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Posts posted by DrDweeb

  1. One killed as 'V-Day' eve violence erupts


    Speaking at the Democracy Monument demonstration base, ex-Democrat MP and protest leader Sathit Wongnongtoey claimed that some police officers had taken off their uniforms and donned red shirts to attack Ramkhamhaeng students in front of the university.


    -- Phuket News 2013-12-01

    These Democrats really dare... Even the most unbelievable lie is permitted.

    What a bunch of insane people.

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    The Democrat/Yellow Shirt/PAD thugs are desperate now.

    They have :

    Got students to shoot other students and claim its red shirts.

    Let off fireworks and then tried to claim reds firing RPG's

    Told their supporters to go to the red rally yesterday and create violence against reds on their TV and radio stations.

    Faked and doctored many photos to try to hide the fact they are violent yellow shirt/Democrat/PAD thugs.

    Put out a fake story and photo about Yingluck leaving to South Africa

    Trying to seize media outlets to

    The list goes on and on.

    They are desperate and now are resorting to their normal violence as seen in 2006 and 2008 - they are scum, nothing but disgusting scum.

    The Democrat Party are now finished - not many voted for them before - and now they will get even less. They know now they have to seize power by illegitimate means because nobody will forgive them for what they are doing now.

    rotfl ... that's funny

    • Like 1
  2. And another incorrect and misleading item from the AP article:

    "The protesters' arch enemy Thaksin lives in self-imposed exile to avoid a jail term for a corruption conviction that he contends is politically motivated, but is widely believed to be the real power behind the ruling party."

    His conviction is not for corruption it's for abuse of power which is an entirely different subject. AP always says this and always adds the tag about 'he contends is politically motivated'.

    AP know the details of the charge quite well and it's been pointed out to them before that their words are incorrect and misleading but they never correct their writing.

    The said charge and conviction are not politically motivated, in fact he was found guilty and was given 2 years in jail whilst his own party was the government. He had the chance of appeal but didn't appeal.

    He didn't even defend himself in the case!

    The facts of the case are not in dispute. Thaksin's defence was that what took place (land deal with the government and his wife and therefore also him by extension) was not covered in his specific case. His argument that the owner of the land was not in fact the government (that would be illegal). It was a government owned body of some sort (excuse my lack of details). His defence rested on a previous court decision where the court ruled that this very government body was in fact not the government.

    The court in this case decided that the previous decision didn't count or was just wrong, and found Thaksin guilty. End of.

    Thaksin has nothing to appeal about, because there are no material facts that are in dispute. I think the case in which he was convicted was the first case tried because it was a slam dunk.

  3. What on earth are these people trying to do to their own country.Have some common sense and call it of before you destroy it.

    At least they're not burning it down.

    Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    What on earth has that got to do with my post.

    Have you considered what Thaksin and PTP have done to their own country?

    Millions of tons of unsaleable rice in storage costing millions of baht every day just to sit there and now unable to pay the farmers that grew it.

    A plan to put every Thai in debt for generations with ill conceived ideas for High Speed Trains, a massive water control budget with no direction, massive corruption at all levels and you ask that question?.

    My gf family have received exactly zero THB for their rice. It was harvested several weeks ago and no money in sight.

    I wonder how long Thaksin & PTP support can withstand them stiffing the poor like this?

    The farmers are completely ignorant of the financial mchinations of what the PTP and their cronies are setting them up for in the future, but if the farmers get hungy enough, they might be pushed into something very ugly and the Reds could easily find themselves consumed by their own.

    Slightly wishful thinking, but not completely out of the question and would be poetic justice.

    • Like 1
  4. Sticking to the law, the intent of it, the logic behind it and compassion ?

    All that blethering about the languages the girl speaks, whats up with you guys ?

