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Mac Mickmanus

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Everything posted by Mac Mickmanus

  1. Donald is trying to avoid USA justice so hes hiding someone where the Police cannot find him , I've heard that he's hiding out in Northern England somewhere
  2. Clicking on the link just takes you to the Daily mail page and not the actual story
  3. Why would Trump want to meet Humza ? Trump is there on business and a holiday , he would have no reason to meet Humza
  4. Although he should have chosen a more responsible way than going under a train
  5. Donald has a reverse speech impediment , instead of stuttering and saying Gr gr gr gr Grandfather , he did the opposite and just said "Father" , instead of Grandfather and what he meant to say was that his Grandfather was born in Germany
  6. Fascists were an Italian Political Party in the 1940's Trump was never their leader . (They may not have accepted people with bone spur issues ?)
  7. This guy ? He was found guilty of murder https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theerasak_Longji
  8. This story is about Trump going to Scotland this week , this story isn't about Trumps foot 50 odd years ago .
  9. From Wiki : Raised fist The raised fist, or the clenched fist, is a long-standing image of mixed meaning, often a symbol of political solidarity. It is also a common symbol of anti-fascism, socialism, communism, anarchism, and other revolutionary social movements. It can also represent a salute to express unity, strength, or resistance. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raised_fist#:~:text=The raised fist%2C or the,unity%2C strength%2C or resistance.
  10. I was being sarcastic . What I meant to say was that its not a Thai or felang thing . Quite often both Thais and felangs don't always own up to any mistakes they make
  11. If only the felangs could be like the Thais and own up to any mistakes they make when driving . Thais usually say, "Officer, it was all my fault and I take all the blame for my bad driving and I will happily pay for all the damage I caused "...........................................
  12. Is bar fining still a thing these days ? Since iphones came out , these days its swap contact details and "call ya later" and cut the middleman/barfine out of the equation
  13. Interesting to see which bars make a profit and how
  14. Does your bar make a profit ?
  15. There's an endless supply of foreigners going to Pattaya to buy bars and "live the dream" of alcohol and Females and sunshine
  16. I expect Donald will still remember his trip to Scotland in two weeks time though and wont need a three year old kid to remind him he went
  17. Thats another lie told by Donald Trump Aberdeen isn't his home , so "its great to be home" is a lie because it isn't his home 40 000 lies he has told now
  18. Its not a case of being envious , we just don't think that its a good idea . How many bars in Pattaya have closed down ? The profitable bars will probably have regular customers , you would need to start a bar with regular customers as it will take a long time to build up a ...cant think of the word
  19. If you just want property prices and rent and you don't want anyone's opinion, then property websites would be a better place to look
  20. Look on property websites or websites where businesses are sold if all you want is purchase price and rent
  21. Fox report the news and the news of that day and not everything revolves around who is the current POTUS. Fox news reported about the then new Delta Covid strain and how many deaths it caused , It really wasn't necessary for them to state that Biden was POTUS at the time
  22. I was replying to your claim that it wasn't reported in the right wing media and my Fox news link to the story is off topic and I cannot re-post it again to show my claim is correct
  23. No they didn't do that . I am not allowed to post a link as its off topic
  24. Fox news did report it at the time .
  25. How many beers would you need to sell to make 3000 Baht per day profit ?
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