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Everything posted by RafPinto

  1. I have a contract signed by me and the owner. All done through the agent. Rent is monthly paid to "owners" account.
  2. He wants to make big money in the " snow" business in Thailand.
  3. ask Ferrari Joe, he might have a solution.
  4. Funny, isn't it???? Sudarak Komonkitisakul at Milano Hotel said they had 50% capacity, mostly Thai families. Their promotion until the end of December is down from 1,800 including breakfast to just 1,000 without breakfast.
  5. I could sell you my Range. Enough space for a few dogs and they would travel in style. Problem is the "graffiti" Make me an offer.
  6. I would even go a step further. Spoil yourself to the duplex version.
  7. Another long weekend? Prices are crazy in HH. I checked for this week, school mid-term but something decent was well overpriced.
  8. They never thanked me for the outstanding service I provide to the female society.
  9. And Lilly works for the secret service as a "Spy". Now she is undercover in Guatemala.
  10. Don't worry, they will know who to blame if numbers are shooting up like a rocket. Look what's going on in Russia, USA, UK, Germany. The Thai people will blame the farangs and not the government.
  11. And I adopted Nina. She had her own pick-up.
  12. My 2 dogs, Rosie and Lucky have their own car and driver.
  13. No traces please. Wire to my number account. Call me Ham Yai.
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