    It goes to the credibility of the mother who, as family has stated ... "The family maintains that ... Im has lived in Denmark for approximately half her life, does not speak Thai,"

    Many of us are saying that, a child who has lived half their life in Thailand and by the age of 3 1/2 would have a fair comprehension of her native language, having been surrounded by it from birth.

    In fact, the language issue goes to the heart of the matter. Local language proficiency is a heavily weighted factor when determining the level (or lack) of integration an individual has attained. Loss of mother tongue similarly weighs in favour of being allowed to stay in the adopted country. The message being sent by the lawyer here is carefully curated - make no mistake of this fact.

    This is by no means unique to Denmark. I remember many years ago an Australian lawyer acquaintance was arguing before the court a deportation case - she lost. A very compelling factor in the outcome was that the individual had simply never learned to speak English, despite more than a decade in Australia. Since he still had his mother toungue, he was not able to claim there would be issues were he deported to his homeland.

  5. My point here is that if a nation grants probationary partner- or family supported resident permits, this shouldn't - and in most countries doesn't - alter an initial decision to grant probational residency.

    For instance, numerous immigrants are granted probational residency in UK based on relationship or as relatives. Should UK deport those who immigrated on these conditions if the settled relative or partner suddenly dies? Of course not. And this is also the majority of nations in Europe manage immigration matters like this.

    In this situation, we may curtail (cancel) your former partner's permission to stay in the UK. However, this will not automatically happen if the basis of their stay has changed - for example, they may qualify for permission to stay on a different basis, or there may be other compassionate or relevant reasons why it would not be appropriate to curtail their stay.

    One of the more interesting cases from a legal perspective is when a partner enters UK as a partner to a UK citizen and later becomes subject to criminal acts (rape, domestic violence etc.) by the UK citizen. If the partnership ends should the immigrating partner now be deported because the conditions no longer applies?

    When I read a few posters and their opinions - to which they are fully entitled, of course - I get the impression the money factor triggers the reptile brains.


    There can be numerous reasons why a relationship fails. Of course, the fact that a husband dies, leading to an instant deportation can be good for the husband's life expectancy.

    I.e. Never tell your Thai wife in Thailand if you have a big life insurance policy.

    Thing is, for all the cynical behaviour that does go on to obtain visas and access, to slam down on someone who had apparently done nothing wrong and only been caught up in this due to personal tragedy seems incredibly harsh.

    I haven't bothered to see what has been written in the Danish press on this matter, however one should be aware that there is exactly one message being communicated here. To wit, the message that the family's lawyer wishes to send. A message designed to garner sympathy and support. Newspapers like to carry this sort of soppy human interest story because it sells. It is hardly investigative journalsim and this sort of story rarely descends to balance.

    Things are rarely as simple as they seem at first flush, and it behooves the independent observer to remind him/herself of that before taking a position.

    I can easily construct any number of scenarios completely consistent with the information we have from this article, that would have the entire body of Thai Visa commentards on the barricades demanding her immediate deportation.

  6. Well, I am bi-lingual, was married to a bi-lingual woman and I have a bi-lingual daughter. My daughter is equally fluent in both languages and has been since birth. There was a short period (months) where she steadfastly refused to speak English, but that was a passing phase.

    The probability that the Thai child does not speak Thai with her mother is close to zero.

    The probability that the child speaks Danish is 1. (For people who have never witnessed it first hand, you would be amazed how quickly a 4 year old picks up a new language!)

    In any case, I actually know a lot about multi lingual children first (my own) and second (a large number of my wife's students) hand . Having been married to an ESL teacher for a long time, had the opportunity to read her various texts on the subject of multi-lingualism (is that actually a word?).

    The bottom line is it is almost inconceivable that the child does not speak Thai. Claim whatever you want, the majority of posters here know better.

    No, you're wrong. The correct statement is that a majority of posters here THINK they know better when in fact they are speculating and making assumptions.

