bars: closed Rest: closed Weather: cold Ladies: re-allocated to farming.
  9. They should increase interest rate but this is NOT going to happen. Plenty of people would go under. You don't read anything about negative equity as this would make many borrowers unable to keep up with payments. Banks keep their "bad loans" on the books and keep their "dream valuations". People borrowed up to their throat. An increase in interest is not going to happen at all.
  10. Hope the media keeps an eye open and foreign media report about this too. What's about the cop and his lawyer who reported about "ferrari Joe"? Gone missing or had a balcony accident?
  11. Where are the vinyl posters with the heavy armed police officers and showing some farang who overstayed by 30 days? Scum, pure scum. Let the public deal with them for a week.
  12. Everything is good enough for them, the land of copies and fake.
  13. They will set up a "special tent" at each corner of the road and say it is a "merrit room".
  14. And for the next 5years, they will always show the same picture from a different angle to show, how hard they work. In fact, 500 Baht resolves the "exhausting" ploplem.
  15. They know no shame... They no know shame.... Better the millions in their account than in someone else's, they think. You never know when they get kicked out.
  16. Send them to my Thai account. I give you a call, once we are at 40/1
  17. Oh dear, Rich Chineses Lots of Chinese No Chinese Rich Indians All sort of Indians No Indians Farang Rich Farang Some Farang Ruskys Rich Ruskys Ruble Ruskys No Ruskys And now The Arabs are coming. Rich Arabs for all sort of surgeries.
  18. That's what i do. Luggage full of presents, gold, I-phones when I travel to Isaan to do merrit. At least 16 times a year.
  19. You forgot your underpants. Next to her left hand.
  20. Thanks goodness. I earn more than 100k Baht a year. I made it in the top class. HiSo for now.
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