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Everything posted by RafPinto

  1. Give her a phone and a plate or 2 or 3 of food and you will see her hapiness.
  2. I thought about your problem for a couple of days Will B Good. I found the solution: You can hire me as a "Hitman". I finished my first 3 hours of "Thai boxing" training with "Honors". I watched a few Jackie Chan movies and yesterday, I watched "Hitman"". I feel that I am ready and i can sort out your problem. Conditions: Pay upfront 250k Baht to my overseas number account as a deposit. Pay all my expenses: I usually stay in 5* hotels and have a driver. Once job done, I expect the outstanding balance of 2,750.000Baht to be wired immediately. When money hits my account, I will show you evidence. Please be aware. You must act quickly as my order book is filling up quickly. Regards, Contact me on my burner phone.
  3. That's the base salary. Just to turn up at work The real salary they make, once they get out on the street to "chase the criminals", business owners etc...
  4. Was this 20k before Covid? Must have been "farang" contributions to most of the Isaan girls.
  5. Offering 100% is absolutely stupid. When i lived in Portugal, they were all in the game. Builders were inflating there prices. Banks sent someone to appraise the property. Real estate agent wanted high prices. 10% own capital required but many did not have so much. What did they do? Banks valued the property 10-15% higher and so, the potential buyer got the loan in relation to the appraisal, means, the buyer got a full 100% finance and often the banks gave a higher loan to buy new furniture and why not to buy a new car, once you are at it. It will not end well. I am happy to be a renter. I just signed a new 1 year deal for the condo I live in. Again, I knocked the price 10% down. Take it of leave it. You don't want, I move to the apartment next door. Many of them have taken out loans to buy another apartment in hope to sell it quickly, once the property is finished. Didn't happen. Rental properties are everywhere. The ones struggling to pay their mortgage accept almost every offer you make them, in order to have some help, paying back the loan.
  6. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/10/22/evergrande-has-made-83point5-million-bond-interest-payment-chinese-media.html
  7. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/oct/21/moscow-announces-one-week-lockdown-covid-deaths-rise-russia Moscow announces one-week lockdown as Russia Covid deaths rise Russia again in lockdown and others to follow.
  8. Send those eco warriors to a work camp. They protest at every occasion and are too lazy to work.
  9. Have you seen that "HAVAL" thing? Fully Chinese. Resale value must be horrible. Who can service a car like that. No thanks.
  10. Just read that the coach of Bayern Munich, double vaccinated is now infected with Covid. he is in his 30s. Imagine a plane full of tourists, all 2 vaccines, all test negative before leaving Europe or USA etc. Arriving in Thailand and 1 tests positive. What happens to the rest of passengers? Everyone in quarantine for 2 weeks? And I see already who to blame, when numbers in Thailand go up again.
  11. 4 dentures? How many jaws you have? Or you buy a family package? 2 for you and 2 for the wife.
  12. I went a few times over the last few weeks. Annoying that she always tried to sell some expensive dental work like implants etc. I told her, I would not do an implant on a whisdom tooth but continued to try to convince me to do this and that.
  13. Wrong: How many of thai bar girls WENT TO THE POST TO CHECK IF SOMEONE MADE A TRANSFER
  14. No mentioning about the other police guys involved and what happened to the one who blew the whistle and his lawyer? Are they still breathing?
  15. How much was it in the 90s? 105kg?
  16. Took them a week to fill it up. Should keep me going for a while.
  17. 1. Fresh underwear 2. Min of 25,000$ in cash 3. Make a donation to the Immigration office in charge. 4. Adopt a few bargirls and support her and family 5. Sign up at your local police station for weekly donations 6. On arrival, a random thai person will adopt you and you have 6 months to transfer all your wealth to that person. 7. Before traveling to Thailand, speak to your home bank and ask to increase ATM daily withdrawals to 100,000 Baht
  18. Just filled up my bathtub and ask management in my condo if there are empty units and if yes, if I can fill those bathtubs as well. I offered the juristic department free somtum for a week.
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