    "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so - Mark Twain"

    The scientific community is well familiar with this issue; linguistic abilities are commonly delayed for children in multilingual environments. If you want to learn more of the issues related to speech development in multilingual environments I suggest you start here: http://linguistlist.org/ask-ling/biling.cfm#delayed

    Or here: http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/plc/clpp/bibliogs/CLDiMS.html

    My child refuses to speak our native language. My son just turns his back on me when I speak my language to him -- what should I do?

    As Professor Ruuskanen says, it is common for a child brought up in a place with a strong community language to reject a minority one. My own daughter, starting in a trilingual household, rejected everything but English when she was 2. When this happens it is because we have failed to provide the need for the language. In deciding on your reaction, you need think about your relationship with the child as well as about your desire for them to learn a language. My husband felt that he valued his relationship with her more than his language, and switched to English. Other people stick it out and sometimes the child ends up with a good knowledge. All of us have to accept that we cannot control our children's life experiences. They will be their own people and make their own life which will be different from our lives, and which will not be as we envisaged their lives would be. Accepting language shift is part of accepting generational differences. Don't try to control the environment too much, and if things go wrong, be accepting. Other things matter much more.

    But apparently "the majority of posters here know better"...?

    I have to be honest ... you appear to be clutching at straws more like it ... defending the indefensible position. Just let it go and acknowledge that you made an error ... it honestly doesn't hurt ... thumbsup.gif


    So, thus far, on review, you have acclaimed to be Danish (in spirit ... as you have not affirmed your place of birth, though noted that you speak 3 or 4 languages and have worked in over 20 countries ... quite a man of the world from that self description), an Immigration Expert, and a now a Linguistic Expert.

    The real Forethat ... please step forward and identify yourself.

    If, for example, you have Thai children, who, by the age of 3 1/2 don't speak Thai ... say so.

    But references to academic articles or papers 'doesn't cut the mustard' ... real life experiences count.

    If you have them ... catalogue your experiences ... if not ... your posts are mute ... and just quietly ... both you and I know that ... rolleyes.gif

    I don't want to be the "spelling nazi", but the word you are looking for is "moot".

    "Mute" means to silence something, while "moot" means no practical relevance.

    I seem to have seen this error several times lately :(

  7. Shame on Denmark for this treatment.

    I bet if crown princess Mary's husband died she wouldn't be sent back to Tasmania with the kids.

    Sent from my LG-E612 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    We don't want her back.

    "Cruel, but fair"

    But seriously, Maz id not a bad lass. I even excuse her for the "Hof dansk" she speaks (double entendre for the danish speaker) - it is a requirement for her.

    She has changed a lot since when I first met her - they put her in "princess training" for over a year before she got hitched with The Prince. It is likely her current attitudes and demeanor might not integrate well in Tassie.

    Her dad on the other hand is a cracking bloke. I shared quite a few beers with him one evening talking rugby.

  8. My point here is that if a nation grants probationary partner- or family supported resident permits, this shouldn't - and in most countries doesn't - alter an initial decision to grant probational residency.

    For instance, numerous immigrants are granted probational residency in UK based on relationship or as relatives. Should UK deport those who immigrated on these conditions if the settled relative or partner suddenly dies? Of course not. And this is also the majority of nations in Europe manage immigration matters like this.

    In this situation, we may curtail (cancel) your former partner's permission to stay in the UK. However, this will not automatically happen if the basis of their stay has changed - for example, they may qualify for permission to stay on a different basis, or there may be other compassionate or relevant reasons why it would not be appropriate to curtail their stay.

    One of the more interesting cases from a legal perspective is when a partner enters UK as a partner to a UK citizen and later becomes subject to criminal acts (rape, domestic violence etc.) by the UK citizen. If the partnership ends should the immigrating partner now be deported because the conditions no longer applies?

    When I read a few posters and their opinions - to which they are fully entitled, of course - I get the impression the money factor triggers the reptile brains.

    The laws in Denmark were tightened multiple times, so is hard to keep track.

