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Everything posted by Lorry

  1. Are you kidding? This is so obviously tax evasion, it should be clear to anybody.
  2. Nice. My home-country is a world leader in many much less enjoyable things.
  3. You don't understand what kicking means to Thais and how serious it is. Kicking for them may not even involve bodily contact. Try kicking a motorcycle guy. But write your last will first.
  4. It wasn't his "garden" It wasn't even fenced in, and whoever built these stairs knew very well why not to fence it in. Anybody who has lived in Thailand for longer than a couple of weeks knows that you cannot legally build like this. And if he was too thick to give a shït, his wife and her high contacts in the police could have told him. But reading your and many other posts, there seem to be an awful lot of ugly foreigners who think and probably act like him - exactly the reasons the Thais are so upset.
  5. Has that one been acqitted, too, or are they still discussing the price?
  6. So, has he been acquitted yet? Maybe he slipped...
  7. You can't see he kicked her. And the way she walked away, any kick couldn't be have been very hard. But what you can see, he keeps insulting her (a compoundable offence also in Switzerland) before and after the " kick". If someone slips, there is a break in the flow of speech. And if someone slips and accidently kicks someone, even in Switzerland people would apologize.
  8. It wasn't she who was compensated
  9. On a serious note: It means a sharp reduction of backpackers spontaneously coming overland (AN members rejoice). Places like Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam - you can just go. Thailand has entry hurdles. It also means a sharp reduction of elderly farang visitors (eg AN members). I know many who find all things digital a nuisance. Fortunately for Thailand, there is a nearby big country where people are used to digital surveillance, they will feel at home.
  10. That's really a visa required from everybody. But the system will be set up by the professionals who gave us electronic 90 days. So, it will be quick and easy. And please buy a smartphone to apply (remember the people buying a smartphone to apply for the digital wallet?). We are still discussing whether foreign smartphones can be used. They forgot to mention that an ETA can be done by an agent for a small fee
  11. I understand your worries. But there is nothing cynical about calling your tax advisors statements nonsense. If you read the revenue code (it's not as difficult to read as our home countries' revenue codes), or the Q&As from the Revenue Department (posted several times, but admittedly, buried deep in the tax threads), or the pinned tax guide, or the tax threads, you would see: the only one who is cynical here is your tax advisor who takes you for a ride.
  12. An Israeli once was met by the police when arriving at Thailand, because of the indecent act of having an appointment with a 14 y.o. girl. They hadn't even met yet.
  13. Thx for posting. I hope you are doing fine. I know that ARI clinic in the parking lot of Samitivej Sukhumvit. May I ask what time of the day you went there and how fast (or slow) things went there? Did they do PCR or ATK? I am asking because I just had a not so good experience at another private hospital, not too far from there by taxi, where things went very slow. BTW I can confirm that Paxlovid is available at Samitivej, for the price quoted by Arkady, 24,960.
  14. Posters who say 250 probably haven't done this trip for a long time. 300 is a good price if it includes the 50 baht airport taxi fee. Could be a bit more, but definitely less than 400. Of course, always use the meter.
  15. So, it's almost like, not visa- exempt for everybody, but everybody now needs a visa (called ETA). Great. I really needed more Thai bureaucracy to spice up my life.
  16. Do you know a place that does it for ED? Might be worth to ask them
  17. Low-intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy (Li-ESWT), also known as genitourinary low-energy shockwave therapy, is often used to treat erectile dysfunction, and sometimes for chronic prostatitis. Does anybody know, where in Thailand (preferably Bangkok) this is offered?
  18. No, you cannot do it this way. This may work, or not - opinions of AN members vary a lot on this subject. Imho: Better than sending the money from abroad directly into your GF's account: send the money directly from abroad to her daughter's account. (I cannot guarantee that TRD will accept this - but if I were a tax inspector, I probably would. GF's account - I wouldn't like this)
  19. Interesting. It seems that, in effect, the UK comes de facto quite close to the American model of worldwide taxation where you cannot escape the IRS (as long as you keep your passport,. Other countries mentioned in this thread, which nominally have residence-based taxation, but use weird legal constructions to make it very difficult to become a non-resident, are France, Germany and Belgium. The Thai law is very clear and honest, in comparison. 180 days. Simple.
  20. Yes. Depends a bit on the context. You pay a taxi, he starts searching in his purse for coins, you just say ไม่เป็นไร. mai tong tawn is always good, because it literally means "no need for change"
  21. I said ordinary people. Ordinary Thais do not have a postdoctoral degree in advanced physics. People with a BA have learned to roll their r, and do it at special occasions (like deliberately, slowly pronouncing a word to teach a foreigner).
  22. Afaik this is the best procedure in Thailand. In the above case, the regulator would have been the regulator in Europe, which would have taken many months to react. The girl was in Bangkok Hospital and needed a payment guarantee fast. Oh, and this insurance doesn't use brokers. But what you say about brokers is true.
  23. I know this I wrote it how it is pronounced in Bangkok, in common speech, by ordinary people who don't show off A newscaster would pronounce a nice rolling r, and some people from Burrirram (I know it's spelt differently) or from the south, too I thought - maybe erroneously - OP doesn't know much Thai, so it would be better for him to learn what he actually hears others saying
  24. ไม่เป็นไร (You can say ไม่ต้องทอน)
  25. "Mai pen lai" (You can say "mai dtong tawn")
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