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Everything posted by RafPinto

  1. Tell me about. After a while, I needed some peace as there was every evening another beauty, just around the corner. White, choco, black, thing, big. For each gusto.
  2. Set her up with youtube. There, she can see as many channels about Europe and USA as she wants. From the comfort of your sofa.
  3. Sh..... I'm already over 50. Never mind. Always fancied a trip to Cambodia and Laos as I have never been there.
  4. What was the thai super star coming to perform end of the year? I have still 5000 tickets for sale. Each just 25000 baht Hurry up.
  5. Does coriander look like this? A friend thinks that someone is using his land to plant coriander. Asking for a friend.
  6. They go into an official shop, just to get a free bag to show off and off they go.
  7. Everyone onboard to visit the luxurious sea-site destination Pattaya, also known for the "shrimps heaven".
  8. https://www.who.int/news/item/04-11-2021-medical-product-alert-n-6-2021-falsified-pfizer-biontech-covid-19-vaccine Medical Product Alert N°6/2021: Falsified Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/BNTX/ https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/medizin/biontech-pfizer-britisches-fachmagazin-berichtet-ueber-schlamperei-bei-corona-impfstoff-zulassungsstudie-a-3215cb80-70c8-4a46-8b17-aba2db960611
  9. https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4336207 Taiwan records 1st imported Moderna-BioNTech breakthrough COVID infection
  10. What a troll. They are still discussing how to cap the price increase in fuel but it has already positively influenced the consumer confidence. You can't make up this rubbish. The government’s measures to stimulate the economy, relax Covid restrictions and keep the diesel price from exceeding 30 baht per liter have positively influenced the consumer confidence index for October 2021, which stands at the highest level in 5 months.
  11. I had one in my bedroom. Alexa was always shouting "Go go go, you can do it, push". I sent her back and reported a fault.
  12. On the first of the month, you fill up the bathtub and use the same water each day. End of month, use the water for your plants and fill up with fresh water. Very economical.
  13. Cautiously???? Soon they will tell us that the 3000 tourists arrive each day is because of safety measures and not because there is no demand.
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