    One area specifically targeted was "arranged marriages" which are absolutely rampant in the now very substantial muslim immigrant community (an unintegrated shower of ... if ever there were one).

    This problem is real and substantial in the aforementioned group.

    However, since one cannot legislate against a specific ethnic group, the laws were framed in a way as to limit the possibilities, based on the demographics of the people generally involved.

    There were a number of unintended side effects, this case being one of many.

    Being the spouse of a Dane, does not attach very many rights. Danes are not actually good targets for bargirls for this reason (and that was part of the intent of the laws), because even if they snare one and get married in Denmark, a long time needs to pass before they can acquire the right to stay in Denmark (almost a decade these days I think). In my experience, Thai bar girls normally don't work with a planning horizon of a decade. The intended function of the immigration law is just that, to discourage abuse of the system.

    In this particular case, based on the little information in the article, it would appear that the Thai in question despite being apparently well integrated and functioning within Danish society, is legally indistinguishable from a bargirl who got lucky to score someone to look after her, and got unlucky because he died too soon. The now more strict laws exist because the "liberal" laws were roundly abused previously by specific ethnic groups. There are always edge cases, there is no sense getting up in arms about it. In any case, the court is considering the case, so it is not like they have been cuffed and escorted to TG951.

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  9. My daughter is equally fluent in both languages and has been since birth.

    This has to be some sort of record..?

    You obviously don't speak English.

    "Since birth" as used in this context is a turn of phrase, not a statement of chronological fact. A native English speaker would be instantly aware of this.

    Oh, maybe that was an attempt at sarcasm?

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  10. The article doesn't state the age of the father that died and the cause of death of death was cancer so that he could have been any age. However, we all know that Thai women marry elderly Western men because they know they will die sooner rather than later. Indeed, I personally know such people.

    I once met a girl who immediately told me that I wasn't her type. Next, I heard she was getting married to a much more elderly Danish man (yes, he was also a Dane). A few months later when I enquired about her marriage, she told me that her husband had died, but declined to answer how or of what cause. Seh made out that she had been very sad, but was getting over it. Sad, my foot...overjoyed more like it to milk the cow so soon.

    Then, I knew after that that the reason I wasn't probably her type was that I was too healthy.

    So, in some ways, I think the Danish court's decision isprobbaly justified. we all know they scam the Danish welfare state. They should be deported.

    Out of curiosity, do you know if Denmark practices conditional residential permits or visas? For instance, in UK a person can be granted such visa. It basically means the partner agrees to support the immigrant financially. The result here is that the sponsor assumes all financial responsibility.

    There was a post further back by a Dane which, had you read it, would have answered that question.

    The law changed very recently and I don't know the current details, but previously as a Dane marrying a foreigner, the bottom line was that the wife had no rights to live in Denmark. The Danish spouse had to sign on the dotted line and lodge a deposit, plus lots of other PITA paperwork and obligations!

    I know of a case personally, where an Australian went to Denmark and ended up marrying a Dane. Had two kids. After a decade, but while the kids were still young, he went back to Australia for a decade - let the kids experience being Australian as well. Getting back into Denmark was a Kafkaesque circus. He had exactly ZERO rights and had to prove that he had a greater relationship with Denmark than Australia - note: Having a Danish wife and Danish children carries zero weight in this matter. He was subsequently allowed to re-enter the country and resume a normal life for the following reason. His working life in Australia after leaving school until he went to Denmark was slight less than 1 month less than the period he had lived in Denmark. Due to an absolute fluke of travel arrangements, he got to stay in Denmark (he lives down the road from me still).

    Trust me, you can't make this stuff up.

  11. Something about this story can not be true!

    I do not believe that the little girl can't speak Thai? Half of her life in Denmark, and she is 7 years old now ,, In fact that means that she was leaving Thailand when she was 3,5 Year old ? I'm Danish, and have a Thai son, when my boy was 3,5 Year old he spoke fluent Thai. Also I have many friends with kids living both in Thailand or Denmark,, I never saw or met one who could not speak Thai ,, Every Thai-mother will always speak Thai to her baby!

