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Everything posted by RafPinto

  1. This post should be made "best one" of the year and a copy handed over to each visitor of the LOS. Oh Anutin, love you too mut.
  2. ???????????? OH DEAR. Don't you know who I am? The builder in charge of Health. I am famous and love foreigners too mut.
  3. Was that not 2000baht if you report someone? I see often police guys on their mc riding along the footpaths.
  4. Good luck with that. Do the people in brown need some extra cash?
  5. They won't put the germans on their "red list". Someone very important went back to Germany a few days ago.
  6. Have a look at Germ-any. Yesterday over 50k new infections. All-time high.
  7. Woww. Daily new Covid record in Germany yesterday and they are still allowed in.
  8. Should say: Labour Ministry proposes import of "cheap" labour.
  9. Imagine you have your 2 vaccines. Self-isolate 2 weeks at home before your flight to eliminate all possible risks of an infection. You do your test before flying. You arrive in BKK and come into close contact with a thai person let's inside the airplane or stepping out of the aircraft, walking inside the airport, paper checking or whatever. The thai person was not required to do a test before flying. Thai person tests positive and you, the unlucky farang who was close to that person, you will pay the price and off you go for your 2 weeks "holidays in hell". They should make it compulsory for everyone "thais included" to have both vaccines and test negative before flying.
  10. Not good news for TAT https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2021/nov/10/coronavirus-news-live-france-orders-those-aged-over-65-to-show-proof-of-covid-booster-shot-china-reports-drop-in-cases Covid live: Germany reports new record daily cases; WHO envoy advises minimising international travel
  11. Better before flying, buy a few test kits. When they test you positive in Thailand, do your own test and if it shows negative, challenge them.
  12. What's about the taxi driver and all passengers who took the same taxi later? All in hospital, all in quarantine or just the farangs as they are all rich and can pay?
  13. I was just reading that soon, in France , people over 65 years of age only are considered "vaccinated, if they have a booster shot. Well, that's probably where we are going. Each year a few booster shots.
  14. Instead of offering booster shots, make sure that everyone get's the first and second shot.
  15. And be prepared. Germany has now a new record of almost 40,000 people infected. Wait until the winter weather kicks in. Good luck to Thailand with attracting tourists.
  16. Is the 6969 number plate on his wife's handbag?
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