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Everything posted by RafPinto

  1. Oh dear. Students now fixing stuff. They should first fix the education system.
  2. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/10/20/this-65-year-old-retiree-lives-in-mexico-on-1500-a-month-why-she-says-its-the-perfect-place-to-retire.html
  3. In order to download this app, you need your roaming activated. It will cost a arm and a leg to have it on for 2 weeks holiday and not everyone wants to buy a thai sim card and download something on their own phone.
  4. Next to me, they are building a new condo. Scaffolding is ridiculous and those guys walk around on them without any safety equipment and often just in flip flops. I am surprised that we don't hear every day that someone just falls off.
  5. Today, it was again: Started the day with a glass of hot water with lemon. Apple, Avocado, Mango, Banana with yoghurt, honey and cinnamon. An hour later, 2 boiled eggs with dark bread and coffee plus a slice of bread with peanut butter. Keeps me going to at least 2-3 pm.
  6. She must be building a castle. You said that your wife is using all her hard earned money and later you said 8 million Baht? In the middle of nowhere, that must be a stunner.
  7. Or open an alligator farm and invite the lovely neighbour over and ask if he wants to buy some leather boots, handbags etc...
  8. And take a sunbath naked everyday when the bar is busy. He will quickly run away, when he sees how strong your are build. Losing face thing...
  9. And in Germany a massive jump in cases today as well. Soon winter. Good luck Thailand by letting the "safe" ones in.
  10. https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2021/oct/17/covid-news-live-gordon-brown-vaccines-africa-uk-cases-coronavirus-latest Plus Russia Plus Singapore ......
  11. https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2021/oct/20/coronavirus-news-live-singapore-reports-highest-ever-covid-cases-uk-urged-to-enact-plan-b-or-risk-nhs-crisis
  12. That's for the weekend when I cruise in my Bimmer.
  13. Do they follow the news? UK in a horrible state again and Russia...... from up to 10 low-risk countries,
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