    Anyway ,, I don't like the Danish system,,, In Denmark we are screaming for babyes because we are getting to many older people to take care of ,, And when we have a chance to get some people in,, we just kick them out !!

    The child will speak Thai/Lao. Anyone who says otherwise is daft.

    No you are wrong. Very very wrong. I have pointed this out numerous times but I'll do it again:

    You need to do a little reading on the topic of "Speech Delay" and pay attention to stuff like bi- and multilingualism.

    Making assumptions and refer to perfectly reasonable arguments as "daft" really is...daft.

    Well, I am bi-lingual, was married to a bi-lingual woman and I have a bi-lingual daughter. My daughter is equally fluent in both languages and has been since birth. There was a short period (months) where she steadfastly refused to speak English, but that was a passing phase.

    The probability that the Thai child does not speak Thai with her mother is close to zero.

    The probability that the child speaks Danish is 1. (For people who have never witnessed it first hand, you would be amazed how quickly a 4 year old picks up a new language!)

    In any case, I actually know a lot about multi lingual children first (my own) and second (a large number of my wife's students) hand . Having been married to an ESL teacher for a long time, had the opportunity to read her various texts on the subject of multi-lingualism (is that actually a word?).

    The bottom line is it is almost inconceivable that the child does not speak Thai. Claim whatever you want, the majority of posters here know better.

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  12. Imagine the coinage that could be made from doing LH drive conversions to all the RH drive vehicles on the road in Thailand. Me thinks the dishonourable minister is just testing the water for a potential business opportunity.

    The mind boggles when you consider the logistical nightmare of moving and rewording all the traffic signs and then re-routing all the entry/exits to motorways etc . The only thing that wouldn't need changing is the U-Turns and one-way streets - whoops, maybe have to change the direction of the one-ways, but it wouldn't be that noticeable anyway. (on a side note, I'm currently visiting my son in Sydney and he keeps laughing at me for looking both ways before I cross a one-way street.)

    But wait......maybe the minister just wants to convert all the cars to LH drive but just keep driving on the left! Ah.....problem solved "Thai style".

    It has been done before, but in a country slightly better organised than Thailand.


    That being said, it is the stupidist news article I have read today.

  13. Calling the entire red event terrorism was a legal stretch anyway.

    Pursuing Thaksin on terrorism charge was always going to be difficult issue. Could you imagine if Thailand had actually convicted him of terrorism, so that the current incumbent prime minister would have been the sister of a convicted terrorist? She wouldn't be able to meet half the worlds' politicians and leaders. As ludicrous as Thailand can appear on the global stage, that would have been a step to far.

    She would have gone around telling the world, yes, they convicted my brother for apparently organising people to burn down a shopping centre, and that puts my brother up there with Osama Bin Laden

    Well, he was convicted of fraud* and then did a runner. That he is a felon fugitive doesn't seem to have put a dent in her activities! She is after all just a wandering photo-op.

    He is a convicted crook and bailjumper and Yingluck is a bagman promoted by TS to be his sockpuppet. It is all so tawdry that it defies belief - but hey, welcome to Thailand!

    *Interestingly Thaksin's defense was not that he didn't do it, but that it wasn't actually against the law. The court grew some, overturned their previous position on a technical matter (as is the courts prerogative) and decided his feeble explanation was worthy of contempt and slammed him. AFAIK 7 other similar cases are awaiting his return for trial. Justice might get him in the end.

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  14. The majority of senators clarified that although they support the infrastructure development projects which will be boons to the nation's economic growth, they still have concerns over various issues such as the Government's ability to pay off the debt, the project's investment return, and a lack of transparency.

    So why did these senators vote for this bill if they felt it was somewhat problematical?

