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Everything posted by RafPinto

  1. To make 30k, she really must be qualified. That's quite a decent salary in Thailand.
  2. Did he have a work permit to help someone?
  3. Do i count as "highly skilled"? I master the art of bringing happiness to women.
  4. 2 queues? Do do what? Extension of stay, 90days or what?
  5. That's the future. Elon "Mask" is about to release a mask which sits deep in your lungs, powered by batteries.
  6. You are a "strictly" guy. Strictly no wife, strictly runner...
  7. If you count the chinese stuff, you probably need a booster every couple of weeks.
  8. For many older people it's just fine. The more kids they have the bigger the chance that they provide for future income, basically being a "pension pot". Even better if it's a girl. They have the duty to take care of the family and later, the family can expect that someone pays "sinsod".
  9. I have a mate in Turkey. I told him about that Thailand wants to attract Millionaires and Billionaires. They never mentioned in which currency is has to be. He told me that he is a Trillionaire. (in turkish lira). He sold up and is applying for the "thai billionaires 10 year visa, buying land etc)
  10. The Russians close schools,shops, restaurants.....but are allowed to travel to Thailand. Unbelievable. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2021/11/06/coronavirus-in-russia-the-latest-news-nov-6-a69117 Nov. 6: What you need to know today Russia on Saturday confirmed 41,335 Covid-19 infections — the highest number of new infections since the beginning of the pandemic — and 1,188 deaths. Moscow's shops, schools and restaurants are shuttered until Nov. 7 in a bid to stop a surge in coronavirus infections and deaths that came after vaccination efforts stalled. Neither Moscow nor St. Petersburg will extend their non-working period past Nov. 7, the cities' authorities said. Russia's single-dose Sputnik Light vaccine produces a strong antibody response among recipients, according to research published Wednesday in leading medical journal The Lancet. Sputnik Light is the first dose of Russia's two-dose Sputnik V vaccine, which is the backbone of Russia's domestic vaccination campaign and is being sold around the world. Russian authorities said Monday that doctors were under "extraordinary" strain due to surging coronavirus cases in Europe's worst-hit country. The Novgorod region in northwestern Russia has become the first region to extend the non-working week. It will order all non-essential workers to take a mandated paid holiday for an additional week after Nov. 7.
  11. Here they come and soon, the thai government have already someone to blame.
  12. The girls on the picture don't look russian.
  13. I know where the money comes from. All unemployed Thai Airways pilots, stewardesses..... now working for Grab, Foodpanda etc and sending their entire salary to Thai Airways. GROUNDED BY THE PANDEMIC, THIS PILOT IS NOW A ‘GRAB’ DRIVER https://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/crimecourtscalamity/2020/11/12/grounded-by-the-pandemic-this-pilot-is-now-a-grab-driver/
  14. You don't get it. They don't have the money. They borrow from family and friends. Once they find a job, they have to pay the money back and help their families as good as they can; I'm happy for your luxurious live in your electric car etc. Many would be happy to have some food on the table.
  15. Take a deep breath! We speak about human beings. That's a tragedy. You probably never felt hungry or desperate. I feel for them. They see no other choice than looking to find work somewhere else to feed their families.
  16. I drove to Isaan. Was stopped a few times and they just checked my insurance and if I completed the book saying when I left and where I drive too. Never any questions asked.
  17. Hansum man. Love you too mut. You like the gold ones? I do you favor to wear and ju do favor to buy. Good brand and gold. Ju kno i luv gold too mut. Please hansum.
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