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Everything posted by Lorry

  1. "tourists" here (as usual) includes people on retirement visa, marriage visa, ED visa etc, no matter how long they have been here, how many kids/condos/wives they have. Non-tourists are people who work here and diplomatic staff
  2. Pfizer, first version. I have heard some places still have AZ, not sure about it.
  3. Are you joking? When they began vaccinating Thais in 2021, at many locations foreigners were refused a jab. Many were desperately looking to get a vaccine and didn't get one. Quite a few foreigners flew to other countries to get vaccinated. Your post adds insult to injury.
  4. Yeah, as opposed to you I really know very little about Thailand. I have never been there, all my knowledge is from "The Beach"
  5. This is her IG. I cut and posted the relevant passage. It is the line of Chinese on top, I have attached two pictures, but they look like one. It says "I'll tell everyone/you all after I have spoken with Interpol/after I am finished speaking with Interpol." It doesn't say that she has already spoken with Interpol. She does say "Interpol" ( there was a poster who doubted it) Here the line again:
  6. Correct. I didn't know that people vape there. The smog there is not enough?
  7. Huh? What's that? Thais come together in groups to vape? Or are you talking about fb groups? Is there really something like that?
  8. I really wonder where you live, and the others who say this. Pattaya? In parts of Bangkok without farang I hardly see vaping (and certainly not Thais vaping). Outside Bangkok, I have never seen it at all. You know, those lands beyond Soi Buakhao and Soi Bangla are also part of Thailand.
  9. I just read the General said "bad cops will be cleansed from the RTP". So everything is fine.
  10. Sometimes I have to tell friends who come as tourists that vaping is illegal. The reaction is always incredulity. They don't believe me. But, yes, someone should have told them "you can smoke weed, but you cannot vape".
  11. She couldn't even string 5 words together into a decent Thai sentence! Obviously completely drunk
  12. I have to retract this statement. The schedule the hospital gave is ok. They already follow the new WHO guidelines from 2018. The Essen-regimen as seen in the picture I posted above and as quoted by Sheryl has been shortened to a total of 4: 0, 3, 7, and only 1 injection between 14 and 28. (The TRCS intradermal schedule has also been shortened. The Zagreb-regimen remains the same). 03-rabies-rao-508.pdf WER9316-201-219.pdf
  13. That's correct. And all of them are PVRV (purified Vero cell rabies vaccine), like Verorab or Speeda. AFAIK Thailand doesn't use the vaccines that show up in your CDC link, HDCV (human diploid cell vaccine) and PCECV (purified chick embryo cell vaccine, Rabipur). PVRV, on the other hand, is not available in the US.
  14. Yes, they do help There are different types of compression stockings: the cheapo airline type, usually white - only helps a little bit. medical grade, comes in different strengths and should be fitted individually. They are so tight, you can hardly put them on without help. There are cheap devices to help you putting them on. BUT: Swollen legs are a symptom. You should see a doctor to check what is the underlying disease, if any. He might recommend compression socks.
  15. In the picture below, on the right side, you see the schedule with 5 IM = intramuscular injections on 5 different days, 0.5 ml PVRV vaccine each time, as you wrote: On the left side, you see the TRC-ID (=Thai Red Cross intradermal) schedule, with 4 days of injections, 2 intradermal (= into the skin) injections each day, only 0.1ml PVRV vaccine each time. As you wrote: Intradermal vaccination (into the skin) is preferred in many developing countries. Your link to the US CDC describes a different kind of vaccine (HDCV, not PVRV; 1.0 ml, not 0.5 ml) with a different schedule (day 0-3-7-14). PVRV is what is used in Thailand and what the WHO recommends.
  16. This schedule is ok if the dog is still healthy in 10 days. If the dog dies (not probably) you would need an additional injection on 14th of February. (I take it that these are IM injections, not intradermal (into the skin)) According to WHO guidelines, you should also get RIG. In Thailand, they don't follow these guidelines, they have their own guidelines and they give it not often.
  17. That would be the injections into the skin. He seems to had an injection intramuscular. You are right about those 2 injections he got today, I just thought about it, but you were faster. He should do exactly as you said. He should also get RIG, not so easy in a small government hospital
  18. That's intramuscular. I suspected this Yes, but I wouldn't go to the same one. It is very, very substandard in Thailand not to give rabies injection.
  19. Are you sure, what you got was rabies vaccine? Did you get the sticker? Are you sure you understood what they told you? You should have gotten a handout with a schedule. Your schedule is very unusual. If there are no recent scientific breakthroughs that I am not aware of, it's completely wrong. There are many vaccination schedules. The Zagreb-schedule goes like this: 2 injections, intramuscular, on day 0 (ie today) (were your injections intramuscular, long needle, into the muscle? or just into the skin with a short needle?), one more on day 7 (ie next week), one more on day 21 (in 3 weeks). Try to find out what they gave you, and go to a bigger hospital asap. You also should get RIG rabies immunoglobulin asap, expensive and only available in bigger or private hospitals.
  20. Have you ever been vaccinated against rabies? If yes, when?
  21. I pay 850 for 56 capsules Prepentin 75mg (local brand). It should be possible to get it 200 baht cheaper (my pharmacy is generally expensive)
  22. I don't have a visa. At least not in my passport. I got an e-visa in the data bank of immigration, but no proof of it. I did print it out and keep the print-out with my passport, but it's really just a pdf that anybody could have produced. I have always worried a bit about this. An Yu Ching claims, police said her visa was unacceptable and must be printed in her passport with an offical emblem. If I were police, I would think so, too. If I were police, I would never have heard of so-called "e-visa". So my worries about my visa just got a bit bigger. How can I prove that I do have a visa? Is this really not necessary?
  23. It depends on the regulations of the condo. Often much more than 30 days.
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