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Everything posted by RafPinto

  1. The same Drew has on his Jeep, I would like to have on my Ranger. Modify the pickup with a small kitchen etc. Perfect to go.
  2. Please go on: Drew Simms youtube channel. Amazing. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbKrxZRhT99S7QKnqVYMdPA
  3. https://outdoorexplorer.com.au/best-portable-camping-air-conditioners-australia/
  4. You should adjust to the rhythm and do the "thing" with madame.
  5. And another daily record like in South Korea, HK, Germany etc Time to open up the country and don't forget Songkran festival.
  6. New daily covid record. 27xxx today Plus the 10s of thousands unreported ones. Just got a call from a friend. She is worried that she will test positive as her close friend and family, colleagues etc tested positive. None reported it to the authorities.
  7. Oh dear. How many times to we hear "top cops"? Just do the job your are supposed to do and paid to do and shut up.
  8. Don't blame thai drivers. If they can't see a zebra crossing, they won't stop.
  9. Give the famous energy drink heir a call. He gets you out of the country in a few minutes.
  10. Second photo. Was the "top cop" giving them a call? Mates, we are here. Hope you already left and left me a brown envelope at the usual place. Regards,
  11. If they would be prosecuted for each "fake news", Thailand could employ another 10,000 judges. Wait, they are not prosecuting the leaders, are they?
  12. South Korea: new daily record Covid cases (621000) Hong Kong and China, Covid on the rise Germany close to 300000 cases In Thailand, every few minutes I can hear an ambulance. A friend who works in a Spa told me: her boss, Covid, 2 colleagues Covid, her friend in a village, Covid. Another friend has Covid. Plenty of people infected but none has reported it and they try to sit it out at home. Thailand today new daily record and this is not talking about the ATK test and non reported cases and suddenly they want to open everything up again. What are business owners and normal thai people who lost their income thinking??? When there were 5000 cases, total panic, close schools, shoppings, restaurants... Now daily records and all seems to be fine. The reason is: Thailand needs tourist money and this ASAP The Chinese are not coming. Ruskys.... well.
  13. I blame the chicken. Probably the more expensive one was a "happy chicken".
  14. Handsome men back a slight premium. I go mostly free as I am ugly.
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