    Was it part of the condition of their stipend payments, is it because they sense a new commission scheme coming into operation from which they will benefit from or are they totally without a moral or ethical soul or the mental capability to see past their noses?

    this is the beginning of a total financial disaster for Thailand and the lighting of the fuse of to the bomb of debt bondage for its peoples.

    If they voted favorably, it could be because those senators see that investment in infrastructure is a good thing for the country, and that they see it as a necessity to compete with other countries, and that they see it as an improvement for the Thai people, and that it will be good for the economy, and that they realize that enough time has been lost...

    They might be concerned by the debt and raise the question, but apparently they see the need to "do" something, rather than to just keep Thailand in the past eternally...


    Sent from my iPhone...

    That's the funniest, least insightful thing I have read today.

    Let the feeding frenzy begin. Bankruptcy 101 coming soon to a theatre near you.

  15. Abbott and Yingluk together now there is a combination. I bet she walks away shaking her head thinking who on gods earth was that tool. He will actually be making her look very good on the political stage.

    another Abbott hater sooking over the loss of Dud and his party...colour me gloating!!! lol

    Australians have a habit of votiing for dreadful Liberal leaders out of spite for labour not out of love for their country.

    Usually it is an act of desperation to escape from the dross Labor clowns that they inadvertently voted in after a long period of boredom with competent but astoundingly dull Liberal politicos.

  16. "The Saturn is approaching Rahu in the Tula zodiac, which is aimed at Mesa zodiac," Mr. Boonlert said, "This portends a great chaos in Bangkok".

    Of course it is. Thank goodness for amulets.

    Hmm .. I know someone who has an impressive collection of crucifixes. I think it would be illogical and exceedingly unfair to claim (or imply) that she is a nutter for collecting these objects, or in fact to infer she is even a Christian.

    Who gives a FF if the Former Thai PM collects fortune cookies, amulets or pictures of Che Guevara? It is irrelevant.

    I have noticed a lot of people are blind to their own illogical fallacies - most caused by their irrational hatred of something or other. Sad that there are so many to be seen around TV.

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  17. Mr. Prompong Nopparit, the spokesman of the ruling Pheu Thai Party, said the apocalyptic prediction of 8 October is "unscientific". About the only sensible thing he's said in ages, but Thaksin fell for it and commented on FB about it.

    A pic there of two deeply despised leaders, who can claim 'people's mandate' but are wholly unsuitable for a variety of reasons.

    Fair suck of the sauce bottle mate. Abbott hasn't even warmed the seat of power yet, so describing him as a "deeply despised" leader is rather over the top. And like it or not, Australia has a pretty stable, long running democracy and the people really didn't want K.Rudd or his predecessor (who indeed managed to become even more unpopular than Keating did in his day - quite an achievement that).

    As for Yingluck, well she is just a sock puppet worthy of nothing but contempt for just that.

    • Like 1
  18. Why is an assault a non criminal charge?

    Thai law can be mysterious. Like when a speeding charge in connection with vehicular manslaughter of a policeman has a 2 year statute of limitations. I wonder if the vehicular manslaughter of a police officer charge also has a statute of limitations. I cite these very different cases to highlight surprising aspects of the law and legal system.

    I did learn one thing from that other case. The first thing I will do if ever pulled over for DUI is immediately grab a bottle of whiskey and guzzle. That way, they could not prove I was drunk before or after I was pulled over. I wonder if I could pull that off in another country? Obviously, if in custody you would need a mate to slip you one but it might be possible.

    Correct. In most western jurisdictions of which I am personally aware, leaving the scene is a guarantee that a DUI charge will not stick for exactly that reason, you could have gone home and had a shot to calm your nerves. Of course leaving the scene of an accident is also against the law, so that one will stick (can't have it both ways). So it is not at all a "thai" thing.

  19. Hi,

    Glad all onboard are safe.

    Speculation is inevitable, particularly on websites around the globe. No real problem with that as the facts will be known in due course.

