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Everything posted by RafPinto

  1. And had no sex on the site ???????????? Probably charging some people too much interest and they got fed up and terminated the contract.
  2. I can't leave my fingers off Coke Zero. Should drink more water...
  3. Aren't you the same ThaIrish who runs a youtube channel?
  4. I just applied. Nervously waiting for approval. The girl on the picture looks hot.How did she get this job. She is probably is the daughter of someone high up the food chain.
  5. 5 mugs of black coffee??? Wowww My blood pressure would be through the roof.
  6. Just a question of when that all Non Immigrant O visa holders also will have to have a health insurance.
  7. Does boom boom count as working out as well. Uff, I am happy that I am not classified as lazy.
  8. Is that Hewlett Packard sauce? Didn't know they are in the sauce business as well 555
  9. Regarding eggs: Which ones do you guys prefer. As I live in BKK, I have no garden to have my own chicken. I like very much: Cage free eggs from Betargo From Tesco, the CP Cage free export quality eggs (thai name, I can't read it). Nice dark brown eggs with dark yok.
  10. And now on my daily "average" 7km walk. Yesterday I managed 15,84km and end of the day, a nice massage.
  11. What's a century egg? I only eat eggs from happy chicken.
  12. Today I had the following: First a glass of water with a squeezed lemon. Porridge with honey, banana and cinnamon. After an hour or so, 2 boiled eggs with dark bread and some vegetables from the "terrace garden". Followed by 1 slice of dark bread with peanut butter. 1 cup of coffee. I am done until late afternoon.
  13. Cherry coke doesn't sound healthy.
  14. Just difficult for avocado. Imported ones crazy expensive. I use the local ones but timing is difficult. The last ones I had, even after 5 days, they were still hard. I prefer the "Hass avocados"
  15. And not to forget: Dark bread with peanut butter.
  16. Looks yummy. Where do they sell this one?
  17. And the "smart BMW" is closing in on the men in uniforms, observing their luxurious properties, cars, land. Soon, the mystery will be solved.
  18. I was always dreaming about being retired. I think my first word was "retirement".
  19. What's your daily breakfast? I start my day with: Warm water and a squeezed lemon or lime. After 30min or so, my fruit platter: Frozen blueberries, frozen strawberries, banana, apple, AVOCADO and sometimes I add melon. I add yoghurt, honey and cinnamon. Avocado is a very delicate fruit and timing is not so easy. This keeps me going and after another hour or so: 2 eggs with some dark bread and coffee. I am fine until late in the afternoon.
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