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Posts posted by DrDweeb

  1. Sorry for most people here on visa extention basis, but do you think you can stay in US, Canada, Germany or any other "civilized" contry for more than 90 days? I do not think so. Shame to layers telling everyone "yes you can", knowing that they break the law.

    Well, let's compare the marriage based visa. My wife arrived in Germany, and after some pretty serious arguments with the officials there, she was issued a 5 year residency permit which can be extended to unlimited after 5 years. Citizenship takes 10 years. But the point is: She got there, and was basically equal to citizens with regards to work and permission to stay.

    There was no proof of income required either. Not for me, not for her.

    Granted they did put up a few more obstacles for the same thing in Austria even though the EU laws are supposed to ensure equal treatment throughout the EU. And some countries even ignore EU law (Denmark). But by and large, the law in the EU is very simple and very clear: An EU citizen can live and work anywhere in the EU, and his/her spouse can come along and live and work there, too.

    Compare to Thailand... no work permit included, need to renew visa (and pay for it) every year, need to show 400K in bank, subject to change! Why? No reason.

    I mean - if the <deleted> police actually did their job in this country, there are laws and stipulations that deal with foreign criminals and money laundering. That should not be mixed up with the immigration laws. It's just that we all know how easy it is to get away with anything provided the right people are paid off... solution: Stop them at the borders. Hmm....

    OK. Not that I am that much of a fan of Danmark, but I have lived here for 20+ years, speak faultless Danish and thus allow myself to opine that I know a lot more about this place than you are ever likely to know or imagine.

    Given that it is a absolute fact that DK is the country in the EU that has the highest level of integration of EU directives into national law - exactly why do you opine that Danmark "ignore EU law" - since this is false on the face of known facts. FWIW, no country has 100% compliance and none ever will - realpolitik lives.

    I just hate dickheads who saw a one sided TV soundclip (or a BBC documentary equally based on monumental falsitudes) making out that Danmark is deserving of special scorn.

    Want some fun - try going to Holland and setting up - either as an EU or non-EU citizen. Trust me, after a year I have had enough - the kloggies can sink into the N. Sea asap as far as I am concerned because if there ever was a place that makes life financially punative against foreigners - its kloggieland. Oh, they are sinking into the N. Sea - More Global Warming please ... :o

    I worked in Germany 2 years as well. No problems I am happy to report.

    Back to more relevant programming.

  2. seeing as this thread is speculating about the impact of hte new visa rules...

    i cant help thinking the coup will have more of an impact on the economy. tanks can't be good for tourism.

    maybe there's an upside, maybe sondhi will kill off the stupid shit like bars closing early and drinking age of 25.

    oh btw drdweeb as it stood a few hours ago there was a news conference wherein the #2 guy in immigration said rather unequivocally it would be days not entries. it did seem to be a work in progress. what impact the coup will have, if any, is anyone's guess at this point i suppose.

    Yeah, the coup had not happenned (or at least I was unaware of it) when I posted.

    Well, I will be there 6/10, so I hope it stays calm


  3. OK. I have trawled through 32 pages of posts. Wow, I really must be interested in this topic, right.

    I am in the unfortunate position of being someone who uses Thailand as my staging point between Australia and Europe.

    Between October 3 And December 10, I will enter Thailand (and Leave) 4 times. These dates are fixed, tickets purchased etc. I am a business tourist, spend lots of money and generally add to the well being of the economy. I like Thailand, and it is not uncommon for me to decide to go to Thailand for a week of R&R just because I can. The golfing is particulalry good in Th. I might add.

    (A side bar, Thailand is beautiful. It´s Lika Mallorca, a fantastic place except for the tourist holes - and even those places have their purpose)

    I spoke to the Thai Embassy in Copenhagen 1 hour ago (I am a non-Dane resident - those wishing to understand the apparent Xenophobia in DK recently highly publicised should be aware that it is nowhere near like the newsmongers have suggested). But I digress.

    The Thai Embassy was completely unwilling to respond to ANY questions about a visa. Despite informing her of my fixed intention to pass through Thaialnd 4 times in the next 3 months (post October 1), and asking for specific advice on what visas are available the embassy officer (obviously a Thai, but spoke acceptable danish) provided ZERO information.

    I asked for an email address to send a formal request and was informed that it would not be answered until after October 1, if at all. The email address I was given was false.

    I have the impression that they are tired of people ringing them, so they just stop answering questions.

    I have many friends who pass through Thailand multiple times per month, using it as a hub to Asia. Few of them have visas because they neither live nor work there - they just pass through regularly - just as I do.

    As far as I can determine I (and they) am going to be negatively affected by all this.

    I was going to buy a house and invest quite a bit of money in Thailand. The changes to the administration of the company laws killed the house idea and unless something changes radically and Toxin gets the boot - I will not be investing in a business either. Its just too <deleted> hard and way too dodgy now.

    Its sad to watch.

    So, What sort of visa should I get that will solve my travel plans problem ? I do not really want to be stranded at Suvarnnabhumi or get a red stamp in my new passport.

    I would like to be able to stopover on a monthly basis on my Europe - Australia runs. This now seems somewhat difficult.


    Dr. Dweeb

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