    Birds activity is a know threat at this airport. Bad weather is a threat at any airport. Technical issues are a threat to any aircraft. Fatigue is a threat to any operation. Lots of potential factors can spoil your day as both a crew member and passenger.

    Directional control can occur for many reasons, and can be a challenge on both take off and landing. It may be caused by asymmetric reverse thrust, tyre, brake or gear failure, engine failure or excessive control inputs.

    Modern aircraft are however generally very reliable and system failure happens fairly infrequently.

    Weather exists and changes on a daily basis and therefore poses some major challenges to a crew. Wet runway surfaces are generally not a problem in day to day operations and the landing distance required when compared to a dry runway are virtually identical if the correct techniques are employed. The problems arise when the runway surface becomes contaminated and that is a real threat on both take off and landing as 3 types of aquaplaning can occur which all have an effect on directional control.

    The preferred runway for landing in Bangkok Is either 01L or 19R. The runway surface is grooved so it makes sense to land here if you have a contaminated runway surface. The safest course of action however is to delay the approach if the threat negatively affects flight safety.

    The problems the crew will face are numerous, but major issues include getting an accurate depth of contaminant on the runway surface and getting a reliable braking action report as its impossible for a vehicle on the ground to replicate the landing speeds used by large aircraft. A good source of information if available would be a pilot report from a preceding landing aircraft of comparable aircraft type.

    Pitch attitude on landing can be affected by flap setting which may result in nose wheel contact with the runway first which is obviously undesirable. It may well have been a training flight which again can cause potential problems if intervention is not carried out in a timely manner.

    And after all your blah, what do you say now!


    How about......"Well done Captain, Brilliant job...........shame about the PR team and "why are the two guys that changed the nose wheel assembly last, both nowhere to be found?" (That last bit is a joke by the way wink.png )

    That is an astonishing level of damage to the runway. I would have thought that the runway of an international airport would be the highest quality of concrete possible.

    And the principle parts of a landing gear would be either aluminum or magnesium, with the exception of the main piston which of course would be steel. I would think that dragging aluminum or magnesium down a runway would not affect it all all. So would these grooves be created by the nose gear or the main gear ?? I am getting so confused by all the stories being spun out by Thai airways...


    Have you ever seen a magnesium fire, or know the characteristics of one?

    I would think that magnesium is the very last metal you would want to be using, however if you can cite a reference I would be happy to read it

  20. Wow, just caught this on Fox News. The anchor said that upon the accident, teams of employees rushed to the plane........to try and cover up the logos on the tail with spay paint. Not to rescue or help passengers, but to try to hide the plane's identity. How dumb a you get? The anchor said to possibly protect the dignity of the company.

    Typical Thailand!

    First you post a quarter billion dollar loss and now you continue to have accidents and attempt to save face? Come on!!

    Fox News - one of the great oxymorons of modern times.

  21. Whoops !Interesting comment on Pprune
    A Thai Airways official, Smud Poom-on, said that blurring the logo after an accident was a recommendation from Star Alliance known as the "crisis communication rule", meant to protect the image of both the airline and other members of Star Alliance.

    Well it has not worked as most newspapers are now using this event as part of the story and Thai Airways features in all the headlines.

    Indeed it hasn't.The Times (UK) has a frontpage story about the incident, specifically regarding the blacking out of the TG logo.It says "How not to handle a corporate crsis:lesson number one".

    Sorry can't link because of paywall.

    Incidentally the moronic TG spokesman who put this idiocy down to Star Alliance policy is either a liar or devoid of all commonsense.Star Alliance members include serious airlines like SQ,ANZ, Lufthansa and United - none of which would makle fools of themselves (crappy landing apart) in this all too typical and revealing Thai Inter way

    Well, if you had bothered to look at the previous posted pictures, you would have seen the SK aircraft that crash landed in Sweden some years ago, completely devoid of the SAS logo.

    Facts 1 : You 0

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